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His Excellency Joe Biden has declared March 31st a certain ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

It makes a sort of sense. Jesus died for their sins too. They are obviously burdened by this disordered behavior. Perhaps through 'visibility' they'll find shame and repentance, that they may go and sin no more.

population wanting stupid stuff I think is price controls- the idea of keeping rent or gasoline below a certain hard cap

I'm not sure what people want are price caps. People want affordable abundant housing and energy. Price caps don't typically achieve this. Politicians promising price caps are frequently popular which is why they persist.

Because that's not creepy and corrupt? These sorts tend to be down with the globohomo ideology. Encouraging it's spread is a concern.

I don't want people that badly.

My experience has been that the homosexuals that do this are all in on the globohomo (the other homo) ideology.

That they may do this on their own is bad. That they may be supported via some sort of policy intervention that was to increase hetronormative families is too far for me.

It is possible to make PMC life with kids more immediately attractive than PMC DINK life. But it requires hefty, substantial redistribution and engineering of tax burdens

How do you make family life more appealing to degenerate hedonists than a DINK life of hedonism and degeneracy?

I'd focus on incentives to go from 2 to 4 or more. It's less of a lifestyle change. My fear would be that in current year instead of children conceived and born naturally from heterosexual marriage, incentives would be available to 'married' homosexual men using surrogates.

It's possible to go from DINK to traditional family but you have to be realistic about the lifestyle differences especially with 4 or more children. We may have had 5 or 6 if we'd started earlier. The first 7 years of marriage we were busy being DINK with nights out/trips.

Americans don’t want the kinds of base model cars that are commonplace in other countries

Americans aren't really given the choice.

Many of the trucks I see in use commercially are much larger than they need to be for their role. Larger more expensive trucks then add to the overhead of many businesses that rely on them. You have to mow many more lawns at higher rates to move your equipment with a current year truck than a compact truck from the 1980's. Unless you needed the towing capacity the s-10 1/4 ton pickup adequate for many roles and were ubiquitous on job sites when I was a teen. We were still using 1970's Datsuns.

The interiors were spartan, I miss bench seats.

I think you may be underestimating the degree CAFE standards have made trucks giant in the US.

unnecessarily large pickups

This is also regulation at work.

Previous generations of Americans loved light compact pickups like the Chevy LUV, Datsun 620, Isuzu Hombre, etc.

Have you not see the film? https://youtube.com/watch?v=FKCmyiljKo0

I am Spartacus @HlynkaCG!

Except before your edit it's restating an instruction from a much earlier covenant;

Gen 9:6

"Whoever sheds human blood, by other humans must his blood be shed; for in God's image God has made humankind."

In your edit in John 8 they were trying to trap him in conflict between Roman and Mosaic law. To stone her would break one, preventing the stoning the other. He avoids the issue by instructing the sinless to cast the first stone. It's still an instruction to cast the stone. I will concede I don't believe Jesus wants us to stone adulteresses though we can divorce them. I believe he threaded the needle of sparing the woman, upholding Mosaic Law and not breaking Roman law. I do not believe this is a general prohibition against stoning, that would preclude the stoning of child sacrificing Molech worshipers.

What is the role of the sword in Rom 13:4?

for it is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be in fear, for it does not bear the sword in vain. It is God's servant to administer retribution on the wrongdoer.

How long have you had the anhedonia? Any medication that may be contributing?

Do you have any plants, pets or livestock?

Have you discussed any of this with your brothers?

And how does one do that?

For me, it was marriage, family and community. Though I tried hedonism for a decade before I married.

Part of the benefit of religion is the community / fellowship. You can experience something similar and secular organizations, Rotary Club, Lion's Club etc.

Why is family ending with your generation? Is it related to your ahedonia?

For meaning and purpose; something you enjoy is likely insufficient. I think you need to be part of a larger whole where your absence specifically is noticeable and detrimental.

Does anyone or anything depend on you?

You have to create purpose / meaning.

Why are faith and family unavailable?

Hedonism is mostly meaningless.


He washed feet. As portrayed in the ad could lead an observer to believe he washed alot of feet, or that it was common in his ministry or he washed random sinners feet.

Not simply worshipers of Molech, they need to be child sacrificers.

I don't think I've said Jesus advocates stoning in John 8. Only that he persuades the crowd not to stone the adulteresses. I don't read this as being negative against the crowd. He doesn't say she doesn't deserve to be stoned, or that the law as proscribed is invalid or unjust. Might Jesus instruction to the crowd have inspired mercy? Which other account of stoning as punishment is negative against the stoners?

The Lord (Word of God) clearly tells Moses that the ancient Israelites should stone child sacrificing Molech worshipers and not doing so will set them apart from God in Lev 20:2. Jesus must be on board with this at the time he says it to Moses.

There are examples in the New Testament where Jesus reframes earlier teachings on adultery, food prohibitions, and the sabbath. I don't find any teachings that murderers shouldn't be punished as proscribed by law. Jesus seems to have something worse than drowning in the sea with a millstone around the neck in mind in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I don't find a prohibition against capital punishment in general.

I don't think I've said that Jesus advocates for stoning, nor do I think he prohibits it where proscribed by the law. Nor do I find this inconsistent with the teaching to love your neighbor as yourself.

Me personally?

Murder, sex crimes against children, treason.

Many of the capital crimes in the Old Testament wouldn't move me today to advocate for stoning, burning or slaying.

Once? The disciples reaction points to this being the first time. Casting out demons might be more helpful to the cohort you suggest.

Jesus persuades a group against stoning an adultress.

Not really a prohibition against all stoning or stoning Molech worshipping child sacrificers.

Does Jesus prohibit stoning as a punishment?

Certainly the tenor of his ministry is repentance, forgiveness, redemption and loving your neighbor as yourself and loving God. He specifically condemnes hypocrisy, pride and commercialization of a sacred space by dishonest merchants.

Legal and religious matters are seperate now. This has not always been the case.

Jesus is not proscribing stoning for general degeneracy. As the Word of God he was specific.

Does Jesus say not to stone child sacrificing Molech worshipers?

He speaks on divorce and food prohibitions in the new testament, he persuades a crowd not to stone an adultress, but not via a prohibition on stoning. He specifically says he's not come to abolish the law or the prophets.

It's frequently applied in the sense that the person will belive they're a saint or God has given them specifically a mission or message. Not religious faith in general.

Jesus the Word of God?

Lev 20:1-2 The LORD spoke to Moses: "You are to say to the Israelites, 'Any man from the Israelites or from the foreigners who reside in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech must be put to death; the people of the land must pelt him with stones.