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BANNED USER: Admitted troll




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joined 2023 May 18 07:58:44 UTC


User ID: 2411

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Admitted troll



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2023 May 18 07:58:44 UTC


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User ID: 2411

Banned by: @Amadan

Regular user, I just like to make new accounts once I start to get too attached to the previous one and want a clean psychic slate.

I'm very curious who and what exactly you think this psyop is. Tell me the whole story, I especially want to see the Dasepost in response.

Edit since banned: Hlykna (and to a lesser extent Amadan): you've perfectly misinterpreted both this (not posted to be racially inflamatory, more Moloch and classic general culture war; I made a mistake with a thin single layer of sarcasm I thought would be obvious enough to everyone here, I was clearly mistaken and I apologize) and that other comment (which is quite literally the exact opposite of "whining about da joos").

The actions of US nurses in recent years have updated my priors against them

This is childish and stupid. You've "updated your priors" far too far, in a way you obviously know better than if you're capable of walking down the street without having a sperglord meltdown at every passing mote of dust.

With only the information that's surfaced as of the time of this comment, I don't put much stock in the idea that either first-party was acting maliciously. The most likely single thing is that this is a straight up misunderstanding, by confused imperfect normal people, who suddenly woke up from their daze of a day in an extreme situation with cameras in their face.

Some others who have involved themselves, though, I've spent several unhealthy minutes I wish I hadn't daydreaming about in a red mist.

A 30-year-old pregnant nurse attempted to steal a GPS-tracked rental bike from a young black man right outside her workplace, and when a group of onlookers surrounded her and started filming she had the audacity to start acting strangely, call for help, and briefly cry. Don't worry, justice has been served: she has been identified and suspended, and she will never be okay again.

  • -29

In 6 years of encountering this claim across hundreds of threads in dozens of places, alongside hundreds of thousands silently encountering this claim for the first or Nth time and a very good chunk of them being initially set down or carried further along the path towards irrevocably arriving at "there's something up with the jews and maybe something should be done about it" by it, I can't recall ever seeing anybody actually go through and dispute it.