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what the heck does Israel do about it?

You punish them, like any other state should. Failure to punish is complicity.

More generally, how can a state recover when a substantial minority refuses to go along with its orders

Punishment will continue until morality improves. They can implement mandatory educstional curricula that aims to dismantle notions of Jewish supremacy. Failure to do this is evidence of complicity.

The NYT is a Jewish-dominant newspaper filled with Democrats. Of course they will relentlessly malign Trump, because that helps them. But it’s not so clear that they have an interest in criticizing Israel to the same extent. Especially because there is moneyed interest at stake. No one is withdrawing support for the NYT because of misrepresentation about Trump (it was never there to begin with), but they may for criticism about Israel. As we saw with Ivy League schools and the conspiratorial group chat of Jewish billionaires that WaPo wrote about.

Gell-Mann amnesia

is a meme. Is there any evidence that experts by and large find that the NYT misrepresents findings in their field?

Do you understand Israeli politics well enough to know why ~10% of the Israeli population will vote religious-right regardless of who's leading it?

Maybe he does? I hate this idea that only Jews living in Israel have the esoteric moral knowledge regarding Israel. Sorry but you have been a controversial nation for decades, lots of people know how Israeli politics work.

it would take actually living here to get it.

This appears to me to be a nonsensical excuse.

Is it your first trip? If so you'll probably end up doing Tokyo and Kyoto which is cool. Some general tips from a resident:

  • In Tokyo, try to hit a single area per day. Tokyo is massive and if you have to traverse it each day you'll end up wasting a ton of time on public transport. If you only have 2 days there you could do east/west, or if you have >3 you could do east/central/west, etc.

  • Stay at hotels with public baths, like Dormy Inn or the APA Resorts. These are really comfortable and affordable, and the baths are very clean and pleasant.

  • Kyoto is small but it is absolutely packed with beautiful architecture, restaurants, temples, shrines, fascinating little boutique stores, and more. Plan to spend twice as many days there as you thought you needed.

  • Check out the shrines and hot springs on the north edge of Kyoto. Mt Hiei is nearby and also quite beautiful.

  • Always get a plastic bag from the convenience store when you buy stuff so you'll be able to keep your trash in your bag since there are no trash cans (sometimes convenience stores have trash cans though)

  • Always have cash, preferable at least 10,000 yen, in your wallet. Lots of places are cash only.

  • Hostels and capsule hotels have gotten so expensive lately that you can usually get a mid-range hotel room for only slightly more.

  • Check what events are happening during the time you're coming. Tokyo (and many other places) are always holding festivals (traditional and modern) and other local events.

  • Go to some museums. The average quality level of museums is really high here. Even small local city museums are usually pretty impressive IME.

Fights this week.

Porier vs Islam Makhachev

Porier is an everyday man's fighter but sightly better. Better than average everywhere, really good in some places but elite in zero spots besides one, beating up pressuring brawlers.

Makhachev is an interesting fighter. Whilst Khabib was the physical freak, makhachev wwas always the technical guy. Khabib relied on chain wrestling whilst makhachev has a better shot, much better striking, lefty and also chain wrestling. Though Khabib had a much more damaging top game, Luke Rockhold esque. Islam wants to ground and pound you too but his grappling is more positional.

Unless Islam fucks up, he should win easy. Porier is the feel good story but life is cold and calculated. Michael Bispings a one and done thing. Fighting is brutal, your chin only gets worse with time, roids can't fix it, you get paid like shit.

Recently saw some movies

  • Glengarry Glen Ross

Simply brilliant, very relatable and great dialogue's. Must watch.

  • Thief

Proto Drive. Incredible. Must Watch, amazing soundtrack. Mann is incredible

  • The Insider


  • Fargo

Boring, terrible. Don't watch, how can the same people make the big lebowski. It feels like they were mocking the Midwestern amerikaner with this one.

  • La Noire.


Nearly finished Gta Vice City. I can't enjoy video games anymore. I feel like I have to work lol. Have a fun week folks.

