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FILM REVIEW: India the Worst country on Earth

4Chan's First Feature film is also the first Feature length AI Film.

The Conceit? Aside from a few Joke stills, none of the visual film is AI. It is a "Nature Documentary" Narrated by David Attenborough... It is also maybe the most disturbing film ever made, and possibly the most important/impactful film of the decades so far.

Reality is more terrifying than fiction.

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"This is the nature of all computer based businesses in a competency crisis and DEI hellworld"

...or just have a couple of your friends proofread before publishing?

You can't really do that when your schedule and business model demands you publish a new 4000-10,000 word article every 4-5 days.

Even if I had infinite friends that I never ran out of people to demand that of, the 1-2 days it would take for them to get back to me with the edits would increase the turnaround time by 25-50%, destroying my growth and maybe my business viability.

This sounds like an excuse, it took me only a few minutes to read the whole thing and I could probably knock out a corrected version in an hour tops, maybe even less. I acknowledge that maybe the work of proofreading is harder than what I've dealt with as a student from kindergarten to college, but it can't be that hard.