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User ID: 501



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User ID: 501

If the person is qualified then I would presume they can apply for those jobs just like any other.

See to me all those cases, dress codes and nationalists, are self consciously wearing it, in direct opposition to the normal clothes they typically wear or understand as normal clothing.

I don’t know much about Scotland but I think you’re underestimating how normal nationalist and other identity based clothing can be. When someone puts on a Celtic or Rangers top in a city where you can get beaten up for walking down the wrong street in the wrong colours he’s making a statement, but football jerseys are still everyday clothing and he might put that top on once or twice a week without thinking much about it (given that it’s also normal for him not to walk down the wrong streets).

You can buy it in Ireland too.

If we're counting the distance from Newfoundland Iceland was still closer to Ireland by about 1100km. There were single battles in Ireland where more Vikings died than the total population of Greenland (6,000), it does seem like it was just easier to send more people to settle Ireland than Canada.

It raises an interesting question about how the Algonquian Indians in Canada were more able to resist viking settlement than the natives of Ireland, Russia, etc.

My first guess would be that Ireland is much closer, the Vikings raiding Ireland already had bases in Scotland and you can see parts of Scotland with the naked eye on a sunny day on the Antrim coast.

The distance would make any big setback or defeat fatal, it’s not like the Vikings in Canada could go seek refuge from Saxon kings or with the Norse in the Hebrides if they lost a battle.

and occupant safety features (seat belts, air bags, crumple zones, etc.)?

Besides thicker clothing and a better helmet wouldn't motorbikes be the same as bikes under this standard?


Unrelated but what is this spelling about? I've seen it a lot but never got the memo.

I think here it's more anti-Western elite than actual pro-Russia, certainly compared to Twitter.

I suppose why do people stan for a country that is clearly an enemy of the west/europe/america

Presumably they don't like the way the West/Europe/America is going and would like to see the current ruling institutions and elites embarrased.

and invading sovereign countries with little justification?

What counts as a justification for war is up for debate. Some people reject the moral view of diplomacy that cares about things like sovereignty and justifications and think that a view based on threats and interests is more realistic. In this view things like a trend of NATO expansion become a trigger for war even if Ukraine didn't actually join NATO or do anything to harm Russia directly, and the only way this war could have been avoided and future wars also is if Western diplomats stop looking at things in idealistic moral terms and start thinking about how to preserve the balance of power.

There is a risk of implying too much about Russia with this model, if Western leaders are all idealists their enemies must be the opposite and therefore Putin is a rational calculator right? I can see someone convincing themselves into the pro-Russia camp this way, but looking at diplomacy in terms of threats and interests means you have to be open to the possibility of people misjudging their interests and the 'Putin made a huge blunder' case has also been made here.

I don't think I've heard of visible satellites before Starlink

There are hundred of visible satellites apparently, though before seeing Starlink I had only ever seen one at a time.

I'm not sure if you could find 4 competing major cities in most countries but there are countries where the capital isn't the biggest city, for example Australia (Canberra), Brazil (Brasilia) Turkey (Ankara).

I don't know much about Spain and Germany but they're pretty decentralised so I'd expect Berlin and Madrid not to be the centre of everything.

I will happily munch on whole tomatoes or baby carrots, which is just as easy as opening a bag of potato chips.

Almost as lazy but much tastier, buy some humous to dip your carrots into. You can make baked potatoes in 10 minutes in the microwave too, slice them open once they're cooked and fill the hole with butter, cheese and pepper.

Bangladesh is already the number 1 source of migrants crossing the Mediterranean into Europe and the 5th overall (most asylum seekers just book a flight iirc). It may be a small number in terms of the total number of Bangladeshi refugees worldwide but it’s still a significant contributor to Europe’s migrant population.

I know Bangladesh is poor but I had to check this because I’ve met plenty of Bangladeshis that don’t fit the description ‘wealthy and powerful’.

There’s less to gain from a political killing. Being cooperative with extradition has a chance of being accepted as the ‘new normal’ and so an effective deterrent in future, political killings can’t be scaled up for every domestic enemy unless you want to bring things to a crisis.