As @ArjinFerman notes, half Ashkenazi -- on my mother's side -- and half Italian. It's practically an ethnicity in NJ. I think I've even repeated a variant of that joke before.

As @VelveteenAmbush points out, it's the people NOT on forums who are going to stop voting for him. The law-n-order conservatives who have never seen a prosecution they don't like.

It's unclear what the Democrats will do if they win, because they can't promise anything as they have almost no more positive-sum, or even zero-sum, gains to make.

They'll make negative-sum gains by taking from their enemies and giving to their friends and clients.

If they don't shape up, the question is just how much abuse bright young cis heterosexual males (of left-discriminated-against racial or ethnic categories) are willing to take before they decide to organize for their own advantage, just as Democrats tell every other group to organize for their own advantage.

It turns out the answer is "all of it". They've successfully convinced a majority of society -- including said cis-het makes -- that they deserve all the abuse that is handed out to them, and that it is unacceptable for oppressors like them to organize for their own advantage.

I’m in the same boat as you, description-wise. Neither of us have aphantasia, the literal description is just poor.

If you explained the crime in a few sentences to George Washington, would he say, "what? I don't even understand why that is a crime in your era." Or would he say, "Of course that is a crime."

You don't think insider trading should be considered a crime?

I stopped needing a day nap about a year after I started taking vitamin D at five times the recommended daily allowance within an hour of waking up. In addition, it was no longer literally painful to awaken before 8am.

My mood benefited too, more resilient against depression.

My safety net is getting a good remote job if it fails. As long as I know a computer skill and have the help of my Co founders, I can get a good paying job.

I can't do stable. My life's biggest regrets are not working hard enough and still lucking into good places.

If it fails, I'll use my computer skills and get a job with my Co founders. I have a safety net of a stable well paying job but that can only materialise if I go through with this.

I wish you luck for your journey too. People fail though the one big regret many have is not doing something sooner and to the best of one's ability. For the first time in my life I can avoid that and that gives me peace.

A personal payment from Donald Trump to Stormy Daniels would not be an issue under campaign finance law (spending your own money on your own campaign is 1st-amendment protected activity) and would not generate any business records that could become the basis of a "falsifying business records" charge.

Why didn't Trump do it that way? Partly because his personal lawyer was a lying crooked sack of shit who couldn't give him decent legal advice. Mostly because he doesn't think that laws apply to him in the way they do to little people.

If Trump were really sloppy as you allege, prosecutors would have been able to find more serious charges to bring against him. Ten years of political spotlight and they can only get him on charges that have literally never been used against anyone ever before. You don't doubt that he's guilty of hundreds of similar crimes? Then why haven't they brought anything forward? That's the sloppy thinking here.

It looks like you're using Ukraine's mobilization intensity as the sole factor of judging losses, without considering that Ukraine is a lot smaller and has a smaller mobilization pool in the first place.

They’re OK but so far they seem to lack the real killer feature of being able to make actually catchy hooks, at least from my prompting. They can make real sounding very mid music, like this or ‘lost records’ YouTube compilations generated by the AI.

I feel like LLMs are in a similar spot. They can write OK. They can’t write anything truly impressive. They can’t write fiction like Joyce or non-fiction like the best New Yorker journalism. The question is whether that’s just a minor revision away, whether it requires some tinkering with the training set, or whether it’s actually possible that there are limitations that prevent generation of 99.9th percentile art without architectural changes at the least.

If the state has argued beyond reasonable doubt that one of two men has done an exclusive action, then they have also argued that there is reasonable doubt that the other hadn't.

Of course, the court system is a sham that hides its constant hypocrisies behind pomp and Latin, so neither the facts of the world nor even the facts of other court cases actually matter when judge and jury decide that precedent is optional today, but in a court system of professionals bound to their oath and juries capable of reason, convicting one person for a singular crime should exclude anyone else from being convicted of that crime.

