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We will sell no wine before its time

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joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Ok then so this is just how you feel about athletic traits. Nothing objective or quantifiable. Just trying to understand, and now I do. It is cjet79's personal preferences.

So you're just picking random genetic traits that you think are "athletic" and others that you deem "non-athletic", it is just a personal feeling then?

To be consistent you would have to discount all genetic gifts or none of them. You can't do that without writing off sports/athletes as nothing but a ballistic glide path once you're shot out of the womb.

I just don't understand your criteria, why is hand eye coordination ability athletic and height not? Why is a longer wingspan vs height athletic and not just height? Why are more fast twitch or slow twitch muscle fibers athletic and not height?

I hear that, but you do know those names, without massive stacks they would never even have been in the conversation.

I found that study. Key correlations were in agreement with literature relating lower HR to greater physical aggression (r=−.17) and hostility (r=−.17)

Negligible results published for a headline. Not one of the greatest predictors of criminality.

Surely it can tip tight races and there also must be a floor or a minimum amount one needs to run a campaign at all. It might not be THE factor but it is A factor for sure. If no one hears your message then it doesn't matter how good it is.

But all those traits are basically genetically determined, especially when you get to the top end of any sport, the silver medalist isn't silver instead of gold because they didn't try hard enough or something. They studied top swimmers and found long arms compared to torso length is very important.

So wait I guess the better question is, what do you consider to be "part of athleticism"? Sounds like your getting on the hard determinist train. Welcome.

This is all very confusing for me. So you think height is different from every other genetic advantage?

"I don't consider height to be a key component of athleticism"....why?

Why would this be forbidden? It was just a flu. Did something weird happen around it? I didn't see anything strange when clicking on the link. I say this as someone who thinks that covid was a gain of function lab leak.

Trump himself has mocked the incident.

You're getting bogged down in semantics. You know what my point is, that this was a school shooter style kid who shot at trump instead of a classroom of kids, for the same reasons.

"They were definitely the type, and they did, make threats to shoot up our school," he said.

Although he and other classmates suspected Crooks himself was behind a threat, he said he had no firm proof. But after the threat came in, the future would-be >assassin didn't return to school for a few days.

Kid just needed to be better looking or not a weirdo and get laid. C’est la vie

Considering @Recursive_Enlightenment's comment was regarding a conservative politician implying that the shooter would be a politically motivated leftist (hence picking an even more unpalatable VP to replace trump) As so many here often say, my thoughts on the matter were 'directionally correct', and so were yours, school shooter vibes, not deep state stochastic terrorist political assassin. Even a dead trump might have been ancillary to his true aim of acting out, suicide by cop, showing his anger at his own impotence, making a mark etc...

If we're not here for idle speculation on every topic under the sun, then what are we here for?

I mean the whole point was that it was a comedy/joke band, I don't know Jack's feelings towards it though.

Oh here we go. The kid was a school shooter to a T. Shooting at trump for notoriety and disaffection rather than a school. Registered repub as well. Is trump a crisis actor?

Yeah turns out it was a disaffected republican registered loser white kid, more like a school shooter than an assassination attempt. Unless you think school shooting victims have all been assassinated rather than murdered to take out some impotent rage at the world. Dude didn't even have a scope...pathetic and sad stuff from the SS and this kid. I'm glad he miffed it. But it wasn't a political assassination. There were fucking command snipers in the building he crawled up. Sad stuff.

Maybe dig into all the people who said this guy would be a left wing nut instead of a school shooter right wing dude obsessed with a youtube right gun channel, to the point of buying merch. I can almost feel themott's boogaloo contingent being massively disappointed.

I can see you went through your "enemies list" and looked to see if they thought there wouldn't be an attempt on trump so you could try to shame them. It only shames the accelerationist right wing as this was done by one of your own.

Wasn't it a registered republican that took the shot? There is a chance they wanted someone even further right.

  • -11

Seafoam fuel additive. I have always thought everything like this was bullshit...I was wrong. Seafoam will fix engines. I've recently used it on two lawnmowers, one riding tractor, and a generator that I would have otherwise had to take apart, one of the lawnmowers I did take apart and clean the carb etc...the seafoam pushed it over the edge afterwards into a useful machine. It is now on my list of mechanical must haves.

It didn't happen for the same reason the internet and drones never existed before. We didn't have the technology to enable it. Technology obviates previous needs and hierarchies. It used to be very important to be strong, not so much anymore, you used to need 7 kids to ensure your old age care, and that enough made it through to adulthood, not anymore.

There simply isn't the need to conform to those previous norms to survive and thrive. The state also takes care of a lot due to abundance of resources brought on by technological progress, hence all the single mothers etc...It isn't that they tried all three and disappeared without a trace (as you say you have zero proof of one succeeding or failing), it is that they couldn't have existed with the technology of the time.

You think there are a lot of lost tribes out there that tried all 3 and never invented writing or something? This whole theory is puzzling. No one had gunpowder, phones, and crocs at the same time either.

I can see why you blocked me.

  • -18

Well there you have it. Jesus dude, could you construct a more convoluted argument? Literally throwing darts at a non-existent enemy.

Redsox game is a must, even if you hate baseball, don't bring a large bag or you have to pay to check it across the street, do the freedom trail, have lunch at faneuil hall, what season are you going to be there? That has an impact. Climb to the top of the bunker hill monument. Duck boats are a waste of money but fun if you like cheesy tourist shit. The Aquarium is fun but always packed with school kids, museum of science is great if you have kids or still act like one! Try on some hats, there are some great haberdashers in Boston, good restaurants are too numerous and based on taste to mention, like all major cities. I would say get some B&M baked beans but they closed their factory and moved production from Portland to NJ and now they suck, so don't do that. You can take the Downeaster train up to Portland Maine as well for an inexpensive day trip.