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We will sell no wine before its time

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joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Columbine was a tragic love story between two men. It didn't have anything to do with being love challenged.

"Keyboards therefore atheism" is just as wrong, and for just the same reason, as "tides therefore theism".

I mean it really is the opposite of what Ol' Billy said, we CAN explain that!

You have not brought up prayer but it is an integral part of many christian sects and religions worldwide, most people who pray expect it does something, they have all been proven wrong time and time again. I think this is certainly a strike against any gods existing, just like every other testable religious based claim of the supernatural, all false, 100% of them, worldwide, for all time.

It is too bad you consider mastery over this universe a "paltry prize" because that is the most we can hope for. Believing in any creation myth or religious dogma is no different than establishing a cult around any fictional story with metaphysical magic sprinkled in. Just imagine the followers of Harry Potterism speaking to you as you speak to me. That is the situation from the outside of religious belief and dogma and culture.

It is much better to say, we don't know yet (but it isn't ghosts, it is never ghosts)...rather than just invent things and then stick to them well after their expiration date.

It was stated originally as a "young catholic" mixer. Of course it isn't high schoolers and he clearly didn't mean that nor did I in "this context". Why you gotta make it weird dude?

You're also not going to meet a lot stimulating successful people at a mixer of any type, they don't need to go to them...

It doesn't have to be hard. Find someone that shares your values and wants the same things, or can learn to share your values and want the same things. I'm not a big marriage guy and I don't see the difference between long term relationships and marriage except in a legal sense. LTRs are in some ways more romantic and special because you're waking up each day and choosing to be together with no penalty for leaving, although if you are married and both work and don't have kids then those penalties are low as well, except having to say you're divorced.

Having kids is the big one; I do know very unhappy people that still need to interact with their hated former spouse due to shared custody, they never get over it. But if you want marriage and kids, there is only one way to do that, find a good woman and go for it! If you make a ton more and are worried about that then protect your assets.

IMO it's self-evident that individual atoms impact brain function. If you want to push this point I'll look for studies to prove it.

I can't help but note that this view must be down to the human mind not being able to properly conceptualize 100 trillion and what that means for gross probability for the item made up by those 100 trillion atoms (I typed particles in my last post by mistake) I certainly can't picture it, but it unfathomably unlikely for 100 trillion of anything to do something other than average out almost exactly. I doubt very much that such a study exists for this niche interest, but I applaud your interest.

Even DNA strand is made up of 100s of billions of atoms and considering that out of our 40 trillion or so human cells cancer caused by radiation is rare, we are exposed to radiation 24/7 365, only extremely high doses have a real chance of surely causing cancer due to the sheer number of particles you're bombarded with. You can also be killed with a bat to the head, that is also made of a lot of particles and will surely change your mind.

Regardless, radiation or bats fucking up your brain do not free will make.

If you main concern is finding someone to stay committed and married you can statistically hit a homerun if you follow the research. Household income over 200k reduces divorce stats with all other factors from around 50% (which includes people that get married multiple times and really skews the stats) to 30%, more analytical fields have an all divorce risk of 15-25% as opposed to bartenders etc which are above 50%, White and asian women have a divorce rate of only about 25%, Bachelors or higher also reduces all divorce rate to 25%. Making at least 38k more than your wife reduces divorce rates as well.

If you combine all those factors, ( I couldn't find many sites detailing the "intersectionality" of those traits and impacts on divorce, and I'm not enough of a mathematician to tease out a final %). But I've seen rates as low as 5 or 10% for college and above education, good family, high income, stable job, white/asian. Anecdotally zero of my good friends or immediate family are divorced, and none of that is for religious or cultural reasons.

Now you just need to find someone in that catagory that you like, and it won't be at a youth Catholic mixer.

168 million women 13.7% are 25 to 35 = 23 million * 40% college educated = 9.2 million. 67% white/asian =6.2 million you can take it from here with your own personal criteria, does not come from a divorced family, makes X amount, occupation, looks.

"We're talking about perfectly simulating the human brain. Anything less than perfection will lead to errors. If only a single atom in the entire brain were off in your scan by a planck length, your simulations would be inaccurate, especially over long timescales, due to the butterfly effect. But in this case every single atom in the brain will be off by more than that."

That isn't how a system like a cell works, otherwise things would just disintegrate and the "simulation" that is our current intelligence wouldn't work at all, the integrity and utility and actions a cell are entirely unchanged by not knowing the exact location of each electron in their carbon atoms, we don't know them now, our brains and cells don't know or care, and we won't know them when the brain is scanned.

