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Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

4 followers   follows 12 users  
joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


User ID: 407


Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

4 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


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User ID: 407

I have a lot of enemies.

How were they being mocked?

I wouldn’t know. I think it was Michelle Obama who lamented to Barack that the left was too committed to going high when the right went low. Now the situation is perceived to be reversed. It seems there is something in both tents that suggests principles. I’ve never heard about them. I don’t think they exist.

It is fully possible for a muscular Christian narrative to assert itself alongside the tit-for-tat plays of the right.

What percentage of the population in the USSR or China is African?

I think @The_Nybbler has it: a bunch of "law and order" Boomer Republicans refuse to vote for "a convicted felon," and Biden wins.

This situation didn’t put a dent in Trump’s poll numbers.

Are you Christian?

Can’t you just do this with an LLM?

Effectively less than 1x speed, because I often pause and take it in, scroll on my phone, look up some obscure detail, or go back in the video/rewind by so many seconds to replay, etc. it’s a slog for me to get through any series.

What sort of demographics describe the composition of this small group of American leftists dominating the media?

Who is kidology and why should we care?

Men who fish for a hobby are also being bullied on Hinge, apparently.

Where do you hear this?

Even on your last point, you could use something like Tresorit where they are at least happy to not proactively police you, even if they could, unlike Google which takes initiative to search your files for wrongthink. Why bother with Google Drive? There are many storage providers out there without as much oversight.

What do you recommend for a real non-alias email if you have a domain with a real name, say firstlast.tld, would you just use your initials before the @, or maybe email@firstlast.tld?

They recruited a couple untrustworthy people and I spent years scratching my head why we didn't kick the guy who would reply not instantly, like every other scout, but with a 300 ms delay. I didn't trust him from the start because of that and eventually that was proven right a couple years later.

Can you speak more about this feature? Is it some indication of psychopathology?

If you have a partner, is she "pure"?

Yes, I’m her one and only. And I’ll admit I’m lucky.

These are some crazy gymnastics. It reminds me of the brainwashing polyamorous people abuse themselves with to convince their monkey hindbrain it isn’t all so bad while it screams at them in protest.

Maybe your instinctual preference for purity in your woman is real and good and you should listen to it.

I can make it happen. DM me.

Converting texts from print or PDF to HTML

What in the world? I’ve only converted from HTML to print or PDF. What are you doing?

You were able to stop dialysis treatment?

I recommend against the trilogy as from what I recall the “art direction” for the renderings is rather bizarre but the worst thing is that they didn’t relicense the music they used so the in-game radio, one of the best parts, will be missing a ton of content.

NYT should publish the SMTP headers. They’re a paper of record, afterall.

Why TIPS? Do you ladder treasuries for deep cash? SGOV/BIL holder here.

RHCSA, but if they’re non-technical and this is really an aside, consider Linux+.