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joined 2022 September 09 00:38:45 UTC


User ID: 1049



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 00:38:45 UTC


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User ID: 1049

I wouldn't say I have a greatly above average social network, but even if I somehow managed to bankrupt myself, at the very least my parents would let me move in with them...

I mean without knowing what I did it's hard to say much on the topic, but unless we're talking about random and arbitrary tyranny in which the IRS makes an accounting error and insists that they're correct, and I somehow lose in court, I can't imagine owing more on taxes than I have in assets in the first place... You're really going to have to clarify how the average man can be fucked over by the IRS just like that.

At least when I was applying for undergraduate admissions, only a few hundred kids a year were getting perfect scores on the SAT.

This website reports 213 trillion in unfunded liabilities, listing the US Treasury as its source, though I can't seem to find the exact source myself.


There's no shortage of studies on the subject, as a quick search of Google Scholar will show. There is even causal evidence from interventional studies showing that going outdoors reduces the prevalence and severity of myopia in schoolchildren.

This topic was of particular interest to the governments of Korea, Japan, and China a while back, as their rates of myopia are in the high 90% range; I believe it was their funded research that led to the development of interventions like peripheral defocus lenses, that would slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. Alas, about twenty years too late for me.

New resident of California as of this year; was unexpectedly sent here by my work.

As far as I can tell, the workers live 2-3 to a room in rented houses, which is why many neighborhoods of East Palo Alto have 5-6 cars parked in front of 1000 sq ft (100 sq m) 3br houses.

I was in Asia over the holidays, and the food there is better (at least to my tastes), costs 1/5th as much even without counting taxes, tip, and the bevy of surcharges they add (somehow a prix fixe dinner advertised at $95 a head costs over $270 for 2), and much more conveniently located.

Honestly, I hate it here already and am looking to leave at the first good opportunity. Until then, I'm living well below my means to minimize my exposure to the 9-10% sales tax rates, driving a 20-year old car, maxing out my contributions to tax-advantaged accounts and investments in general, and trying to pay as little in taxes as possible.

A new buyer of said 3 million dollar home would be subject to property taxes in the ballpark of 40k a year. I almost wish we could level the entire area south of I-280 and redevelop it into a megacity with housing for 20 million people according to Chinese urban development practices just to spite the nimbys.