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"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

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joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC
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User ID: 297


"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC


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User ID: 297

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Namedropping some theory you clearly hardly have studied while assuming I've never heard of it is pretty skeazy epistemics. Your problem is literacy and numeracy.

No personal attacks, no matter how many SDs your ginormous IQ is above the mean.

It's a problem, agreed. I suspect liberal-leaning posters felt less need to move off of reddit, while people who want to talk about things that would get them banned on reddit obviously were more interested in doing so. So the filtering process unfortunately is having the effect you are observing.

The best we can do is try to attract people genuinely interested in discussing, not booing their outgroup and talking about how horrible the wokes are being this week.

Hence, our insistence that we are not rdrama, or the next KiwiFarms.

The reason why there aren't more left-wing posters here is because they tend to have trouble playing by the rules.

FWIW, in my experience left-wingers and right-wingers are about equally incapable of playing by the rules and regulating their emotions. We have had plenty of righties flame out because they couldn't handle being told that they aren't allowed to just boo, boo, boo the left.

Speaking of which, this post is pretty borderline, with an awful lot of very broad "Theys" referring to the left and lots of loaded language. Less boo, please.

We strongly discourage low-effort one-liners, emojis, and links to memes. Don't do this. Make your point with words and complete sentences.

Probably for the reason I already mentioned - left-wing posters didn't feel as much of a need to go off reddit to have conversations. As for why there were fewer on TheMotte to begin with, because this place has trended rightward over time, for much the same reason.

We have obviously not collected statistics about warnings and bans, but it's my opinion, based on the warnings and bans I've seen handed out in my time as a mod and all the ban reports I've compiled, that it really does fall pretty evenly, proportionately, on left-wing posters and right-wing posters, and as a corollary to that, if I had to divide regulars into "People who are intelligent and reasonable commenters capable of engaging with their opponents in good faith" and "People who are mostly here to wage culture war and sneer at their outgroup," that also divides pretty much the same among righties and lefties.

Every time (every time) someone from either pole accuses us of favoritism, or makes some grandiose observation about the general conduct of the other side, it's because they notice what they are most interested in noticing. If you think lefties get the stick more, you will vividly recall every time you saw a leftie get modded, while all the righties getting modded are indistinguishable background noise to you. If you think we are biased against righties and let lefties get away with shit, you'll remember every time a rightie got modded and every time a leftie said something you found objectionable and didn't get modded. You aren't counting (or seeing behind the scenes) all the times it goes the other way.

It seems like this misgendering thing is a confluence of liberal/progressive flaws-

Cataloging a list of your outgroup's flaws which basically consists of maximally uncharitable takes like "unwillingness to acknowledge any individual responsibility" is still against the rules here.

I think you're misunderstanding what "Bring light, not heat" means. Of course discussions can be heated and still productive, and "everyone respects everyone and no one's feelings are hurt" is obviously a ridiculous thing to aspire to.

In TheMotte, this is generally applied to posts that are mostly or only "heat": "My outgroup is soooooo bad!" "You are really stupid." "I would like to vent my spleen about this thing that has outraged me." Etc.

These are rarely "forceful, honest, and clear arguments."


As a boo, this is obnoxious.

Don't post memes without any context.

I am old enough to remember the 80s and 90s, and your history is inaccurate. Sure, Fredric Wertham and Tipper Gore were flagbearers, there have always been liberal activists crying "Think of the children!" But I also remember the Moral Majority. I also remember who was railing against D&D: it wasn't liberals, it was conservative Christians. Same with rock and rap, Tipper Gore and Bill Clinton's Sister Souljah moment notwithstanding. (Liberals complained about "violence" but that's about it.) Clinton complained a lot about right-wing talk radio and disinformation, but he didn't quash anything.

Authoritarians are very pro-censorship, and authoritarianism is not really a left/right phenomenon. Hardly a novel observation. But in the U.S., historically it's more often been the right pulling the censorship levers. That's reversed today, but I think you are the one looking at things with a revisionist lens.

Correct. The mods are hall monitors, or "jannies" if you prefer.

That's not true: TV shows, comic books, radio stations, and yes, schools and universities, all were pressured by right-wingers and often censured teachers and classes, took programs off the air or refused to play certain episodes or songs because of (largely) conservative Christian complaints. "D&D panic" was definitely a thing, with some schools outright forbidding D&D books on campus. It's true there were few outright "bannings," but then, there are few outright bannings today. What is materially different today is social media, where it's much more visible when the people running the companies are kicking famous individuals off their platforms.

I think you're saying black people in LoTR are not natural. What else are you trying to say? Tolkein didn't have a problem with black people.

As much as I appreciate someone actually taking up the gauntlet of arguing the "woke" position here, your responses are drifting into low-effort and uncharitable insinuations. This entire thread is full of people who "don't have a problem" with black people but have nonetheless articulated why black elves and dwarves in LotR bothers them. You can think their arguments are bad and you can think their arguments are racist, but make that case and avoid this kind of when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife? question.

Do you think this is the first time in American history that a publisher discontinued publishing titles or stores and libraries stopped shelving them because of political or social pressure?

I am not asserting a one to one equivalency between today and the 1980s, I am asserting that the claim that the right wing never "successfully" censored anything is false.

Perhaps the author needs to play some OSR and get back to those roots of unrestricted dungeon-delving potential. I hear Lamentations is pretty fun.

Or play a proper point-buy system like GURPS or Hero.

(I remember - I might even still have it lying around somewhere - an issue of Steve Jackson Games' Pyramid magazine from the 90s that had an article proposing variant human races, with stat packages to reflect their diversity. As in, yes, humans who all have a built-in -1 IQ or Disadvantage: Impulsive, for example... The article was about hypothetical fantasy human tribes on a fantasy world, not trying to map them onto modern Earth humans, but still, I think Steve should be glad no one has dug out that old issue and dragged him on Twitter and RPGNet for it yet.)

I pointed to the rest of the thread because these arguments about race-based casting are not new, and rather than engage with them, you just implied that Armleg218 has a problem with black people.

No one is "pretending" anything. Trace got quite a bit of blowback for that stunt (even on his own sub!) and I think realized that it wasn't his finest moment. He even explained at the time why he deleted his post. There's no sinister attempt to memory-hole things.

Sandman was about as good as a TV adaptation could be, race-casting notwithstanding.

I enjoyed Cobra Kai at first for its unabashed 80s cheese, but after five seasons the cheese is starting to stink.

Yes, he is. Also the designer of the original Call of Cthulhu RPG.

That got half a chuckle out of me, but nonetheless. This is not the right place for zingers like that.

More to the point, he is a Jew, so you can't expect much here.

The most charitable interpretation of this comment is something like "He is a Jew, so you can't expect him to be anti-circumcision."

The less charitable interpretation would be to read it exactly as written, as in "Don't expect much from Jews."

Given that your entire post is a personal attack, I am less inclined to be charitable.

1-day ban.

Okay, this is a very well done parody, but you are failing to make your point clearly and speak plainly. Do not test Poe's Law because you think it's clever.

this thread is not for anything Culture War related

That means keep CW posts in the CW thread.

Bruh, respond to the prompt without culture warring.

Calling people "midwits" is the IAmVerySmart way to say "You're stupid." Don't. You aren't qualified to pass judgment on anyone else's intelligence, even if you think you can discern this from a post or two.