The carbon atoms function no differently regardless of where the electron is in the probability field. Once you add up the 100 trillion particles in a cell...well suffice it to say, even if you did have a few atoms or particles misbehaving they would have no physical impact on the neuron at all well below that number of total particles, and we aren't even above cellular level yet! There are so many steps and levels that make it impossible for the Uncertainty Principle to play any part in human cognition.

I say that because most religious people act in a way that lets me know they do not truly believe what they claim. Their actions would be different if they truly believed what they said.

More and more of the "mysteries" of the universe are revealed to us through the discovery of natural laws, and knowledge of how everything works is sussed out daily by dedicated scientists and researchers, clear proof that millions of scientific revelations are occurring all around you. Prayer has yet to demonstrate even one success. There is proof of my world view every second of every day, even on this keyboard I am using right now. There are mountains of evidence! We're bending the fundamental forces of our world to our whims, we are the god you're looking for.

That isn't how Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle operates except in thought experiments and sci-fi episodes. The actual principle deals with the dual nature of phenomena like a photon, acting as a wave until you can pin down the location, then you lose the wave information and gain the location information. It also only operates on the most microscopic scale imaginable, your keys are always going to be where you left them.

Any object, even as small as neuron is not going to be impacted by this principle; containing 100 trillion atoms and some multiple of that I can't calculate without getting into moles for various elements in actual singular particles, it is a statistical impossibility for any quantum strangeness to impact even one brain cell. Not to mention that there are around 170 billion cells in the brain (neurons/Glial cells).

So 18 (carbon)* 100 trillion* 170 billion =3.06e+26 or 306,000,000,000,000,000,000,912,784 particles in the brain.

Even if it could impact your thought process (which it mathematically can't), then your actions would be random, not "free will", worse than deterministic I should think.

Thank you for the clear response and lines in the sand so to speak.

You could change their brain.

"what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence" Religious people will gish gallop you to death with convoluted stories till the end of time if you let them.

You can't ever respond satisfactorily to religious believers, if logic and material science, zero proof of anything resembling a god, and pointing out all the inconsistencies of their particular fantasy, thousands of different religions all claiming to be the true one, hasn't already persuaded them, nothing you can say will sway them. Even actual reality and events won't sway them, when the JWs world failed to end in 1975 they doubled down and became even more fervent when proven completely wrong by reality.

No indoctrinated Muslim is going to say "Good point Mr. French, I guess I'll stop believing!". There is nowhere to start logically with someone that believes in magic except to point out that magic isn't real and that everything has a logical and knowable explantation. I think a lot of religious people know it is all fake in their heart of hearts, otherwise they would welcome death instead of fear it, and they would certainly act differently day to day if they really thought their ETERNAL life was at risk. I've said it before in this conversation, watch what people do, not what they say, revealed preferences adjacent.

How can you think that about cheeseburgers? A great burger is always amazing, or southern BBQ, perfectly smoked brisket is objectively one of the best things you can eat. Maine lobster with potato salad and corn on the cob is quintessentially American fare and also delicious. Who can forget blueberry and apple pie for desert?

If you pick trash food from a lot of cultures it can be kind of gross, while a dry aged ribeye steak and a baked potato can be mind bendingly good. Salmon on cedar planks with fiddleheads is American all the way and very good, Alaskan Crab...Amazing, muscles in white wine and french fries, awesome, raw oysters by the dozen, delicious, crawfish boil, fun as hell.

Fresh caught trout and eggs for breakfast, real maple syrup on some buttered english muffins (invented in america) maybe a sausage on the side with a bit more syrup on it, of course baked beans as well!

Determinism, not lack of a divine creator.

I've never mentioned anything about HBD. I tend push back against religious zealotry and related magical thinking, it is funny that so many religious posters can look at scientific evidence regarding race and draw logical conclusions, but can't do the same in their personal lives regarding "spirituality".

Many other countries have lower rates without the weird porn. That kinda nukes this whole theory I think.

Ah yes, the "So what if I am wrong? It still is better to believe due to my lifestyle choices because of that belief" step of any religious discussion. You don't have the intrinsic self motivation and direction to act in a kind way and do nice things for people without religious dogma?

Also; how do you know one imaginary hellscape is real and one is false?

So @FCfromSSC, you've stated that you consider a lack of aliens, a lack of AGI, and a lack of Read/Write Consciousness upload ability to be proof that humans are divine and that God exists. If we find alien life, create AGI, and can scan a human brain and make a copy, would that be proof for you that God doesn't exist? Would any of those events change you mind?

