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Small-Scale Question Sunday for March 24, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

Jump in the discussion.

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Way ahead of you chief, already got that beer bottle in hand. Funnily enough I'm not nearly as depressed as I was in past breakups, I crave a stiff drink, but I'm not inclined to drown my sorrows in wine just yet. Several of those breakups weren't initiated by me, so the sense of crushing inadequacy was far more overwhelming. These days, I'm older and (maybe) wiser, I know I've got game and while I am simply too lazy to be a fuckboy, I can charm women into committed relationships, to our mutual detriment.

As a minor consolation, I've matched with an absolutely amazonian fashion designer on the apps, and while her literacy is questionable, with thighs like that, she could crush my skull till our IQs match and I wouldn't complain. 🙏 Inshallah I'm going straight to heaven

So I'm going to finish my beer, which has gone flat since I'm arguing on the Motte. I'm going to pop a Ritalin, because I'm a terrible doctor who doesn't listen to advice about avoiding mixing stimulants and sedatives (well, with one beer it isn't that bad), and then I'm going to read up more on calcium metabolism, which is paradoxical enough that maybe a brain compress will help me understand it better, or at least it'll make more sense when I'm drunk.

Alcohol actually improves memory, at least from before you began drinking it.