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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 4, 2023

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Where is “p”?

Sorry. I ended up using "x" in the actual math. I've edited the post to be correct

I’m gonna need a template for these equations

You might find the Modern portfolio theory article more useful or even his original paper (scihub). If you want a quick explanation

  1. We can approximate any reasonable utility function using a second-order Taylor series
  2. We can approximate investments as normal distributions
  3. The expected value of a 2nd order polynomial normal random variable, X, equals (up to linear transformation) E[X] - e * Var[X], where e is a parameter determined by the 2nd order polynomial and the normal distribution
  4. Therefore, we can approximate the problem of "choose an optimal portfolio" as "choose the portfolio that optimize E[X] - e*Var[X]
  5. Once we've made that leap, we can use the properties of expected value and variance to convert (a) a vector of expected values and (b) a covariance matrix of returns into an optimal portfolio

Obviously, the usual caveat applies: all models are wrong, some are useful.

[ Edit: in case it wasn't clear, I'm saying a wealth tax is better than a capital gains tax in that it doesn't distort risk-taking while a capital gains tax does]

So a 99 % capital gains tax results in everyone investing in stocks?

Yeah. Note: people would probably save less, but what the people are saving would be invested in stocks rather than bonds in this model.

I call bullshit on that. A 100% tax on everything right now is more distortionary.

Sure. I mean that according to ivory-tower theory, even a 1% capital gains tax now is equivalent to a 100% tax on far-future consumption. A 1% tax on labor income or current-consumption doesn't have that pathology.

But we have welfare, and the income tax isn’t flat. You’re very theoretical today.

Right, my main point is that, contrary to textbooks, I don't think poll taxes are actually non-distortionary. I think a poll tax (and its opposite: welfare) is distortionary.

Ignoring the motivating effect of hunger, of course.

What do you mean?

A wealth tax reduces returns by k:

x = ((A-k) - (i-k)) / (2ekkB) = (A - i) / (2ekB)

I think there’s an error here. The k subtracts itself in the numerator, so the two k’s stay in the denominator, unlike in the cap gains equation.

in case it wasn't clear, I'm saying a wealth tax is better than a capital gains tax in that it doesn't distort risk-taking while a capital gains tax does

Vast layers of misunderstandings keep peeling off, yet your position remains as inscrutable as ever. Didn't you (wrongly, see above) determine that the equation was the same : ' x = (A - i) / (2ekB)' for both? So why is risk tolerance increased for cap gains tax and not for the wealth tax?

I want to distort risk-taking, I think we would all tremendously benefit from a 90% reduction in financial risk aversion of the average citizen. By the lights of MPT, shouldn’t we collectively expect a higher return on all our investments if risk aversion went down?

Yeah. Note: people would probably save less, but what the people are saving would be invested in stocks rather than bonds in this model.

I think that discredits the model. They’re not going to take all the equity risk for 1% of the equity premium, they’re supposed to be loss averse.

Sure. I mean that according to ivory-tower theory, even a 1% capital gains tax now is equivalent to a 100% tax on far-future consumption.

This is a useless extrapolation theory.

I think a poll tax (and its opposite: welfare) is distortionary.

Welfare is not the opposite of a poll tax, it’s a progressive tax that goes into the negative. Regardless, how is a poll tax distortionary?

I think there’s an error here

Yeah, my bad. It should read

x = ((A-k) - (i-k)) / (2eB) = (A - i) / (2eB)

So, my conclusion remains: the wealth tax doesn't affect the allocation into stocks, while the capital gains tax does. This also explains your second point: the two conclusions are no longer the same.

I want to distort risk-taking, I think we would all tremendously benefit from a 90% reduction in financial risk aversion of the average citizen.

Do you believe venture capitalists and the startups they fund are net-bad for society? I think they're (a) net-positive and (b) the platonic ideal of high-risk-taking, so I don't think we want to discourage risk-taking in general. I do think you can argue that leverage should be discouraged more, but I don't think a capital-gains-versus-wealth tax is the appropriate tool to do that, even if you insist on using taxes rather than regulations. For instance, you can remove the interest tax deduction.

