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Small-Scale Question Sunday for March 17, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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  1. Make 52 unique burgers - On track with 12 so far. No surprise, I like burgers. My favorite so far was the Oklahoma onion burger. My wife like the grilled poblano, bacon, and ranch burger best. The best patties so far were short-rib patties from a good local source.

  2. Play board games 52 times - I stopped tracking the number because we play so often that it didn't seem like it would be close. I could go back and count by looking at scoresheets, but I probably won't. Adding Brass: Birmingham has been great, although it definitely does fry the brain to do a full playthrough.

  3. Read 52 books - Not gonna happen. I just don't like reading books enough to knock this out. Better to acknowledge that and read when it strikes me than keep trying to be book-guy.

Running was about goals rather than resolutions, but it's been a mixed bag. January was my highest mileage month ever and I ran 5K and 5-mile personal bests. Unfortunately, I injured my calf and peroneal tendon in the week after the 5-mile race by overdoing it (ran 17 miles the day after the race, ran a 3x3K LT workout on Tuesday, then 14 miles on Wednesday, and it was just too much for me to handle) and have been slowly rehabbing that and working back to 100%. On the bright side, last week was back up over 50 miles and also included a couple good bike efforts on Zwift, so I'm feeling pretty on track even if I'm not where I wanted to be at this point.

Read 52 books - Not gonna happen. I just don't like reading books enough to knock this out. Better to acknowledge that and read when it strikes me than keep trying to be book-guy.

52 is a lot either way, but if you don't care about what books you read I've found you can definitely hit the 1 a week pace with audiobooks (I work with my hands so don't lose anything focusing on something else). Doesn't really work with dense nonfiction but old sci-fi/fantasy books are an easy listen.