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Friday Fun Thread for March 15, 2024

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I mean that something like Foxhole but with Factorio-complex factory gameplay and combat that's more like say, war thunder or Squad (but with lots of AI grunts) would be far more fun.

I see, I'd like to see a game like that too. Don't know about it being more fun though - it does not exist.

There's no commander's map view where he can assign objectives to units

No, it's total anarchy unless you talk people into something, and there are no such in-game tools to coordinate even just your own squad. Randoms, you must wrangle them via text/voice chat. But you can imagine, against such backdrop of chaos, a coordinated group can be insanely effective.

So 'effortless coordination' in comparison to that, and experimentation, since the base assumption is that it must be purely voluntary.

I lost my taste for that kind of game cca 1997.

I think it would surprise you. It's light on individual aim skill, heavy on positioning, flanking, correct tool usage. Digging a key trench or placing tripod MGs correctly can turn a battle. Admittedly short engagement ranges make it all somewhat arcadey, but I'd say most of the time this is not detrimental.