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User ID: 2321



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User ID: 2321

Can anyone who is not Holocaust denier, with SS-man as nickname, can confirm is this summary above is true and accurate?

  • -30

I don’t see any shitty parenting unless there is a lot more going on.

I see

On the stand, Jennifer Crumbley pushed blame onto her son, her husband and the school, and she expressed no regret for her actions. (...) extramarital affair


“Lol I’m not mad you have to learn not to get caught,”

Lol, she should learn to not get caught.

they went out of their way to say hypnosis porn is banned, what the fuck

I am not so surprised that someone wants rape via mind control be kicked out of their platform (or is it somehow something else?)

You were responding to "the US for not letting Ukraine negotiate a peace"

Yeah, that's clearly the most obvious read there. That I'm completely retarded and can't tell the US from the UK.

Yes, that was the most obvious read of your comment.

as seen through Western eyes (...) and everything with its spiritual pollution, the lack of taste and disgust that finds root in your religious iconography

You are wrong, so wrong.

I think the proper and critical thinking response to a conspiracy claim isn’t dismissing it out of hand, but demanding proof.

Well, you often get "it is OBVIOUS", "lack of proof is proving strength of conspiracy" or "please view this 2h long youtube video".

What now?

Obviously, since we learned about actual Venus temperature any models are expected to predict correct results there.

Doing anything else would be deeply silly.

Specifics how models are build/used/validated are depending on a model. But not rejecting reality and what we learned is hardly indictment of science.

I tried, but from part when author apparently fails at understanding second law of thermodynamics (or thinks that Earth during summer is hotter than Sun) I started skimming.

Can you point me to relevant part if I asked about part I missed?

You referring to the Admiral that showed up on tv today?

no, I specifically not mentioned admiral but more generic term as I wanted to wait till it is properly confirmed before I treat this claim seriously (that some high-ranking people dies is pretty confirmed, as far as I know)

fun fact: the guy who organized it, Igor Girkin, is now being slowly tortured to death in Russian prison, because that's how Russian "thank you" looks like

according to unconfirmed reports they let Ukrainian POW to attack and beat him

Perhaps not this stimulus or that stimulus, but the implication is that $X will win the war (for some value of $X).

That is true, on assumption that converting this to weapons will be possible. This war is more equipment-constrained than manpower-constrained.

Well, obviously it is fictional depiction of such acts, maybe at most only fans-style porn.

"scientists can still be wrong" was obvious at start, you still failed to make convincing case about literally anything here.

People saying "if we don't stop him now, he'll take Poland" are fabulists. This is not a realistic scenario.

Why you think that it is not plausible at all? If Russia invades Baltics and NATO effectively does nothing - why you think that Russia invading Poland is not a viable scenario?

I think that it is not very likely (fortunately) but it seems likely enough for me to justify supporting Ukraine.

As to the thermodynamics, the arguments are plentiful. I'll just point out two physicists believed that it does violate the 2nd Law and published a peer-reviewed paper to that effect (Gerlich & Tscheuschner)

That is not giving any info whatsoever what the claim is - and if we are going via ad authority arguments then surely you are aware that you are going to lose here? And appeal to peer-reviewed papers is not going to help you much?

Why supposedly GHE would violate second law of thermodynamics?


What is that? Probably you are not meaning Health Hazard Evaluation.

Are you suggesting that the person you are replying to might genuinely not be aware of that

I think it is likely that they know this fact, but pretend that reality is different.

"US official says Russia has probably lost half its tanks, used majority of precision-guided weapons in Ukraine" is hardly "no tanks" or "ran out of artillery shells and missiles"

0% is not the same as 50%

Yes, letting armed planes and drones in means that they do not fully control airspace.

(Yes, the same applies even more to Ukraine regularly hit by missile and drone attacks - and also NATO territory where occasional drone or missile was happily flying through, with no shot downs. Turns out that airspace control is hard.)


If you are getting normies from such groups you really need to recheck your normie supply. Typical person was not engaging in this.

their fortified positions will be pounded into dust because they're a paper bear

I have not really seen it, people making this type of stupid prediction are unaware that fortified positions exist.

Well, obviously it is fictional depiction of such acts, maybe at most only fans-style porn.

When corrected, there is heating but much smaller amount.

So, assuming that all claims made in this comment are true: there is still warming anyway.

I don't see any moral difference between a Ukrainian conscript or a Russia one.

I see. Russian one is aggressor (yes, in smaller or larger part unwilling) and potential danger to me.

If someone murders people because they were blackmailed or something I have much lesser problem with them being shot.

Also, Russian soldiers can surrender, escape, emigrate, frag officers and so on.

In contrast to Bellendcat, which predicted Russia running out of PGMs for months in 2022

link? I bet that it as not phrased this way, as it is known that they are producing new PGM

We defanged Iraq very thoroughly in the first gulf war. Hussein no longer was able to exercise territorial ambitions. Do you find that this made the world a better place?

My knowledge about middle east and wars there is far more limited than of eastern Europe so I do not feel very qualified to answer.

But my expectation was that Russia was going to start serious war with someone at some point (or recreate USSR by repeated invasions and countries surrendering). So funding defence of Ukraine is preferable in my opinion to fighting direct NATO-Russia war that would be far more problematic in many aspects.

Okay, what's your assessment of what we've achieved versus what we paid from this approach to date?

That it was worth spending this funds to achieve this, though less innocent lives would be lost if materiel would be provided earlier, on larger scale and more decisively rather then being dripped bit by bit.

(disclaimer: I am from Poland, not from USA - for me aggressive and too powerful Russia is top1 geopolitic problem)