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User ID: 2321



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User ID: 2321

Heavily depends on location, claim you made is silly and reveals that you are unaware that situation elsewhere is different.

Are you aware that Kurt's content is curated by Kurt's and material unflattering to Kurt will be not shown?

Why you think that you can draw any strong conclusions from such biased sample?

No need to do that. It seems relatively obvious to block someone who openly announces in reply to warning that they will not change behaviour at all.

So now Reuters is stating that Russia is a "larger, better-equipped enemy"? Really? This is where we're at, after more than 2 years? They actually have the cheek to say this? Every single liberal leftist normie-oriented talking head I ever encountered kept repeating for months that the orc invasion force is completely undersized for the task, their rapist orc cannon fodder is deserting en masse and running from their positions like rabbits, they ran out of artillery shells and missiles, have no food, no gear, no body armor, no tanks, what equipment they have is all a piece of crap etc.

Really? I have seen many many "Russia outguns Ukraine" articles over time. Also who the heck claims that Russia has no tanks and run out of artillery shells? Where are you getting your "normies"? Even dumber parts of reddit are not so dumb.

orc invasion force is completely undersized for the task

This one I heard mostly from pro-Russia trolls before full-scale war started in their "Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine full scale and no Russian soldiers attacked Ukraine" mode.

I guess what I'm asking is: where the liberals at? Or alternatively, why has the proportion of racists increased dramatically since moving off Reddit?

I may kind of qualify?

While I appear on themotte: I have limited amount of time that I can spend on "someone is wrong on the internet".

And there is only so much that I will spend on arguing with handle abbreviated to SS about holocaust denial. It can be sort of interesting but only in low doses. (the same goes for other witchy topics)

Many other topics seems to be equally witchy in noninteresting way, where I have no competence or interest or are extremely USA-specific in a boring way.

And when something is on topic, it is often of so low quality that it is eyerolling.


Moldova is small corrupt weak country not in NATO, already partially invaded by Russia. It is buffered by Ukraine. If Ukraine or at least relevant part would be occupied by Russia - then Moldova is a very likely target.

You should bribe able bodied Russian men between 18 and 30 to seek asylum which would deprive Russia of both soldiers and workers.

Why we would want Russians as a substantial minority? Especially if you already worries about possibly being invaded by Russia?

See how Russians in Germany organised pro-putin demonstrations. Maybe it was only small minority but enough to put off me from accepting Russians.

(also, exit controls by Ukrainians were mostly covering limiting how many man could leave)

it's going to look a lot like the evacuations from the Warsaw Ghetto on a much larger scale

calling that evacuation is a typical SS thing

and there is quite substantial difference, unless I missed something, Israel is not operating death camps.

(I am a bit curious are you also denying other genocides, genocides in general or are you specifically denying this specific one)

No "lead developer" would be asking this question.

Note "sole" part. In this case "lead developer" is puffery that costs them nothing and worker can put it on CV.

I participated in some minor protests which were held and they were useful as they were used as "see, people actually care about this issue".

They helped to result in changes at local level.

Protests can be seen as kind of mini-referendum - and give sign to politicians they should at least pretend to care about given topic. Or maybe even care and do something.

In last local elections all politicians actually pretended to care about this topics, some seem to actually care about this topics.

Protest is better sign of actual strong interest than FB petition.

young Americans can't afford buying houses

NIMBYism is hardly caused by giving away some military equipment

inflation is pretty high

the same

bridges are collapsing and planes barely going up in the sky,

how the fuck it is caused by aid give to Ukraine? (the same for other things you mention)

According to the theory that every single bad thing that happens in the US is due to Russian agents, this war is not exactly cheap.

this theory is blatantly idiotic

fun conspiracy website

Is there really nothing wrong with Canadian government to the point that most problematic part is cute but almost certainly false story?

I am curious, have they bothered to explain why temperature is growing? Or at least leave it as an open question?

Or are they denying that Earth gets warmer?

In normal sensate reality, heat only flows from hot to cold, but the greenhouse effect appears to involve an inverted heat flow within this system.

