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We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users  
joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Deleted post, what happened here?

Well it is make believe to start. How would you react to being asked why the 3 little pigs were a not solution to societal ills?

Also the countries that have tried that are all total shitholes. Been to a theocracy lately? Not great.

I've never posted ironically. I stand behind every post I've made. Unlike those of you who hide their posting history.

I don't want left leaning posts. I want rational posts!!!! I want hot takes on current events from a reasonable and objective body of smart people. Not this partisan shit. It just makes me upset and mad at what it could have been, and what it has been when in full form. I occasionally have been able to come on here and the former sub for some of the smartest and most informative information available anywhere on the planet.

Maybe the news is too slow now and it is impacting the quality of the posts, maybe it is ideological drift or capture, all I know is I'm not getting the discourse I would expect from a forum that perhaps I saw as a more august body than it was.

Spicy stuff somedude! That Huxley line was gold, I just had a hearty chuckle re-reading it, -20 just proved my point. If I'm not wrong you've also just overstepped somewhat and there is a modpost incoming.

  • -13

What? He literally had his political opponent thrown in the gulag where he died. What are you on about?

Somehow 5 downvotes...For something 100% factually correct. Along with Ditto blocking me, amazing stuff really.

That is what initially attracted to me to this space and why I was very excited about it. I'm just sad to slowly watch it turn from a rat adjacent discussion forum into more of a bog standard Tucker Carlson talking point partisan space. Maybe not in all the comments (yet), but the votes are there to turn it into an echo chamber once all the non-conformists are driven off. A right wing "Shit post" even one that catches a mod ban, will get 30 upvotes while a well thought out slightly to the left posing will usually be in the negative. The writing is on the wall and I'm unsure as to why I'm fighting against it.

One man's trash.

  • -12

Well that is a pretty uncharitable way to put things. I'm to the right of most of my social circle but I'm to the left of whatever this place is turning into. People just get sick of getting downvoted and unable to post in real time, eventually they say something rude and get banned or they say "fuck it" and leave.

When the conversation turns to being worried about trump picking his VP based on possible assassination, putting guns in holes as a generational family gun stash in your back yard, "powers that be" conspiring to eliminate people like you, heavily downvoting someone pointing out having sex with blackout drunk people is probably wrong, being afraid to leave your red state for fear of being locked up for defending yourself, practicing religion harder being the only answer to societal ills, women only being truly happy barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen....I mean the parody starts to write itself at some point.

Lol now TheMotte is getting into trump assassination territory....Should I stop coming here and start watching fox news?

  • -36

It does! Since this is still an awesome place to live. But if you really hate it you can leave.

As I have pointed out you have 7 degrees of freedom in my state and also can murder your unborn child, so move here if you are feeling oppressed by the USA. Other states offer other less free options.

  • -10

There is no mechanism. You don't get it. There are no "rules", people and countries do what they can. The USA is best placed in the whole world, monetarily and militantly, there is no end to what they will use that for. It doesn't have to "make sense" or "be fair". No one is going to stop it, because there is no one to do so. There is also no disaster to sleepwalk into, the USA will just keep winning.

So who does?

It is working great. I'll let you know when it stops.

It has failed? It the wealthiest and most successful society in the world that may usher in an age of untold prosperity for all eternity? What?

I think you and I might be living in fundamentally different worlds. Mine is going wild with possibility and right now I can travel anywhere in the world and have an amazing time. What does yours look like?

  • -10

Who enforces those contracts?

I knew someone was going to say that. It ain't you're money, you pay that to live here. Don't like it? There are other options.

  • -10

Seems pretty simple to me. Don't want the feds in your school. Don't accept fed money!

Isn't it kind of crazy to accept taxpayer money and expect to make your own rules?

  • -12


Title IX doesn't apply to private institutions that don't receive federal funding.

Again, we have the strongest currency in the world. If it goes bad then all others have gone before it. We abuse the shit out of that and we're going to abuse it more. No one can say boo.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've had covid at least once and have noticed no change in my immunity or life otherwise. Don't read too much into one severe cold.

Jesus Christ dude. You know that bureaucrats are why we don't all live in mud huts and rape each other right? Have a little gratitude. You're posting this on an internet forum that only exists because generations of bureaucrats kept society together for a few thousand years.

  • -18

I'm 100% with yah on this. Even my little city up here in the corner of the country is getting bankrupted by lying "asylum seekers" that are 100% economic migrants gaming the system. I hate it. I can't believe people are letting it happen and even cheering it on.

I mean he claims he won't leave his red state because he thinks he'll be snatched up for defending his rights...Should I not believe him? That is also objectively an insane belief to operate your life under so I am trying to relatively gently push back against that.

You're the only one. The dollar is stronger than ever against all other currencies, anything that takes the dollar down will mean the end of the financial world first.

In "real terms" it is stronger than ever compared to all other currency; if your talking about inflation which is normal, expected, sought after, and planned for, then yes, it has inflated, like it is supposed to, to keep money moving.

If you understand monetary policy at all you don't want something that never changes in value or deflates, that just leads to hoarding and doing nothing.

Unless you're some kind of silver/gold late night TV guy then this is all common knowledge.

Ah, an other private account so I don't even know where you're coming from on issues. TheMotte should do away with that feature.