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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

It's deeply weird for me to see complaints about diversity in running, a sport dominated at the upper end by Kenyans.

Well, yes, but all those Kenyans are in far-off places like Kenya. How many Kenyans are in your local running group, the one the diversity-complainers see every day?

If that is your one and only goal, then why haven't you killed yourself already and prevented decades of potential suffering?

how often have assassins shifted the course of world history toward something they would have preferred, making the assassination "rational" in some sense?

Darius the Great killed (a man allegedly falsely claiming to be) Bardiya, who was ruling Persia, which allowed him to take over the Persian Empire. Darius got what he wanted and was good at managing the Empire too, so that worked out for him.

Do you speak Georgian? If not, how was the language barrier?

I think the number of women and doctors who would both agree to say, in week 38, to randomly decide to do an abortion is basically zero

Then there should be no harm in outlawing it, right?

it’s worth noting we’re a small, selected minority group everywhere in the country except for two towns, the larger of which is less than 10,000 people

Ave Maria is one, but what's the second?

And I suppose that this is further exacerbated by the decline in birth rates: if military families aren't having as many sons (or, in this brave new world, daughters) as they used to, even among the ones that do encourage their kids to join there aren't as many potential recruits.

Maybe he was including future Arabs too?

I'd say that debt was paid off after the US bailed them out of back-to-back world wars.

If only I had an em dash key on my keyboard - then I might use it!

Indeed, it just occurred to me that that would be the logical thing to do for a military that has just acquired a state.

I'd like to hear it! Negative criticism is fun to read.

Are we going to see the far right attempt to form an alliance with the left in the hopes that their shared antisemitism will be sufficient to gain political power?

No, the two groups have diametrically opposed positions on domestic policy questions and their convergence on a single foreign policy issue isn't going to be enough to bridge that gap. You may see their congresscritters vote the same way on Israel-related bills, but there won't be greater cooperation beyond that. This is a case where the enemy of your enemy is your enemy's enemy, no more, no less.

For that price, I'd want to be able to see Armstrong's footprints on the moon!

Surely there would be far more obvious birds to start with in that case!

I mostly watch YouTube on mobile, where it's already more trouble than it's worth to try to get around the ads.

If you have an Android, you should check out NewPipe.

How do you find living people off of dead people?

It may be easier to find living people off of living people. If you take an Ancestry DNA test, you will be able to view the accounts of all other people who took the test and are related to you, even if they are distant cousins. Many of these people will have their own publicly-viewable family trees which you can often use to figure out exactly how they're related to you.

If your grandfather (or parent) is willing to take (or already has taken) a test, he can give you access to his results, which will make it easier to find relevant relatives. Your goal will be to find any DNA matches who either already have Raymond Edward Stocker in their trees or who can be connected to him through other relatives. You can then message these people and find out what they know.

Do you think that launching an invasion with tens of thousands of troops (along with cutting off all electricity, food, and water) won't lead to accusations of war crimes?

You're not using enough power.

Yes, Iran certainly does have the ability to shoot guns at boats full of Palestinian refugees while the cameras broadcast videos of innocent women and children dying to the world.

And then what does the world do? Send a strongly-worded letter? Sanction them? Maybe try to stop their nuclear program?

You could consider finding an old cemetery you have a connection to and cleaning it up. Cemeteries slowly decay: the stones get overgrown with moss and lichens, the engraving fades and disappears from weathering, stones fall over and get broken and buried. Groundskeepers and sextons can prevent some of this, but usually their duties don't include repairing anything but the most egregious damage (and sometimes not even then). You'll want to contact the cemetery board and ask for permission first, but they'll probably be happy for the help.

The easiest thing you can do is cleaning off the stones. The stuff you want is called "D/2 Biological Solution"; this is what they use at Arlington to keep the headstones white. The befores-and-afters can be quite striking, particularly for marble stones which can go from greenish-gray to gleaming white. The typical procedure is to spray the stone with water, then with D/2, then scrape the worst of the growth off with a plastic scraper and let it sit (the D/2 will continue to work for weeks). A few hours a week is enough to make a marked improvement over the course of a few months. You can get more involved and get into resetting and repairing stones, but that requires a larger time commitment and more specialized skills.

If you do this you'll begin to develop connections to the people buried there. You'll find the graves of people who lived long and fulfilling lives and people who suffered tragic accidents, people who were very important to the town and people who ended up buried there by happenstance, people who were very wealthy and people who weren't. If you're in America, you'll find graves of people who emigrated from the old world (and may even be written in a foreign language) and people whose families lived in that town for generations. You'll see names you recognize from streets and parks, and maybe even from friends and relatives. You'll get a sense of what it might have been like to live in a time when deadly diseases were more prevalent and every family had a child or two (or more) who died from smallpox or diphtheria. You'll also spend a lot of time around monumental sculpture and may even uncover some sentimental poetry.

It’s fascinating to consider: if Lucas hadn’t made Star Wars would he have continued making movies like this for thirty years instead?

Probably not, since he couldn't continue making Star Wars for thirty years either.

It's the duty of a scientist to think deeply about the things he writes about. People will assume that, because he is a scientist, he has in fact thought deeply about the subjects of the papers he publishes. Scientists who don't think deeply about their areas of study need to be discouraged from being scientists, lest they use their institution's prestige to convince people of things that aren't true.

Like an ideal gas, the bureaucracy will expand to fill the available space.

If a being is all-knowing, said being must know the most moral thing to do in all possible situations. If a being is all-benevolent, everything said being tells you must be the thing that is best for you to know, and all advice the best advice for you to follow.