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"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

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joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC
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User ID: 297


"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC


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User ID: 297

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@BurdensomeCount - Do not engage in this kind of one-word "Nuh uh" back and forth.

@Ioper - Don't engage in low effort ad hominems like this.

You post nothing but low-effort drive-bys sneering at random members of people and groups you hate and trying to show off how cleverly you can "score" against other posters. You contribute nothing to the discussion but "Boooo+sneeer."

You were warned last time to stop doing this if you want to keep participating.

Banned - likely permanent, pending mod discussion.

When your comment is this opaque and low effort, it's probably a bad comment.

It's nice to show your appreciation, but we discourage low-effort comments that are nothing more than "Good post."

Did your English fail you? Or is this some subtler issue with failing to assimilate into the society and morality of Earthlings after your alt-historical non-tribalist India?

This is unnecessary antagonistic. If you find yourself at an impasse, just walk away.

Between this post and this one, you seem to be getting overly belligerent and personal.

The fact that you write eloquently, verbosely, and opaquely now seems to be something you're trying to take advantage of (namely, by throwing as many personal digs into your rebuttals as you can). Stop it.

Is this just a cutesy way to imply that my post is a loquacious personal attack without merit?

I'm not judging how much merit there was to it. But it was a loquacious personal attack.

You personally do not give @SecureSignals much leeway with equivocations about trips of DeSantis and minutiae of Holocaust.

No, but I don't think I've ever modded him for it, and I definitely don't unload with my unfiltered sentiments about what I think of him personally, even cloaked in eloquent, loquacious verbosity.

I am aware you're moderating for tone, not content. But several rules allow to interpret his kind of cleverness as violation, and it makes at least as much sense as what you levy against me here.

Yes, you could interpret anything anyone else says that you don't like as a violation of the rules. Many people try to do this, especially when they get modded themselves. But I don't do that.

Making arguments you don't like, even arguments you personally (and maybe even justifiably) feel are crappy and bad, is not against the rules.

Making arguments personal, and more about what you think of the poster than the post, is.

I’ve stewed and ideated about what I could have done differently, why I’m a grown man who let myself be treated like a pathetic plaything by individuals who are my social and biological inferiors in every imaginable way except for that I’m diminutive and even-tempered while they’re large, high-testosterone, and well-acquainted with violence because it’s literally the only tool in their toolbox.

Amusingly enough, there is a sentiment in much of the alt right, from the likes of Vox Day and even our own @KulakRevolt, that is basically "Yup, if you're small and weak, suck it up and endure whatever your more powerful superiors choose to inflict upon you. It sucks to suck."

Your power fantasies are just that, the revenge fantasies of every bullied nerd ever, the copes of someone telling himself he's smarter and better and "biologically superior" to the jocks picking on him.

Now, I say this not out of a lack of sympathy for your experience (I am hardly a Batman or Punisher myself), or even disagreement with your central point (that it's terrible that we allow schizophrenic homeless losers to threaten people because we don't have the political will to do something about them, especially when they're black). But to point out that basically, you're not complaining that it's bad for the strong to dominate the weak. You're just complaining that the current social order doesn't put you among the strong.

True enough. But "A homeless black guy harassed me, this is why I wish we could go all Turner Diaries" is the direction I see.

Outrage at being bullied and essentially rendered helpless by a criminal psychopath in public is understandable, but all the stuff about "large, high-testosterone, social and biological inferiors" is just racial seething.

which lies in the social realm some very 'fine' jews and Americans have constructed for everyone to enjoy.

Is there anything you don't blame on Jews?

It seems to me you are just calling Hoffmeister25 low status so therefor he shouldn't dare voice his feelings on the matter.

This is a willful misreading. I agree with pretty much everyone that a schizophrenic homeless career criminal getting his ticket punched after harassing one too many people is no tragedy. My objection is to making it a racial grievance (which includes sideswipes at Da Joos). But I also think there are reasons we should not be eager to embrace vigilante justice, and my observation that you cannot control which end of the pointy stick you'll be on was quite straightforward.

