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User ID: 2321



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User ID: 2321

Ech, maybe I have low standards but comments are better quality than I expected.


I’m so tired of living in interesting times

and other primary comments. Conspiracy theories got down voted now

Last time I checked Pacific islanders were eating ultra processed food and meager amount of fruits and vegetables, with high caloric intake. And food is still cheap enough there given incomes to easily eat yourself to death.

Is it wrong?

People in the 1970s weren't skinny because food was too expensive.

May depend on location. In Poland it WAS and obesity was far less widespread than nowadays.

Which countries you wanted to use as counterexamples here?

Whatever's causing obesity, it isn't cheap calories.

Cheap calories are at least prerequisite and part of the puzzle. Without that you will not get hordes of fat people

Is there any country where you could spend less than 20% of median income on tasty snacks providing more calories than you need, without obesity epidemic?

No one claims that consistent diet change is easy or that people are easily controlled.

No one has a compelling theory, supported by evidence, for why the obesity epidemic happened.

Food got cheaper, especially superpalatable food (count calories that can be bought by median wage).

So either we are now alleging domain-specific willpower

Are you alleging that sustained work on any goal is equally easy as any other goal for every single person?

Based on my experience I am much better at being focused on some tasks, much worse on some other and my willpower as far as not eating myself to death seems to be a bit above average.

it doesn’t appear that there is any experience an obese human can have that will reliably result in weight loss

There is also no experience that will reliably make people honest, reliable, punctual, less rude, not wasting their life on computer games etc.

Nevertheless, keeping asshole tendencies in church and not being habitually late is partially function of willpower.

Keeping yourself away from drugs and slot machines is also function of willpower, complete destruction of regulation here for some people does not change it is function of willpower.

People are complicated, influencing them reliably is hard. It is hardly novel.

And yes, consistently eating less will make you less fat.

Can you link mainstream position confirming that camps on West were described as extermination camps?

(It was claimed upthread that "western extermination camps were hoaxes" and want to see confirmation of that)

(again: it would not make big difference to me whether they gassed people to death or starved them to death in Auschwitz, but I obviously prefer to have an accurate info)

The mainstream position is that it was a hoax in the West

[citation needed] that it is mainstream position

Well, I am not longing back to idea of elites being able to slam axe into my skull and pay (much smaller) weregild

And in Poland PO went "actually, fuck migrants ferried by Łukaszenka to Poland-Belarus border, border walls are nice". What irritated some on left and right, but for me it is politics and democracy working as intended.

(PO also has not vetoed migrant redistribution plan and AFAIK did nothing when German police started to illegally ferry migrants to Poland, so well... On the other hand there is no visa scandal yet? But they have not went open border and they pretend they were not against border wall when it was being built)

and a national joke who views

what does it mean?

In Poland actual far-right also has share of extremists (actual monarchists, supporters of theocracy, Russia and people who want to ban woman from voting).

And clowns. And people unusually incompetent, even by standard of politics.

And people who prefer to produce Tik-Tok materials over achieving anything, see Braun with fire extinguisher.

plenty of thr RN candidate just are embarrassingly incompetent

I wonder how much is boosting them and hiding the same from other parties and how much RN having much smaller pool of candidates and how much is RN being structurally stupid.

Why you think that polls would deliberately overestimate it?

Do you have any evidence for vote fraud?

I'd imagine the first-line recourse is just "ask your parish priest,"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catechism_of_the_Catholic_Church and similar published materials also often work fine

or simply the fact that their rows of candidates are often full of perceived extremists (fundamentalists, supporters of historical movements of the goosestep variety, antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists, monarchists in countries with a strong republican tradition etc.) or people who just come off as plainly too incompletent for people to vote for them.

also, higher density of clowns, idiots and weird people, and weird people of different variety than weird people promoted as fine

(left to reader how much it is "you needed to be more weird to go to far-right party and far-left is as weird but got more normalized" and "it is actually direct result of far-right ideas" and "overreaction to currently promoted ideas, both terrible and fine ones")

the brain mass decreases (?) (...) A story can be written with roughly the same plot except you have a human to guide you and answer questions.

No. The story describes earring hijacking body and no longer being advisor, but instead of controlling body directly, skipping conscious mind. As in, some alien intelligence killing you and taking over your body.