Religious apologists love to stack up the false complexity and try to lose you in the weeds. What it boils down to is that you and FC believe in magic, and non-reproducible phenomenon, all with no evidence.

There zero hard proof that any God or gods influence has ever come into this world in any form. If there is no impact from there existence (which there isn't) then the point is moot anyway; it isn't on me to disprove fantastical claims, they are prima facie nonsense, like claiming the sun is made of milk. Meanwhile, there are trillions of testable events proving my world view correct every second that passes.

Religion, with all of its contradictions and nonsense leads you to some pretty weird places if you actually believe, even modern internet christianity https://www.themotte.org/post/1032/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/220208?context=8#context

Poke away! I don't see where you proved that observable reality is actually faith based or where I changed the subject in that long chain of well trod ground; I believe in determinism and cause and effect and physics and materialism. These are all real things. Belief in G(g)od(s) and the thousands of religions of history have produced no actionalable technology or revealed any truth about the universe whatsoever, it is fantastical stories that sometimes teach some ok life lessons and sometimes lead to human sacrifice; no different from Grimm's fairy tales any other fiction, except that some portion of humanity takes them seriously. Materialism and hard science have opened up the universe to us and will continue to do so.

At one point there was no real explanation for many phenomena, plus life can be hard and unfair in the here and now, humans like to see patterns and meaning in things, they also fear death and promising peasants their reward is in the afterlife not in this one was such a great idea! Religion really ticked all the boxes!

It is only natural that past humans created religious stories wherever they lived when events took place beyond their understanding. That smart people believed in gods or pretended to is no mystery, there was no real alternative. We have that alternative now. Most smart religious people are indoctrinated well before any critical thinking sets in, it becomes a part of who they are and they feel "off" without it, even if they leave the the church the brain pathways for religious belief are set and they tend to wander back later in life or find a similar thinking system to fill the hole.

If you taught no religion to a smart kid and when they turn 18 ask them to believe in all kinds of crazy magic and make pretend it is true, they would look at you like you're nuts. Imagine aliens come to live here from Sigma Tau and are asked if they have heard about their lord and savior Jesus Christ? They would laugh you out of the galaxy, and be right to do so.

Smart religious people post all these convoluted diatribes that miss the forest for the trees and put forth esoteric metaphysical apologetics to backfill their already "felt" conclusion that god is real. The truth is rather more simple, none of the thousands of religions that have cropped up over human history are even a little bit True with a capital T, yours isn't any different. The universe is a physical system that can be entirely explained by natural laws that we can discover.

I've been to many German Cities. Some are grimy, Stuttgart and Erfurt come to mind as places that had noticeable bad parts. I didn't see any of that while in London really. While in london I saw a grand total of one old school hard luck guy silently begging outside of a classic pub down by the river, it added to atmosphere if anything, much cleaner and less bum filled than any day I've spent in Boston or NYC. We didn't do any big 5 star meals, or stay at any place above a Marriott, just pub food and one or 2 nice dinners.

Subway was on time and clean, sure the older subway tunnels and cars were a bit small and a tad warm, but that is because they are some of the first in the world and they only could build the tunnels a certain diameter back in 1863 as opposed to the Prague subway, built over 100 years later in the 1970s. We bought the "london pass" for a few days, it gives you discounted access to all the big attractions. I had no problem getting anywhere in the city for only 8.20 pounds a day! I had low expectations (in line with what you seem to have experienced, and from reading about dystopian policies online for 2 decades) for London, and was very impressed and surprised to have a great time! I would go back any time!

Maybe you just don't enjoy visiting a large metro.

Perhaps, I wasn't trying for that tone. Just seems like you want it both ways. The urbane sophisticate with the strengthened faith of a revivalist preacher. I just don't see how you square that circle. A cursory examination of reality should show a person with the introspection and intelligence you clearly do posses that there is no "God" with a capital G out there, let alone the one you're lucky enough to believe in, I will say the sheer audacity to believe or claim to believe is commendable.

I mean if you're staying in shit places with weird people and have a bad attitude it is going to suck, you can have a bad time anywhere in the world by chance or by design. If you don't have the money to eat out a few times you can hardly fault London for that. It is a world city. To experience it you need at least a bit of a budget. I've been to Prague as well. I enjoyed it.

The problem for me is the source, this is just some fat Dutch born Israeli historian saying whatever comes to mind. His family were "staunch Zionists" that narrowly avoided the holocaust. This is just his personal has revenge fantasy about Europe and WWII. He doesn't have some kind of special access or insight into what Israel Nuclear stratagems are in place.

You can always find one nut on any side saying crazy shit.