As a former ESL teacher, I can tell you that well into the 1980s and 1990s, it was common for schools to discourage ESL students from speaking their native language at home, and for immigrant parents to basically not teach their kids to speak it, because it was widely believed that this would inhibit becoming fluent in English.

Now we know that this is the opposite of true, but bilingual education really wasn't well understood, even in places where you could see kids growing up bilingual.

Hey, it's one of the reasons I'm doing it. (Of course, I'm getting old enough that cognitive benefits start becoming important again...)

spoiler: so far I haven't heard back, so I assume I didn't get it anyway

I'm (unfortunately) not surprised that mentioning FIRE probably tanked any chance you had right from the beginning. Yeah, FIRE is basically right-coded nowadays, and frankly I suspect it will suffer from the same sort of institutional capture in reverse that swallowed the ACLU. (That said, it's one of the few charities I still donate to.)

I first noticed "free speech" being treated as basically code for "right winger who wants to call people the n-word" back in the A+ "Freeze Peaches!" days, but it's still been shocking to me how many progressives now literally consider "free speech" or "academic freedom" to be a right-wing talking point.

Anecdotally, I feel like even in the tech industry I am seeing a lower quality of college graduates the last few years, though it's hard to say how much of that is them being put through too many woke hoops and how much was Covid laying waste to academic rigor and accountability.

I doubt it will end up this way, if anything they seem more likely to swerve left. The impression in the dissident sphere is that they're controlled opposition already.

Why, because they still represent leftists being censored by conservatives too? Or do they think FIRE will stop representing right-wingers?

Because 'We're the baddies but there's so many of us we'll make it politically impossible for you to take our guns'

You can be anti-gun and you can believe that gun advocates are wrong and on the wrong side, but tagging them "the baddies" is literally just a boo light. Argue better than this.

An mtf tranny

Don't do this. Directly using slurs (as in "use," not "mention") is a direct violation of several of our rules.

Come on, dude. It's a slur everywhere. Nobody uses it except to be insulting. (No, don't point to the handful of trans people who use it to refer to themselves. You also can't call black people "niggers" here just because some black people use it amongst themselves.)

I'm not sure what you think you are getting out of pandering to militant Jews like @JarJarJedi. You ordain the Jews as eternal victims of an unforgivable crime, do you expect any reciprocity or anything? What he cares about is his "shield against the fires of Auschwitz"- and from that hegemonic perspective, undermining the eugenic thinking of your civilization is an indispensable part of that. Seeing it right from the horse's mouth, do you see the problem here yet?

This not only overtly culture warring, it's antagonistic, making it about the poster and not the post.

Even if you believe "Jews gonna Jew because Joos," you can't make an entire argument of "This poster is Jewish therefore he's going to Jew."

If anything, you've gotten more slack than you should in the past because your posts are usually pretty high effort, including the effort you make not to come out and state outright what you'd like done about the JQ. But you can't just wage war here.

More chill, please.

You've been told before not to post low-effort drive-bys like this.

One day ban.

I do not recall any death threats, but be sure to report them if you see them.

Make an argument; sneering is not an argument.

When he posts something that is nothing but low-effort sneering, like your post.

We don't mod people for making bad arguments (or arguments you don't like).

I'm not interested in going round and round with your whining about why I modded Suzy but I didn't mod Johnny. If you disagree with my mod decision, feel free to appeal to Zorba. (Protip: reporting every mod comment that makes you angry multiple times is not an effective way to advance your case.)

There are some things that moderators should be doing regardless of whether they are interested in them or not.

Arguing with people for as long as they wish to continue the argument is not one of them.

We are janitors, we clean up messes. We are not your staff, we are not your employees, and we are not obligated to provide you with a satisfactory level of customer service.

To the degree that we care about providing a good discussion environment (which of all us do), we are usually willing to explain our reasoning. You can criticize us, you can ask for clarification, you can argue that we made a bad call. But you don't get to play Karen with us.