As it gets completely comfortable with its wearer, it begins speaking in its native language, a series of high-bandwidth hisses and clicks that correspond to individual muscle movements. At first this speech is alien and disconcerting, but by the magic of the earring it begins to make more and more sense. No longer are the earring's commands momentous on the level of "Become a soldier". No more are they even simple on the level of "Have bread for breakfast". Now they are more like "Contract your biceps muscle about thirty-five percent of the way" or "Articulate the letter p". The earring is always right. This muscle movement will no doubt be part of a supernaturally effective plan toward achieving whatever your goals at that moment may be. Soon, reinforcement and habit-formation have done their trick. The connection between the hisses and clicks of the earring and the movements of the muscles have become instinctual, no more conscious than the reflex of jumping when someone hidden gives a loud shout behind you.


The wearer lives an abnormally successful life, usually ending out as a rich and much-beloved pillar of the community with a large and happy family.

(on the other hand "usually" is a big issue anyway - if less usual end being successful mass-murderers or similar than even on purely utilitarian grounds it would be hard to justify)

Who controls it/created it?

It seems to not be body-hijacking and mind-erasing like the Whispering Earring from Til Iosophrang vaults, so it is not an instant no.

But who controls it? With which values it was set? Can it be remotely tweaked, disabled or controlled? Can I inspect or change its value system?

How likely is that it will list as "the most realistically valuable thing for you to do" participating in conspiracy to assassinate $POLITICIAN? How it would react to my daughter $CULTURE_WAR_LIFE_DECISION?

Is it calling back home and reporting back things? Can it be enabled to do so? Can police/court obtain warranty to see logs? What is logged there?

(Yes, the same applies to existing software. Yes, I apply it. Yes, that is reason why I strongly prefer open-source self-hosted software even if it is of worse quality and poorer UX*)

*amusingly, open-source software gets better ux than proprietary - often due to etshiffication, see Linux vs Windows.

Factorio, Minecraft come to my mind as >100h games. But it is an utterly different game type and only small part of people is so invested.

Re: the church, if monks believed that they could overcome temptation, surely “avoid obvious temptation” would no longer be necessary?

You are conflating "obvious temptation" with "temptation impossible to resist". It is not the same thing.

This isn’t remotely similar

And your rule would legalize paedophilia.

No one in history really conceived of a level of self-control that would permit you to be alone with an attractive young woman for an extended period of time.

This is complete bullshit. While "The most well-trained monk was still barred from being alone with a nun." type of rules exist because people designing such institution have seen fit to avoid obvious temptations, this temptations can be in fact resisted.

you can no longer accuse a man of rape if you willingly spend time with him alone

Are you serious? This rule as you propose is blatantly idiotic, starting from fact that fathers occasionally have daughters.

But yes, also in cases you likely intended: yes, you can stay with attractive girl, alone, and do not rape her. I have honestly no idea why you think it is impossible.

NFT stays on the blockchain. Art does not.

Therefore NFT cannot achieve "Wouldn't it be good for artists if they got some set% of the resale value of their art?".

They, at most, can ensure that artists get some $ resale value for NFT transactions on blockchain.

NFT alone cannot enforce what happens outside blockchain, and if you have authority that can enforce stuff outside blockchain the NFT itself is useless bondoogle.

Yes? That's known by everyone who's done a 50 second browser search.

And @RandomRanger was suggesting that despite this NFT would be useful for following:

Wouldn't it be good for artists if they got some set% of the resale value of their art?

no, they cannot do this. They, at most, can ensure that artists get some $ resale value for NFT transactions on blockchain. Which is much less useful.

I seriously don't get why everyone on the planet woke up and decided 'let's hate this.'

NFT people kept lying, for start.

They stay on Eth or Sol or whatever chain they're on, that's the whole point.

The whole point is that "got some set% of the resale value of their art" stops working as soon as someone takes art outside blockchain.

Typical image NFT is just a weird link to image, nothing stops people from copying art outside blockchain. Pretending that it is not easy and trivial is a typical fraud by NFT crowd.

Again: NFT is unrelated to ownership of art, does not enforce anything outside blockchain and so on.

Because scams happened before NFTs reaching public consciousness.

Because it's a programmable contract. You can set it to do whatever automatically.

And "if they got some set% of the resale value of their art?" is impossible as NFT cannot control what happens outside its blockchain

I don't even know how you can have NFT fraud

For example, people promising that NFT can enforce revenue share for artist. Like you just did.

People were selling NFT with promises of riskfree earnings. And other typical get-rich-quick scams. Googling NFT fraud will give you parade of examples.

but everyone hates them for some reason.

Because NFT space was filled with lies, fraud, scams etc.

Aren't they strictly better forms of digital cosmetic items?

I hate digital cosmetics items

Wouldn't it be good for artists if they got some set% of the resale value of their art?

How NFT would even help here or enforce it?