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joined 2024 April 09 13:28:25 UTC


User ID: 2982

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BANNED USER: Lost keys



2 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2024 April 09 13:28:25 UTC


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User ID: 2982

Banned by: @netstack

Palestinians are uniquely unsympathetic to me because they have not only spitefully rejected every overture of peace extended to them, but also actively harmed literally every ally they have ever had.

Its one thing to hate Israel and its supporters so much that you pledge eternal uncompromising war and employ every single dirty trick ever (hiding weapons in civilian areas, exploiting lawfare, abducting civilians, saying one thing in english and another in arabic, THE LIST GOES ON FOREVER) to maximize sympathy for yourself. Fine. Fight, play dirty, still lose, reee, repeat. Your funeral.

But the Palestinians actively fucked or tried to fuck everyone that tried to help them. Black September in Jordan, Palestinians in Kuwait supporting Saddams invasion, Palestinians aiding the Sinai militias against Egypt, fomenting the Lebanese Civil War... the only place Palestinians haven't fucked up in the region is Syria, and thats because it is hard to differentiate Palestinian caused chaos amidst the maelstrom of fuckery there.

This isn't even including the list of international terrorist attacks where Palestinians have attacked non-Israeli (geographic or ethnic) targets. Islamist terrorism is already shitty enough for being an exported political ideology, but Palestinian specific terrorism is the only instance of a domestic issue extending violence far beyond its borders. Palestinian people in Palestinian organizations have engaged in cross border murder of non-Israelis. Killing RFK, bombing of various civilian jets, etc etc etc etc. The list is long and infuriating and all for naught, so its just violence for the sake of violence. FARC hasn't attacked outside Colombia, Shining Path didn't kill random Europeans, Naxalites are unknown outside of India, IRA didn't bomb Germany, even the Cartels restrict their international violence to others In The Game. Palestinian (and broadly speaking Muslim) terrorists are the only ones that regularly kill noninvolved externals, with the (not very good) justification that everyone who is attacked is actually a zionist sympathiser who deserved to be killed.

Most sympathy for Palestinians arises from an overabundance of empathy: well if I were such a dickhead it MUST be because I was so massively aggrieved, therefore the Palestinians must be uniquely special in their suffering. The presumption that Palestinians want peace works backwards from this overempathetic viewpoint: if I had peace I won't be a dickhead, so the Palsatinians just need peace to not be dicks.

This is a reversal of causality. Palestinians don't have peace, BECAUSE they are irredentist incompetent dickheads. Fatah-Hamas war kicked off 10 seconds before the elections were concluded and both sides hate each other to this day. If the Palestinians are dicks to themselves, are dicks to their allies, dicks to uninvolved externals and incompetent dicks to their enemies, perhaps it is best if the prophylactic of sympathy stops being lavished on them so they can finally stop trying to shoot their load.

Israel is a net arms exporter, exporting 12.5bn of weapons in 2022, while importing a really tiny amount of arms. US 'aid' is valued at 38bn over a 10-year period from 2016, and Germany increased arms exports 10fold from 2022 to 2023... to 330m. Israel is an arms exporter and has the best defense industry in the region (Turkey is doing pretty alright too), and just because Israel focuses on high tech shit doesn't mean their bullet and bandage industry is nonexistent. The Israeli feelers are merely looking to backstop inventory shortages, although it should be noted that Israeli maximal doctrine is 'sustained four front war without support'. Between their domestic arms industry and their strong economy, and whatever jew money/mind control conspiracies we wish to add on, the Israelis do not need external support to continue prosecuting their war aims. Whether this is a good dollar value versus opponents lobbing shitbottle rockets and digging up tunnels GLA style is another question for another time.

100% true. Those men are weaklings whining that they're discriminated against wammins, idiots who use conscription as merely another cudgel in their war against women. Not a single one of these idiots actually has any intention or capability of fighting, conscripted or otherwise. Grunts dont (usually) doubt the bravery of women, they doubt their stamina to carry 100lb of shit on a 5 mile or even 30lb of shit in a sustained sprint.

There are plenty uses for shitbirds in service that there is plenty of shit for women to do outside of frontline roles. The US army is not a lean mean fighting machine with spess mehrines ready to solo a terrorist base, its a methed out powerbottom using its ridiculously organic logistical capability to vomit a Starbucks onto a FOB within 48 hours of the HESCO fortress being setup. Conscripting women would just mean the milspec mafia would need to find a new way to skate. This still doesn't solve the progressive problem of women not getting to participate in the 'glory' of war, so I'm not sure they would stop bitching about women 'not being allowed' to serve.

Maybe. its still not a 0, and its still largely men getting this accord, so progressives keep acting to diminish it further or claim women/gays/minorities are the real beneficiaries of a valorized history - all the kvetching about any WW2 show not having enough blacks or how the supercool vikings really were 40% women raiders. I don't see progressives trying to get more women into waste disposal or being day laborers, but I call that a wash since media doesnt give a shit about those guys either.

