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The Vacuity of Climate Science

There has been a lot of CW discussion on climate change. This is an article written by someone that used to strongly believe in anthropogenic global warming and then looked at all the evidence before arriving at a different conclusion. The articles goes through what they did.

I thought a top-level submission would be more interesting as climate change is such a hot button topic and it would be good to have a top-level spot to discuss it for now. I have informed the author of this submission; they said they will drop by and engage with the comments here!

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Some of the alarmists are explicit about their ideological tendencies, see:

"Does capitalism mean fully entering rapid mass extinction in either the 21st or 22nd century?


Will humans and the majority of species face mass death or annihilation by 2050- 2150?


Are mass media journalists telling us scientists urge economic system change?


And later in the thread: "Abrupt climate change is just one compounding factor in extinction catastrophe. Change this Extinction Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone."

I suspect there's a large overlap between climate alarmism and anti-capitalism.

This is highly dangerous. As the image shows (source:, the global poverty rate was over 80% in 1800. Today it's less than 20%. Capitalism and the industrial revolution it helped to fuel is the obvious cause of that. Note that modern-day class warriors rail against the inequality of capitalism -- but they leave out the fact that the vast majority of people on the planet are far better off today than 250 years ago.

The dangerous aspect is if they have their way, the systems that enabled this to happen will be reversed and thus we'll head back in the direction of extreme poverty for all.


but they leave out the fact that the vast majority of people on the planet are far better off today than 250 years ago.

vast majority is underestimate, people worse off are tiny % of all population. And they are mostly in places like North Korea where it is caused by not enough capitalism. Or Ukrainian frontline where it can be blamed for many things but surely not capitalism.