As an aside, you can also have things like the felony murder rule, where "You did a felony and a murder happened as a direct result." is the argument, not "You murdered.", and in that paradigm, you absolutely can have multiple people convicted of the same murder, but that's not the same as lying to the court about what you think the evidence shows happened, as needs to happen to argue for two different versions of events.

I'm getting overwhelmed planning my trip to Japan.

There is just too much to see and do and optimize. Also the quality floor for most things seems to be pretty high, which should make things easier but is making things much harder because there are just that many more axis/options along which to optimize.

And this seems to be a common enough experience, given there seems to be a bunch of forums and subreddits dedicated just to planning a Japan trip. This doesn't seem to be the case for any other destination, not to this extent.

I'm seriously considering hiring someone to help me plan the trip..

The sage advice seems to be to not overthink it, because you probably won't make one trip anyways. Just to go there and have a loose plan and everything will plan into place naturally given the aforementioned high quality floor and number of things to do.

But I just can't help not plan this thing out. Planning for the trip is almost half the fun!

I'm not sure there's enough detail in the linked article to draw any meaningful conclusions. Were a number of young people asked "do you accept homosexuality?" as a single binary-choice question, or were they responding to longer surveys that included questions from "Should gay sex be illegal?" to "Do you think pride parades include too much publicly indecency" or "Do you think there's too much focus on LGBT representation in the media"? If the latter, any nuanced set of opinions over a range of topics will probably be seen by the media as "unaccepting" even compared to relatively recent times when these issues were less contentious.

100mm would be a massive increase. Trump only got 74mm in 2020 (losing by 6 million).

It’s possible that a felony conviction will get him 20mm more votes but I think that’s pretty unlikely.

That potato recipe sounds like some fat fuck shit, but eh, I can get behind the rest.

On the topic of food. Getting an air fryer and a rice cooker has been a game-changer for me.

I cooked up a whole seabream, and some jasmine rice in a grand total of 15 minutes end to end. I drizzled some "Prik Nam Pla (I added a small amount of sugar in addition to what the recipe says)" over the rice and fish, and it was excellent. I could easily see people paying a bunch of money at a Thai restaurant for a similar-tasting meal. The fish was perfectly cooked with potato chip esque crispy skin and moist flesh.

Depends highly on the content, my familiarity with the subject or the language it's in, whether I'm watching it with my wife and various factors relevant to her, and what the purpose of the video is. For example, if it's English and a subject that I'm familiar enough with that I can process most of the information extremely quickly and am only looking to see if there are some nuggets of new ideas, definitely 2x. Though I am always ready to rewind and slow it down if necessary. An example scenario would be that I'm watching a recording of an academic talk in an area that I know pretty well, but BLAM, he starts banging out some chunk of stuff that I haven't really seen before, I'll go back and go through that section slowly.

Wife is a native French speaker, and I'm kinda learning. We watch a few French language channels together, but a nice compromise is that they are subjects that I otherwise know a lot more about than she does. We literally watch some of those on 0.75x. I can't actually tell if they're "fast" talkers relative to some typical rate, because I'm just not good enough at French to know, but slowing it down doesn't mess with the sound of it too badly, helps give me time to comprehend the words, and she's okay with it, because she's pretty new to the content.

Some videos we watch purely to relax before bedtime. Channels are picked appropriately, and they're a smooth, buttery 1x.

Not only is this Gell-Mann amnesia, it's the literal ur example of it. You don't trust the NYT when they imply (never outright say) that MAGA republicans want to destroy American democracy, so why do you trust them with the equivalent reporting on another country? Do you understand Israeli politics well enough to know why ~10% of the Israeli population will vote religious-right regardless of who's leading it? Probably not, and it would take actually living here to get it.

The equivalent is if a European would think that 50% of Americans want to turn the US into literal hands-maid tale. It's a not-even-wrong level understanding.

Isn't Trump's higher likelihood of targeting more than compensated for by his vastly larger resources to defend himself?