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We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users  
joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

"leftoids", come on man. Great comment, and then you just throw that in there to make sure we know what side you're on. I own some property and when I get with other landlords the most pejorative term for lease holders is "rentoids" for the real bad ones. Dehumanizing to the max. Dial it back before the Rwandan machetes come out eh?

Kind of seems like you believe in some shadowy cabal keeping you down because that helps you make sense of your life circumstances and gives you someone to blame. There is no actual conspiracy against you, it is just the banality of the human culture machine that grinds on with or without you. The world isn't zero sum, we've proven that by elevating humanity to heretofore unimaginable heights. There is no conspiracy against you.

And....this is the kind of comment that gets 18 upvotes here...turning into a bit of an echo chamber eh? Do I need to start right coding all of my comments to stop being rate limited by downvotes?

Well that is a pretty uncharitable way to put things. I'm to the right of most of my social circle but I'm to the left of whatever this place is turning into. People just get sick of getting downvoted and unable to post in real time, eventually they say something rude and get banned or they say "fuck it" and leave.

When the conversation turns to being worried about trump picking his VP based on possible assassination, putting guns in holes as a generational family gun stash in your back yard, "powers that be" conspiring to eliminate people like you, heavily downvoting someone pointing out having sex with blackout drunk people is probably wrong, being afraid to leave your red state for fear of being locked up for defending yourself, practicing religion harder being the only answer to societal ills, women only being truly happy barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen....I mean the parody starts to write itself at some point.

Kind of a weird focus on democrats in this post. Plenty of those where I live in a very rural state. We have creeks and woods and safe legal abortion and the lowest crime rate in the country. Democrats are driving crime is a pretty tired narrative. Density + poverty drives most of the type of crime you seem to be concerned about, not who you vote for.

I share your frustrations of the covid overstep and mess. It really turned me off to a lot of institutions. I just don't know that if the republicans had become the covid law and order party and insisted on authoritarian lockdowns for the children, would you have rebelled against them the same way?

It isn't red vs blue, especially here on themotte. Try to see the grey.

The great thing about printing money here in America is that we are the USA USA USA baby! Everyone takes our dollar, they take it for oil, for oranges, for tungsten, for cars, for iphones. We print it up out of thin air and they give us real goods for it every day.

The higher the trade deficit the more they are getting ripped off by exchanging real goods for dollars. Even with all the printing we are still experiencing a strong dollar and less inflation compared to other countries that don't have the backing of the US economy and 11 carrier strike groups.

Look at any currency vs the US dollar over the last 4 years. The dollar is as strong as it has ever been. MMT is a brilliant scheme for extracting real material and goods from the rest of the world in exchange for protection and promises. It is crazy that we get away with it! USA USA USA!

Yes, I bring this up because I am getting a bit peeved at the dozens of posts on here each day that are basically proselytizing. Extolling the virtues of Faith and poo pooing anyone who pushes back by telling them to be humble and that they need provide no proof of anything, and that you sir, would understand if you just had FAITH! It is madness.

All that said, you'll see in just a few years here that consciousness is not a mystery at all and that with enough recursive compute and long enough context window you'll see software becoming self aware. It may already be happening.


I don't call for them to be disallowed. People should be free to say what they think. My only point is that vociferous pushback against baseless/evidence free claims should be encouraged rather than guarded against.

Well it is make believe to start. How would you react to being asked why the 3 little pigs were a not solution to societal ills?

Also the countries that have tried that are all total shitholes. Been to a theocracy lately? Not great.

I don't want left leaning posts. I want rational posts!!!! I want hot takes on current events from a reasonable and objective body of smart people. Not this partisan shit. It just makes me upset and mad at what it could have been, and what it has been when in full form. I occasionally have been able to come on here and the former sub for some of the smartest and most informative information available anywhere on the planet.

Maybe the news is too slow now and it is impacting the quality of the posts, maybe it is ideological drift or capture, all I know is I'm not getting the discourse I would expect from a forum that perhaps I saw as a more august body than it was.

Shame is a low class cultural marker. If nothing is a threat to you then you have no shame. The rich and famous certainly have very little of it if it exists at all, mostly just a cultural nod to the lower classes when at that level, and you only feel it in defeat. It is a fear based emotion that only has the power you give it.

Idk, that is pretty funny. This isn't a court of law, we are all just freely associating people.