By the lights of MPT, shouldn’t we collectively expect a higher return on all our investments if risk aversion went down?

I don't see how MPT implies this. This sounds like you're "reasoning from a price change" - i.e. what matters isn't that risk is reduced - what matters is how it was reduced.

This is a useless extrapolation theory.

Hence my use of the term "ivory tower" :p

Welfare is not the opposite of a poll tax, it’s a progressive tax that goes into the negative

Just to make sure we're on the same page - you're saying welfare is a "progressive tax that goes into the negative". A poll tax is a fixed sum demanded regardless of income.

You can decompose any tax system as the union of

  • some amount of welfare you give to a household that makes zero income
  • some function that, given a dollar amount tells you the marginal tax rate

In this sense, welfare and poll taxes are opposites:

  • Welfare is when the government gives money from people with no income.
  • Poll taxes are when the government takes money from people with no income. (albeit with some implication that the marginal tax rate is always zero)

how is a poll tax distortionary?

Well, if you want math - suppose my utility function is

U = ln(wage * labor) - labor

dU/dLabor = 1/labor - 1

∴ labor = 1

With a poll tax

U = ln(wage * labor - poll_tax) - labor

dU/dLabor = wage/(wage * labor - poll_tax) - labor

∴ labor = 1 + poll_tax / wage

So, in this model, a poll tax would cause me to work more.

If you want a story: consider someone who barely makes enough to survive - a poll tax would force them to work more hours to continue surviving.

And it keeps going, more layers of misunderstandings.

x = ((A-k) - (i-k)) / (2eB) = (A - i) / (2eB)

So, my conclusion remains: the wealth tax doesn't affect the allocation into stocks, while the >capital gains tax does. This also explains your second point: the two conclusions are no longer the same.

So your math was incorrect, but luckily you interpreted it wrong, so by being doubly wrong you went all the way to being right again?

And what happened to the k’s now, why did you remove them from the denominator? You previously used them to justify “As taxes go up, k shrinks from 1 towards 0, which makes x increase. Therefore, capital gains taxes cause increased risk tolerance. “

By that logic, and assuming the equations are worth a damn, the wealth tax also causes increased risk tolerance. More even, since you have two k’s in the denominator going to zero.

Do you believe venture capitalists and the startups they fund are net-bad for society? I think they're (a) net-positive and (b) the platonic ideal of high-risk-taking, so I don't think we want to discourage risk-taking in general.

Another misunderstanding. Man, I am in favour of risk, from the beginning. Between low-risk/low-return and high-risk/high-return, I choose high every time. Personally, and macroeconomically. I said people should be less risk averse, ie, take more risk. I could rail against insurance companies and the giant societal loss they represent all day. They prey on the irrational fears of people to the tune of trillions of dollars annually. But that’s besides the point.

To be 100% clear, no, I do not believe VC and startups are net-bad for society at all.

what matters isn't that risk is reduced - what matters is how it was reduced.

I am not talking about a reduction in risk, but a reduction in risk aversion. An investor with less risk aversion (ie, willing to take more risk) could expect higher returns, correct? I’m just applying this to all investors in the economy.

Just to make sure we're on the same page - you're saying welfare is a "progressive tax that goes into the negative". A poll tax is a fixed sum demanded regardless of income.

Yes, and yes.

Your progressive tax depends on your income. When your income is low enough, instead of paying the tax, you get welfare. So it’s the ‘negative side’ of the progressive tax. Your progressive tax becomes a payment to you.

The poll tax is not distortionary, because nothing you do matters. You can work or not work, you’re still on the hook for the same poll tax, 100 dollars or whatever. The progressive tax( including welfare), takes from you if you work and gives to you if you don’t. Whether that is good or bad is another issue, but it definitely distorts your behaviour more.

So, in this model, a poll tax would cause me to work more.

Any tax in this model is distortionary. We’re talking relative distortionaryness.

