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joined 2022 September 05 00:59:54 UTC


User ID: 328



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:59:54 UTC


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User ID: 328

If the left is grooming children I'm not "on the hook" for pointing it out and calling it bad just because someone else decides its bad enough to kill someone. If the left is grooming children they don't get a pass on that just because not giving them a pass might cause someone else to act out violently against them.

Edit: Maybe the people accusing the left of grooming children aren't doing it as a rhetorical tool, maybe they really believe the left is grooming children.

Yes, conservative justices are openly political and have only enough respect for precedent to secure the fig leaf with blue tack, but come on now. Roe v Wade, anyone?

No more openly political than the justices who originally decided Roe v Wade in the first place. Or less, inasmuch as it's less political to say "no it doesn't" than it is to say "the constitution has an unwritten magical right to abortions"

This is a totally meaningless thing to get upset about, saying females and males is fine.

It doesn't have to be a 1:1 match with Christianity to be a religion.

Maybe he censors the word because he finds it personally distasteful or objectionable.

Restrict Atheist speech in the same way that religious speech is restricted. One should be just as loathe to say that there is no God as one is to say that there is only one. The traditional point of conflict is Biology class, which I think is a case of religions failing to adapt to facts, one can make evolution about the way the world works rather than how it started quite easily.

The woke don't particularly care about litigating the existence of God, they care about hiring Black women as coders and transitioning kids. The existence of God isn't even in the top 10 things I'd love for wokies to shut up about. They don't need to argue the existence of God because they have their own god named The Science who must always be obeyed and must never be questioned.

The bullet to bite is that you are better for every meaningful measurement of "better". Pretending a cracked out murderer who can't do math is as valuable to society as a hard working bright person who does his job is just another form of denial.

Quoting the comment you're talking about from last week:

If you can't convert, it's on you.

This isn't insightful, it's the bog standard position of every white hating racist. "My problems are social problems, your problems are your problems" over and over and over again. I don't buy it.

Quoting you:

Why, he asks, should I be proud to be white, if in fact being white means being weak and crying out for forbearance and mercy from the ascendant coalition of white-hating POCs whose power and vengeful intent increases daily?

Right because the pocs got where they are by not complaining about anything.

Getting caught having outstanding warrants is doing crime at least three times.

The first crime for which the warrant is issued, the second crime of dodging the warrant, and the third crime that you got caught perpetrating.

Why shouldn't we arrest triple criminals exactly?

It could just be that enslaving people the same color as you doesn't make Hollywood as angry as white people enslaving black people? Romans get softened portrayals from time to time, as do vikings.

This is the edgiest garbage I've ever seen on the motte. 9-11 terrorists are preferable to depressed suicide victims. Good lord, do I need to debase myself by pointing out how disgusting this is?

What do you do when the black segregated areas are worse off than the white segregated areas?

My instinct is that the rap world would look down on a bunch of geeky mathletes who tried to write rap verses about being hard-ass gangsters regardless of whether they use an AI to do it or just pen and paper.

Rick never pays a meaningful price for being a sociopath or has his sociopathy treated as seriously bad by the show so it's easy to root for him. Plus he's smart and powerful and does cool things. "Watch these sociopaths do cool stuff and be rewarded" is basically the value proposition if the show.

I don't know why you would weaken the argument against abortion by calling it domestic violence instead of murder.

It's murder, a mother is killing her own helpless baby. You don't need to get more complicated than that about it.

It would be nice to have more of a division between top level comments in the mega thread, so that I can easily scroll between topics and easily find the start of each new topic.

Fair enough but if that's so I'm going to choose not to be convinced by you.

What if putting smart kids together benefits smart kids to a greater degree than putting smart kids with dumb kids benefits the dumb kids?

What if the smart kid bonus only applies to other conscientious smart kids and the dumb scumbags don't really gain from sharing a learning environment with the smart kids, they just hold the smart kids back?

I'm glad that the transition off of reddit has gone well so far. The weekly threads seem as active as ever. Also the new site, after some of the tweaks the admins have made, is a better reading experience than reddit.

It would be nice if more comments loaded before you had to click load more comments.

If racists want to police blacks more heavily because of the fact that blacks commit much more crime, is it the fault of racists racistly policing, or is it the fault of the racist fact that blacks commit 60% of murders?

Say you get your way and the disparate impact hiring regime is dismantled. What do you do about the fact that your company now hires disproportionately large numbers of white and Asian people and almost no Black people, and the Black people who do get hired never get promoted?

You say that as if the only reason anyone is attacking isn't that someone pissed on their ingroup.

Not even friendly compliments? All right, it's your forum, but that sucks.

What about penis inspection days?