Nope. It is about how efficient energy transfer from Sun (hot) to Earth (cold) is and how it happens. Second law of thermodynamics is not violated.

This is an article written by someone that used to strongly believe in anthropogenic global warming

This is not a strong credentials at all.

It's hardly realistic to assume that any Russian offensive in the future will even reach the Moldovan border.

Interesting, I would expect full collapse of Ukraine to be at least possible - even if not the most likely outcome.

Even taking your assumptions as true: Russian Empire is worse than Atlanticist Empire anyway.

What about "Russia is so strong that if we don't stop them here, they may be able to take Moldovia/Estonia! But if delay them and rebuild European armies then risk becomes nonexisting. Also, maybe they will be even kicked out of Ukraine that has not collapsed yet?" for pessimistic version? Without cognitive dissonance?

If Ukraine or at least relevant part would be occupied by Russia

I will ask the same question that I've asked repeatedly: if porn is so bad and the NWO wants to get you addicted to it, then why do they make it so very difficult to distribute?

answer is simple, there is no NWO

again, there is no central ruling cabal but many forces in play. Some push porn and that nearly all deviations are fine, some run financial puritanism or their lawyers told them that not processing problematic porn payments would be a good idea. And many more in between.

Polish camp

I just want to register my irritation at phrasing it this way. These we German camps.

In the eyes of the west, there are only 3 major civilizations - Abrahamic, Chinese and Indian.

[citation needed]

For start, in Poland difference between Chinese, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh would be considered much smaller than difference between Germany and USA. Or Russia and Mexico. Or Mexico and USA. Or Brazil and Saudi Arabia. Or Mexico and Poland.

No idea why you think that China and India are considered more distinct than any other countries. You may overestimate how much people from West care specifically about India (or China, though here people actually care a bit).

Except that I’ve never ever seen this drive more people to support these causes.

I am aware of such cases. In one case because people cared, were willing to take being late or risking beating or prison sentence or being thrown out of work and take minor risk of being assassinated by regime - but they were not aware that such opinion was widely shared.

So protests sparked strikes and so on.

Note that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1981_warning_strike_in_Poland basically failed - despite 12 million people participating in strike - in country that had 36 million people! Imagine 111 million people on strike in USA! Strike included regime television, all TV went out for 4 hours.

But https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Polish_strikes were final trigger for regime change.

On other side: for minor issues even minor protest can cause results, especially for local government issues when noone really opposes them. Or opposing group will happily go away and try to take less defended victim rather than fight this specific battle. In sufficiently minor cases things as simple as single person mailing local government can work.

Other model: it is demonstration of power and one step away from armed mob/uprising/terrorism. This also sometimes works. Sometimes by progressing into outright revolution.

See Ukraine in 2014 (president run away, no full scale civil war*) or how Tzarist Russia ended (ended in a full scale civil war).

*or ended in a civil war if you treat what happened in East as civil war rather than Russian invasion.

But why would Putin attack the Baltics?

For the same reasons as Russia invaded Ukraine? Both actual reasons and claimed reasons would be recycled.

Russia is so weak that one more round of $X billion will win the war for Ukraine.

has anyone serious claimed that? Has Biden ever described for example some round as final and sufficient to win the war?

if we believe this premise, the Indians as a whole are incompetent, self-destructive, and generally pathetic, whereas the Han Chinese, with their statistically higher IQs, should be far more successful

Well, Mao managed to be far more successful at being incompetent, self-destructive, and generally pathetic. Does it count? :)

But going further, there is a meme, that comment which I have read a thousand times, which says it's a fear of nobody in control, of a random universe and of Hanlon's razor that makes people invent conspiracy theories. Is this meme a psy-op itself? Its aim to bring down status of those who ask questions about possible conspiracies even lower, paint them as cowards running from the reality? Given how reliably it appears as a call-response pair with somebody mentioning a conspiracy theory in a discussion, I'm inclined to answer positively.

I have seen it in action with family members, mostly harmlessly, and seems best explanation of what is going on (in general reasonable aunt complaining about masons controlling substantial part of catholic church - while being controlled by Soros who also runs entire EU).