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It’s the Economy, Stupid.

Many negros are antisemitic, but not in the sense of giving two shits about Israel or Palestinians. On the other hand, like most working class voters they’re very exposed to price increases and inflation is one of the few things that can lead to substantial black defections from the DNC machine.

precipitating a constitutional crisis

A constitutional crisis ends with a red state governor playing Sulla. There are no men with guns willing to actually fight for progressive values and Our Democracy(tm).

And again, the secret to making money off of wind farms is to have preexisting land that the wind farming company leases from you. It’s pure rental income, not an investment.

Rental companies don’t pay for fuel(that’s on the customer), but if electric cars really do take no maintenance, as is indicated upthread, that’s a pretty big cost saving- mechanics are paid by the job and fleet managers are almost never people who know anything about auto work, so rental companies get fleeced on maintenance costs. Same as how the conventional wisdom is not to have a woman go to the auto shop alone, but applied to an absentee landlord.

Or consumer protection?

Consumer protection is one of the few things Biden has at least tried to deliver.

Look on the bright side- good chance he’ll get out of our hair and be replaced with Greg Abbott’s(who will at least give technocrats a hearing) chief of staff.

Ken Paxton has a core staff of highly competent people that are loyal to him personally- they left the AG office to defend him during his impeachment- and the opportunity to recruit almost unlimitedly from red state governments, even ignoring project 2025 lists of potential conservative hires.

Maintenance is also much cheaper.

Are we sure these guys aren’t old school moonbats? The cranks in my neighborhood don’t seem into RFK.

Trump announces Ken Paxton as possible AG pick: https://www.texastribune.org/2024/05/20/donald-trump-ken-paxton-attorney-general/

“I would, actually,” Trump said Saturday when asked by a KDFW-TV reporter if he would consider Paxton for the national post. “He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.”

This is interesting because 1) Paxton is an aggressive partisan willing to engage in skullduggery, exactly the sort of person project 2025 would want and 2) he’s one of the few people trump has shown loyalty to. Also unlike Greg Abbott, who turned down the VP job, he seems to want the job. Also, last time he was out of office Abbott appointed his own chief of staff as attorney general, so it’s not like that would strip mine the Texas state government of conservative talent.

It’s worth noting that a lot of trump’s policy success from the last admin came through bill Barr, and an aggressive consiglieri in the AG seat is probably what trump needs to be effective.

I heard him speak English and French fluently; fluency in Italian would be a prerequisite of his level of influence within the church; his life would be extremely implausible if he didn’t speak Lithuanian, German, Russian, and Kazakh all extremely well and over a broad range of topics. I suppose it’s possible that his literacy in Latin used a dictionary or other translation assistance, but I heard attestations that he didn’t need it.

As far as JPII goes, I have no direct knowledge, but the consensus seems to be that he really was fluent in eight languages, although granted that’s partly by counting Spanish and Portuguese separately.

Ranching, farming, and aquaculture are a lot of full time work requiring serious expertise. The key to making money off of wind and solar is to have the company lease use rights to the land from you, not to actually do the job yourself. It’s unclear and not terribly likely that you can make the land pay for itself that way, even if it’s only $100k. I’m skeptical that there’s any economic use for land priced at ~$333/acre. Are you looking at someplace ridiculously deep in the Mojave?

Unless this is prime hunting territory for some reason, you can’t make your money back. And living off grid is very expensive over and above the cost of land.

Young people often make decisions which their elders would have told them they would later regret. The structures that moderated this effect have been getting steadily weaker since the late 60s.

That’s probably a big part of the increase in tattoos.

I've long had this theory that affirmative action in the corporate world matters much less than commonly thought, because it's aimed mostly at high-visibility roles and not at high-importance workhorse roles.

However, I recently had a friend, training to be an airline pilot(after ten years flying for the airforce, so this is policies and procedures and equipment familiarization on the company's dime, not flight school) tell me that his airline was trying to diversify the mechanics. I'm wondering if Motteizeans have additional anecdotes which can shed some light on the question. AFAIK there is no push to get more black women in water treatment or power plant operation, and obviously it's pretty bad if unqualified people are pilots and surgeons because of their skin color, but it seems relevant to whether people really believe this crap or if it's for appearances sake.

Probably, yes, and I'd imagine if you spent the several years of full time study required to become fluent in navajo you would be able to find someone with the sentiment. I don't doubt that, I just think that outside of native Hawaiians and maybe the Eskimos it's probably a pretty small minority, even if definitely a presence in some of these places.

I have personally met a bishop who spoke, fluently, in English, French, German, Lithuanian, Russian, Kazakh, and Italian at a minimum, based solely off his life story and conversational abilities that I personally saw, and could also read and write very well in Latin. John Paul II was notoriously able to speak 14 languages, and even if we limit it to fluency in distinct languages I'd be able to count 5 off this link(https://www.quora.com/How-many-languages-did-Pope-John-Paul-II-speak-fluently).

Now it's quite likely that they learn these things instead of, say, math, and Catholic bishops have a very high average IQ so can probably have a higher cognitive load than average. But it does probably demonstrate that knowing many, many languages to a high degree of fluency is entirely possible.

Senior clerics in the Catholic Church are routinely fluent in 5+ languages simultaneously. It’s definitely a thing even if YouTube polyglots are often illusionists.

The Cherokee and Kashada- the two tribes I’ve had more contact with- are mostly white or sometimes black passing themselves and don’t particularly want their land back, although they very often want a better deal within the existing system for themselves.

The CMRI are particularly hardline sedevacantists who result from a schism in a group that was rejected from joining the SSPX due to their leadership’s insanity, and then split in two, to reunify after one side’s leaders were literally arrested for arms trafficking and the other side’s had their episcopal ordinations arranged by the mafia. Even by the standards of sedevacantists, who are themselves a fairly small fringe group among IRL tradCaths, they’re cult-y and on the fringe.

As for the SSPX-FSSP split, both sets of leadership hype it up to the media for realpolitik purposes and the recent trend seems to strike a less-hostile tone towards one another in internally-directed communications, and de facto have long ignored their congregations tending to go back and forth. SSPX couples marry at FSSP parishes more often than at their own(for obtuse canon law reasons), for one example. Particularly since williamson’s departure, the SSPX and its dependent groups/the FSSP and similar groups are closer to each other than either is to anyone else. And together they make up an enormous supermajority of tradCaths.

Politically Jews can make an alliance with Arab Christians

Why would they PO their ultra-orthodox wing to win over like 2%(admittedly a disproportionately wealthy, educated 2%) of the population?

I’m sure that if he gets fired he’d have a professional conservative job paying 7 figures in less than a year.

Unconfirmed reports israel thinks he’s dead.

You can’t buy Russian stocks; I’m still salty about the sanctions keeping the ones I bought to bet against the invasion of Ukraine away from me.

Yes. Hezbollah is specifically an anti-colonialist movement opposed to western influence, and their original archenemy was actually France, another key US ally. They’re also in theory revolutionary socialists(but Muslim) who are buddies with Russia as a legacy of the Cold War. Oh, and they were founded as an Iranian proxy.

There isn’t a world in which the US and Hezbollah were ever friends.

Sharia law is not a great way to run a society, if produces broken people who can’t take initiative.

On the other hand, Turkey is a very nice place by middle income standards, and Islamism may well prove a fad.