Frankly I don't blame women for this. Exceedingly few women are out there clamoring for girlbosses on the front lines, with most ads for female military recruitment focusing on (much needed) POG intel or maintenance shit.

No, the ones seething at the lack of female participation are progressive MEN who do not have even the concession of a dennys veterans meal accorded to them. If military valor is not an exclusively male thing, then you are not a failure of a man for not achieving military valor. Not that people actually consider military valor much of a special achievement anymore, but progressives simply need to diminish the achievements of the men they will never be in order to make themselves look less failson.

In all the footage there is probably only one single clip of a Ukrainian woman storming a trench, three if you count the gender ambiguous blobs being shot at in Azovstal. Fair few of women in CASEVAC doing in-vehicle stabilization, and a few women working counterbattery were killed. These roles are still valued, but they aren't sitting in trenches waiting for the assault.

Doesn't change the fact that others raised, which is female soldiers are better used outside of directly employing violence of action. Keep men killing, thats what they do best. Women can get the teamkill assist.

Father Christmas is giving Susan permission to fight,

Modern progressives have focused exclusively on the valor of action in order to share this spoil with women, while ignoring both how much war sucks and how few women actually want to do all the shitty bits of combat, including the killing. The reason women weren't shoved into the frontlines for war wasn't because of sexism, its because most women can't do the really shitty bits of war as well as men: marching with heavy shit, digging, being transported in uncomfortable deathtraps without puking, having some asswipe yell at you just to keep your head screwed on, sleeping in odd positions. Fuck, most MEN can't do that shit, which is why all-volunteer militaries outperform unwilling conscripts.

In modern hollywood we largely see women being graceful acrobatic spinny shits, or snipers/pilots/archers, anything that stops them being up close to shit that punches back. Wheedonified tiny women acrobatically backflipping dudes into walls or vidya chicks stabbing weightless blades through armored trolls has given a throughly wrong impression that men and women have 0 physical difference, both because of political correctness and progressive men being gym allergic 'intellectuals'.

Women being given 'permission' to fight just makes them ballerinas getting military medals instead of flowers at the end of a performance, not chumps getting chewed out by artillery or dying from malnutrition. Frontline fighting sucks, get your free applebees by doing shit meatheads hate, like safety PowerPoint

Is this guy just going to necroed threads to look for wrongthink? Tourists are fine but this seems like the prelude to some lefty discord invading and calling us nazis.

Why you gotta ruin my dreams like that man.

The problem is that the 'blacks' progs want to lift up don't end up in prog circles to kiss the ring in thanks of prog generosity. The most black millionaires come from sports and rap industries, hardly fields progs find affinity or interest in. Progs want to raise a black girl out of the hood to be president and crowd down the normie whites that otherwise occupy that position, replacing white competitors with grateful black toadies.

For all the talk about Biden and Obama keeping the border secure by performing border rejections and spinning up ICE, no one ever acknowledged that Biden was seen by migrants as the opening of the gates. Migrants are motivated to gp to the USA by promises made to migrants such as DREAM and sanctuary cities, migrants are drawn to europe by weakness and riches for the taking.

The irony of developmental economics is that as western aid becomes more efficient at making poor countries richers, it just gives them resources to make a trip to the promised land. Refugee laws were made when only neighbouring countries would flood your border, now you can get a trip on Air India to Canada or get coyotes to set up food and water and transport on your way to the promised land. The only thing that will stop migrants flooding borders is the rejection of any benefits to these people, including NGOs hiding them from police and illegal work. You westerners have no idea how to deal with these culturally disruptive peoples and the rubber band will snap back soon.

The latin is the proxy for competence. If the doctor can't keep up with their research and papers to know their specialized lingo then they're unlikely to understand the workings of their trade. When you're in a select high context community, language is the filter to weed out imposters.

The corresponding right tail for ADOS presents identically to the black families of progressive dreams. Suburban 2 parented households with no crime. These blacks just refuse to identify with their failed brethren, like how suburban whites do not identify with kensington fent zombies.

This is a really interesting thought experiment: if the African AA do turn out to be stellar examples of pure black competence and the reputation of blacks as an aggregate increases on means and medians, yet 4ADS-grandparented blacks remain a perenniel underclass, will AA cease their bitching? Off the top of my head my own experiences suggest a strong no, given what my african compatriots tell me about dealing with blacks, as well as seeing how the extremely few 4ADS largely treated Africans in college. US afronationalists use Wakandanized pre-white africa as a tale of white perfidy, not African solidarity. Blacks are perfectly capable of immense in-group strife now without introducing nigerian, rwandan, kenyan or botswanan ultrachads, there is no reason they will cease their bitching. The question remains whether the white DEI champions will not play with blacks anymore if they are too successful. Perhaps the natives will FINALLY be the chosen pets for whites eager to show their good hearts.