Sowell’s autobiography also has a cool story about him beating up a mugger on the subway.

Slavery never caught on in the British isles because they had population in excess;

I learned something new looking this up, that Scotland still had slaves in the coal mines until 1799, but my understanding is that England (and by extension Ireland and Wales) didn’t use slaves domestically simply because it hadn’t been accepted under common law since the 12th century.

slavery is not economical in the face of industrialization, and the British were the most industrialized leading to them being the most anti-slavery

I’ve seen this explanation before but thinking about it now it no longer makes sense to me.

Wasn’t it mostly just the island of Britain itself which lead the word in industrialisation while they still controlled lots of poorly developed colonies? Why would Britain, where slavery had already been dead for hundreds of years, developing industrially change the profitability of using slaves in areas of the empire with little to no industry?

A large part of why ‘the places worth going to’ are worth going to is that there isn’t a highway going through them!

favour of 'khelif is not that great anyways' or whatever people are trying to argue here.

'Khelif is not that great anyways' is a hard argument to make given that she's now fighting for a silver medal. 'Khelif handily beats everyone except for other medal winning boxers' just means she's a top contender.

I did watch part of the Broadhurst fight now, and Khelif is certainly visibly more muscled now.

I was talking about Kellie Harrington who once had a 32 fight winning streak and is fighting for gold tomorrow. Women's boxing isn't that big of a sport, you are going to have lots of skewed bouts until you get near the end of the tournament because the best fighters severely outmatch the rest.

they may genuinely believe that woman and man are as strong among top performers

In this case it's true that there are women as strong as Imane Khelif (though to me that's more evidence that she's not a man). She's got 9 losses on her record, if it weren't for a difference in weight classes she would be facing one of the Irish boxers who beat her handily in the 2020 Olympics again.

The British army has 30+ years of experience acting as a supplementary police force from their time in the Troubles in Northern Ireland, not to mention the Northern Irish police who still deal with at least one riot a year (the last one was yesterday iirc).

If the rioting in England gets serious they've got plenty of institutional experience and lots of active Northern Irish policemen to call upon. They're more equipped than most to employ the military against rioters without jumping straight into shooting people.

Whether it's a good tactic remains to be seen (I doubt this is very organised but it's going to have consequences nonetheless), Dubliners rioting alongside Protestant Loyalists in Belfast the past few days has given the left ammo to turn the accusation of 'traitor' back on to the anti-migrant nationalists.

Andy Ngo has been posting videos of the 'Muslim Patrol': https://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1820207241095442708

A similar response from the media too, the attacker was described as an 'Irishman' because he had migrated from Algeria and attained citizenship. This fact itself was quickly overshadowed by the riots but I can see why it made people angry in the context of Irish men being told to stop being so misogynistic after the killing of Aisling Murphy by a migrant and Irish men being told they need to fix their homophobia problem after 2 gay men were beheaded by an Islamic migrant.

I think the contradictions only arise if you ignore the good things Nietzsche says about slave morality (I’ll have to go digging for quotes but basically it made man "interesting", added depth to his soul and made him more cunning).

Nietzsche spends a lot of time praising master morality because it is the side which needs to be rehabilitated, but the Nietzchean project isn’t about going back to the Vikings. The higher type of aristocratic development he is aiming for is only possible in the man of mixed slave/master heritage, and it’s as much about creative ability and aesthetic sense as anything else – Shakespeare, Goethe and Da Vinci are mentioned as higher men alongside the military geniuses.

in terms of ease of use, lethality, and safety

It might sound odd but there's a difference between wanting to disfigure someone and actually trying to kill them. Irish traveller gypsies have these kinds of fights fairly often and they do actually shake ends after a few months/years of sending each other to hospital (here's an example of an ongoing 4 year long feud which might be ending). Killing someone on the other hand puts your whole family in danger for however long it takes for the other side to get real revenge (and obviously it can go on longer if the revenge cycles goes on).

Also I'm not really familiar with the UK legal system but I'd imagine it's like Ireland where murder is really the only guaranteed way to get decades in jail. You can do a lot of damage to someone and get a slap on the wrist compared to what your sentence would be in America.