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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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User ID: 550



1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 550

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I've tried the first couple episodes, I just don't care about any of them so far. I find myself hoping the dragon will go on a Tyke rampage killing everyone.

Part of the attraction to fantasy for me is escapism. If they drag in all the worst elements of current year I don't see the point.

Seen this?

It's only Law and Order, but it's about what I expected.


Do you have any examples of any current stable polygamous societies?

Diversity of what sort?

1 Corinthians 5:11 would exclude many, welcomed by many denominations today.

An abundance of diversity and pride has fractured many churches.

I like the argument that exclusion through execution shaped western countries.


I believe even in Germany you can say as few as 2 million jews died in the holocaust without it being holocaust denial.

I'd be curious as to the contribution of rich ethnically French women to that statistic.

If we want the ethnically linguistically diverse to hear in their own tounges we still may be in seperate congregations. Though I've no principled objection to an organic ethnically diverse congregation.

My objection is that many mainline denominations fail to expel the wicked from among them.

I think there may be some conflation of foreign born / immigrant status and ethnicity in that argument.

I suspect many of the native born women bearing babies in France are not ethnically French. I'm not sure there are good statistics on this in France.

Is your objection to the effect or the implimetation?

Many ad networks rely on specific domains. Some of these networks / domains have poor security practices and will periodically link to malicious sites or code. For variety of reasons I choose to have my firewall blackhole requests to these domains. The net effect is that ads in my network are dramatically reduced.

There is content I happily pay for. There's content I would pay for on an ad-hoc basis if there was a low friction mechanism. I'd be happier pay for content if it was priced more equivalently to my 'value' as an ad consumer. Typically you're asked to pay much more than your worth as a consumer of advertising.

Certainly not evidenced by slave ownership. Only a minority ever owned slaves.

The assimilation hasn't worked much better in France than Sweden or Belgium, the Netherlands, etc.

If assimilation was working I'd expect Mohammed to be a much less popular baby name.

Immigrants that are keen to integrate will change their names to take common names in their new countries, this is not a new phenomenon. Many European immigrants to the US changed the names to sound more American.

Nisei had predominantly western names. Living in Germany I met several Korean Karl-Heinz, choosing names native to their new country was a way to integrate and embrace the culture.

Saïd Kouachi and Chérif Kou were both born in France, their assimilation seems to have been incomplete. The same can be said for Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Mir Hussain in England.

Integration and assimilation is no longer the stated goal, that was modern. Post-modern is decidedly more multicultural.

Better metrics likely do exist, would you expect Mohamed to be #19 for French boys in 2019?

Koreans I'd expect to integrate and assimilate better regardless of name, than the ancestral groups currently causing problems in Europe. I'd attribute this to Koreans experience with civilization, while many recent immigrants to Europe do not originate from groups with similar experience.

The hugeness of new trucks is likely driven by fuel standards, or lack of them based on wheelbase.

Many of us would prefer smaller light pickups that are no longer manufactured.

I made a variation of this argument to my wife after her MD/PhD. She's now a SAHM with our 4 children.

Do you know anyone that married before 30, has 4 children and regrets the sexual promiscuity, alcohol and a 16 - 26 rakish decade? I see one in the mirror everyday.

I don't think it'd be a Sisyphean as you describe. Sadly many of the societal tools to ensure a positive outcome have been blunted. Shaming is frequently seen an sexist, misogynist, anti-alaphabet people, etc. Realistic positive portrayals of women choosing to be mothers, wives and homemakers and family life are rare in popular culture.

Young men are in similar difficulty as evidenced by the popularity of 'Clean up your own room' and perceived lack of respect afforded to those choosing trades or technical training. The many that find themselves in online echo chambers and feedback loops is also unhelpful.

That current year, sexual liberation, leaning-in and girl bossing does not seem to make women very happy is evident in the volume of psychotropic medications consumed by this cohort. That they commiserate in their unhappiness is evident in the literature and media they frequently consume.

Get woke, go broke suggests to me the perception of a deep cultural shift may be unwarranted.

Rather than justification, how about acquiescence?

I wouldn't necessarily advocate for violence against politicians, lawyers, bankers etc. If angry yet capable mob started building guillotines on capital hill I'd like to see where it goes before reflexive condemnation.

Do you have any suggestions for words for transwomen?

Non-consensus Women?

Is Japan as helpful with trans men?

Rather than drawing attention the groomers directly, perhaps a targeted prevention approach directed at those most at risk for grooming.

What would an updated version of this educational film be like?


That 95% of people who do drag kid shows are enabling and providing cover for the 5% who do want to molest kids doesn't seem a great argument in favor of drag kid shows.

Also even the groomers see themselves as the heroes of their stories. They're welcoming the kids into the community or whatever the current euphemism is.

Not sure I'd class 5% pedos as a small percent. I think of small percentages as winning the lottery, being struck by lightning and dying, being healthly 18 - 49 and dying of Covid.

Nor does the 5% pedos really address the larger cohort of homosexual men for which this sort of grooming behavior is normalized towards adolescents, pederastry. The behavior covered by some of the accusations against Kevin Spacey or the descriptions of George Takei losing his virginity at 13 to an attractive older man.

Many other communities that work with youth have specific proscribed safe-guarding policies in place to prevent inappropriate conduct. Parent volunteers in schools, scoutmasters, etc. are subjected to criminal background checks and frequently attend training on safeguarding vulnerable populations.

How overt and specific must the behavior be to be grooming?

Getting the kids and parents to self-select to participate in their further indoctrination to lifestyle with poor outcomes doesn't exactly seem like not grooming.

It's on par with many adult homosexual adolescent boy grooming scenarios. Often neither sees it as grooming. They've common interests and the boy is an old soul, mature for his age. The drag kids show itself may not be grooming, but it's where all the groomers hang out, and the behavior is normalized.

It won't help there's a group claiming of course this isn't grooming, it's just pride and fun. Indoctrination into the community makes it easier to fiddle the kid later. That it's done with a guise of community pride, rather than prostitution is to many a distinction without a difference. Though I could see an argument that the pederast homosocial relationship is 'better' than being prostituted, murdered and served as kebab.

It's all fun until a groomer tempts you with word too large.

I think your 'grooming' may be a term of art at which point the authorities have a reasonable likelihood of success legally when they intervene.

The local townspeople and I likly have a lower threshold for grooming as our actions may be more likely to be extra-judicial.