Ok so the the point of fidelity is less that 'he will cheat' and more that 'marriage is no guarantee he is off limits', whether as an initiator or as a recipient. Fidelity being an afterthought was a statement meant to communicate required vigilance on the part of the woman, compared to observed western practices where women take husbands for granted and presume they will never stray. Asian women are hardly 'accepting' of cheating insomuch as wary of it, and that wariness permeates. Not the most extant expectation by far, but women raised on kdramas do seem especially sensitive to female friends of their husbands. One guy I know has to surrender his phone to his wife every night for message review, even though he's the nicest dweeb ever who had to be cajoled into going to the beach with the woman on a church outing.

They don't have to go back, they just need to be smacked into submission and change their ways or reveal their own desire to fight against whites and have their evil exposed. Good whites are the ones now edging towards race riots and I can't blame them. Europe is where a race riot is likely to start next, and the arabs who crow about breeding out the europeans and stealing the spoils for themselves are in for a rude awakening.

I've said this before, I'll keep saying it: solidarity with the far threat against the near enemy. progressive whites do not view normie whites as their own kin, the normie is the enemy to be subjugated. blacks are merely the enemy of normies so advancing blacks is useful. if blacks all turned out to be value aligned witb normies the progs would abandon them, just like the progs abandoned asians and now latinos. in the competition for cultural supremacy, the prize is being the dispenser of the systems spoils. that the fruits are withered because the normies tending the orchard have been replaced by blacks (or in europe muslims) is not a possibility entertained by progs.

Black crime being unpunished due to racial considerations drives whites out of productive suburbs to leave impoverished wastelands in its wake. If that doesn't count as population transfer then stripping property rights of criminal noncompliants doesn't count either.

maybe using speed

Fucking idiots think womens small frame is -1 STR -1 CON +2 DEX. Speed and nimbleness is not natural to humans and women dont get some balance to the physical meta. Except for making more humans, but thats a 14 year process before they're useful.

Every russian retreat is a glorious trap about to be sprung on the unsuspecting ukrops, every Ukrainian failure is proof of their impending failure cascade, every Russian long range strike onto civilians is magically hitting a hidden HIMARs located behind a baby crib, every Russian asset lost is just proof of how resilient the Russian manufacturing machine is, every Russian field 'improvisation' is proof of superior Russian ingenuity. Bias exists in all parties/observers within this conflict, but pro Russian cope is the finest fermented diarrhea to be injected into every vatniks urethrae.

San Francisco is a churning hub of naive liberals turning into centrists in their mid careers and retreating to hide in suburbs somehow free of homeless and blacks. If you want to turn San Francisco liberals away from immigration, don't send them on junkets, force them to find a replacement tenant before they can physically leave their degrading rental properties in the 'diverse' city.

You can recover from immigration. Race riots are a GREAT way to let someone know they aren't welcome and should make all effort to shape up, fight, or get out. The same forces that compels police to stand aside and let masses of muslims rape white children will cause the police to stand aside as Hamlet Towers is burnt to the ground: can't arrest all of them with our small police and the prisons are full. Europeans are seen as weak pussies because 60 years of German-Franco-Anglo peace has been sustained by an incompetent enemy and football. Violent migrants thinking weak peoples will stay weak and docile in the face of islamist violence should remember that the Europeans did in fact have superior martial arms and valor to take their lands, and the Europeans can do so again with enough motivation.

Copy pasting monkey working on a dead product is not a position that needs filling. Perhaps with labor tightening there would be a focus on the new constraining variable (human capital) to determine what product should be worked on. An army of AI assistant chat app developers is creaming the fat off the top just like DEI admins, only less visibly. No one misses Google Hangouts and no one will miss Tesla Full Self Driving (do not get me started).

Hlynka san senpai, notice me uwu. Private message me the address of your desert cult, I will initiate many dweebs into your musty yet inviting dungeon.

Good! Call Synder retarded, Bloodlands is a polemic! But I never claimed he was THE intellectual authority, only that he is one of many, and stroking off Mearshimer just is an appeal to authority. Snyder is RIGHT about Russias revanchism, and he predicted THAT while Mearshimer in 2014 till 2022 was, per your OWN citation, predicting that Russia was peaceful in its intentions and should be courted as a reliable ally against China. Have you READ his shit? He treats Russia as a weak animal with no choice but to lash out in the 2015 lecture you cite. After Russia attacked and starts their insane rhetoric about nuking London and nazis is when Mearshimer goes off the deep end into supporting pro-Russia military inevitability, a laughable statement before Surovikins force generation efforts paid off in 2023.

Mearshimer is by no means a military genius, which is the criteria by which you judged his intellectual heft. Unbound to the neocon or neolib establishments that predicted happiness and sunshine for all in the wake of US 'freedom bombs'? Yes. Blind to his own hyperfocus on China as a threat to focus on? That is my assessment. Mearshimer (fuck I hate typing his stupid longass name) did your standard vatnik cope of 'Russia clearly had a grand plan when they attacked with their weak forces, look at me I'm so smart.' when the reality is much simpler: Putin fucked up, and Russia doubled down on a bad bet.