If you want a story: consider someone who barely makes enough to survive - a poll tax would force them to work more hours to continue surviving.

That’s what I referred to above : “ignoring the motivating effects of hunger”.

So your math was incorrect, but luckily you interpreted it wrong, so by being doubly wrong you went all the way to being right again?

No. I did the math on a piece of paper correctly and copied it wrong.

And what happened to the k’s now, why did you remove them from the denominator?

Because a wealth tax doesn't affect the variance of post-tax returns.

By that logic, and assuming the equations are worth a damn, the wealth tax also causes increased risk tolerance.

I've been arguing this whole time that

  1. A wealth tax doesn't affect risk tolerance
  2. A capital gains tax reduces risk tolerance

So it does, indeed, follow that, relative to a capital gains tax, a wealth tax increases risk tolerance.

Any tax in this model is distortionary.

Incorrect. A flat tax (without any poll tax or welfare) is non-distortionary in that model.


U = ln((1 - tax_rate) * wage * labor) - labor

U = ln(1 - tax_rate) + ln(wage) + ln(labor) - labor

dU/dLabor = 1/labor - 1

so labor = 1

all independent of tax_rate

I've been arguing this whole time that

  1. A wealth tax doesn't affect risk tolerance
  2. A capital gains tax reduces risk tolerance

Have you??? Then why does your model predict that a 99% cap gains tax cause people to put everything in stocks instead of bonds? You literally said 'capital gains taxes cause increased risk tolerance.'

Sorry - my brain farts have been real during this exchange, and I honestly wouldn't blame you for just concluding I'm a dullard and not worth your time - if it quacks like a duck...

I believe capital gains taxes cause people to move more of their wealth into risky assets, so I believe they effectively increase people's risk tolerance.

Ah whatever, we’re all dullards. It’s just that I felt you were trying to Euler me, and your errors are not encouraging me to change my priors in future discussions that involve equations I don’t quite grasp. However, you’ve been nothing but graceful and civil, so let me try one equation.

U = ln(wage * labor - poll_tax) - labor

Why is the poll tax wedged in that parenthesis? It has nothing to do with labor or wage, it should be outside.

I believe the following is a more traditional view of poll taxes in mathematical form:

Let U be the daily utility function of a worker

Let W be the hourly wage in utils for work performed.

Let L be the labour in hours

Let I be the utility gained from idleness, hourly

(16-L being the hours in the day where he’s not working, not sleeping.)

U = W * L + I * (16 – L)

dU/dL = W – I

So the higher his wage, and the less he enjoys idleness, the more he will work.

Add in a poll tax to his utility function , and you get:

U = W * L + I * (16 – L) – poll_tax

the poll tax disappears in the derivative, and dU/dL = W – I again. Poll tax irrelevant.

Now for the income tax:

U = W * L * (1- income_tax) + I * (16 – L)

dU/dL = W - W * income_tax – I .

The income tax is still there. Increase in income tax results in less labour. Therefore distortionary.

Ah whatever, we’re all dullards.

I appreciate your patiences.

Why is the poll tax wedged in that parenthesis?

Generally, in the optimal tax literature, it is assumed that utility is a function of consumption rather than income. Consumption (in this simple model) is simply your post-tax income, which is

wage * labor - poll_tax

That's why poll_tax is in the parentheses.

Re your model, I agree with your math, but I think my model better matches reality, because it assumes that one's 1,000,001st dollar provides you less happiness than one's 1,001st dollar, while your model assumes they are equally important.

And, sure, using a logarithm is itself somewhat arbitrary, but the result should be pretty stable. For instance, let

  • f be any continuous function such that f' > 0 and f'' < 0
  • g be any continuous function such that g' > 0 and g'' > 0 [note in this case, we assume the second derivative is positive, because there are increasing costs to labor, which is equivalent to saying there are decreasing benefits to free time]
  • let utility be given by

U = f(W * L - poll_tax) - g(L)

We can prove that any poll tax causes equilibrium labor to increase in this model.