Hopefully this doesn't garner a centure, but...This is just stupid. Sorry you spent so much time on it; but it is just rambling nonsense.


Low-quality, unhealthy food, seen in antisemitic circles as being promoted by Jews for consumption by gentiles for malicious purposes .

Yes one word can ruin a comment, however long. Try it out! You can literally ruin any normal discourse with a single turn of phrase.

Why does this very nothing to do with religion post deeply remind you of Christianity? Because there are policy mistakes/changes happening being linked to causes/luxury virtue signaling beliefs? These beliefs being disprovable unlike the bedrock trueness of one of 10,000 religions? That is a pretty weak segue into a sermon.

Regarding people being upset when their reality changes vs religious people. As you say, hard to have a reality check if you don't accept reality.

What about when religious people become atheist or leave their religion. Have you see what that can do to families and people? Especially in those many many religions that treat an apostate like garbage.

Is that not a greater risk as rather than updating a small part or even a large part of your political or scientific world view? Your whole unchangeable/unchallengeable forever belief system has crumbled to dust instead. Often taking with it your family and friends.

Speaking of magical thinking. To quote Who's Line is it Anyway? "Everything's made up and the points don't matter". Debt is just a human construct. When you see people wax on about there being 200 trillion in ghost credit default swaps ready to doom the world economy when a butterfly in China's housing market flaps its wings it is hard not to just dismiss it all out of hand. MMT is, I think, a result of some institutions evolving to understand and use this concept. If we have the raw resources and the might to decide how they get divvied up, the rest is just semantics.


"I've essentially never earnestly prayed for something without either getting it, getting a clear response along the lines of "this isn't something you should ask for," or in one case both."

That is an amazing superpower!

Guess all those parents of millions of sick and dying kids just didn't measure up. They and their parents were undeserving of God's grace. You must be one of God's true Chosen!

Yes yes we've all read blindsight. But this is just a clever metaphor you have here. If you make a thinking system complex enough consciousness is an emergent property. All it needs to do is to be able to reflect on itself. Not a tall order really.

Yes I do. Because we can measure it and if you take it away we die. There is a ton less evidence of divine grace, zero in point of fact.

Just drink bro. Everything good that has happened to me has been a result of drinking. The only thing that really helps is if you want to take charcoal pills. But that just makes it so you can drink more without a hangover. 85% of the people on this forum are interesting high IQ shut-ins that wouldn't know what to do with a vodka shot if it spat in their face.

It makes TV and movies 10x better. It makes conversation 3x easier. It is all around a huge life enhancer. After about 1.5 to 3 drinks you'll be in the "Ballmer peak" where you are actually smarter, more coordinated and much more charming than you are with zero alcohol.

I've never posted ironically. I stand behind every post I've made. Unlike those of you who hide their posting history.

Slow clap. So many people on this forum totally ignore the technological tools that we will all be using very soon. They are examining the future through the static lense of history and not taking into account the monumental shift in evolution that bioscience is about to unleash (if we even stay biological). The hot takes about the Hassidic Jews or the Amish taking over using 2,000 years of outbreeding others are wild to me in the face of robotics, computation and genetic manipulation. Even the "please have more kids" crowd that has been so vocal lately is missing the forest for the trees. It just doesn't really matter in the face of the almost unimaginable change coming at humanity over the next 100 years.

It makes me have less respect for them. Who watches a super zoom of a mylar balloon and then claims it is an alien spacecraft? Morons do.

It isn't aliens, it is never aliens. They wouldn't be spotted if they did exist. Unless you think they can cross light years and not negotiate earth. Plus, look at us now, it would just be a robotic probe, and it would NEVER crash or be noticed. It is all bullshit.

Missing the forest for the trees here don't you think? I'm using the term gulag because that is what the Russian prison system and work camps were called in western media for decades, no need for quotes. If you mix in some forced labor and politically motivated charges then you've got yourself a gulag. So if they had Trump breaking rocks and cutting lumber and he got sick from being outside in the winter then yeah it would be an American gulag. The term is still used as a mildly derogatory nod towards Russian notions of justice. The gulag is bad, but not as bad as suffering from the one of the rash of defenestrations that seem to come for you if you badmouth the boss man.

It just doesn't matter at this point. Digital life will outpace any kind of this stuff in a few years.