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"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

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joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC
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User ID: 297


"I would put a screwdriver through your eyeballs if I could"

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:23:21 UTC


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User ID: 297

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So why do you think I "hit peak trans recently"? In what way do you think my views shifted?

I already explained my take on their encounter. As several other people have pointed out to you, both parties can be acting kind of like jerks, that doesn't mean one party (in this case, the kids) wasn't acting like bigger jerks. You don't have to agree with me that the nurse was not 100% innocent and in completely in the right, but at least recognize this is more like a melodrama where people are getting heated up over what's ultimately a nothingburger, and not a court case where one side is Right and the other side is Wrong. There are situations where even if you are legally and morally in the right, you can be an ass about it and deal with the other party in a less than ideal fashion. That you seem unwilling to even engage with any premise other than one that colors strictly within black and white borders is, well, if I were going to be as snarky and uncharitable as you, I would say "in character." Instead, I don't think you actually think that way, I think you are just seeing this encounter entirely through a tribal lens.

I am thinking very clearly. It's possible everything they are saying is a fabrication, but I've seen no evidence of that.

  • -17

First, you call them facts. They are claims.

Very well. I have seen no dispute of their claims about the sequence of events.

You accused me of not thinking clearly, but I have no inclination to side either with a white nurse or a bunch of black teenagers. I strongly suspect I am not the one being biased by my priors.

  • -14

The fact that your priors are to treat each side as equally likely to be true

That is not correct.

  • -15

After your last warning, posting this appears to be a particularly obnoxious way to flounce.

Banned, permanent unless the other mods dissent.

Okay? Feel free to say that. But not the way he said it.

Because even though trans activism hasn't changed much over the lifetime of TheMotte (including the subreddit), you started speaking out against it only recently.

What I say about trans now is not much different from what I've always said about trans. I may agree that the trend has snowballed, which is of greater concern. You seem to be selectively noticing things.

I think you are very poor at modeling people to whom you've decided you are in opposition.

Okay, this time you need to speak plainly because I genuinely don't understand what you are trying to say here. Who exactly are you suggesting is trying to erase evidence of Hitler's homosexuality on Wikipedia? Neo-Nazis? Hitler fans? The LGBQT lobby? I admit I've never read a biography of Hitler and am not familiar with claims of homosexual prostitution, but if you're gonna say "Wikipedia is lying" could you at least wave cogently in the direction of evidence?

Most likely true, yes.

Talking about some baseball player's Instagram post, reactions to it, and the Bud Light boycott is a valid Culture War topic, but this post is exactly why we say to leave the rest of the Internet at the door. You are literally just coming here to complain about being banned on reddit, with complete repostings of your entire personal thread just so you can bring your drama to what you presume will be more sympathetic ears.

Don't do this. Two-day ban to deny you the satisfaction of participating in this thread, because this is such an obvious and deliberate flaunting of the spirit and letter of the rules.

We're saying "Don't start a thread here just to bitch about how you got banned on reddit."

The OP came here to bitch about being banned on reddit, complete with repostings of their arguments with the mods.

That's not what this place is for and you will absolutely be discouraged from doing that.

The fact that OP is directly involved in this culture war drama should be irrelevant.

It isn't.

If this interaction had happened on a college campus between students, with some of the students trying to "cancel" another student for saying what OP said, and someone had given this description of the events along with light commentary describing their thoughts on the matter

Then it would be a substantially different situation from this.

Culture warry, not really a Friday Fun Thread topic.

Wishing death on your outgroup seems to be your routine, for which you've been banned repeatedly and you keep coming back to do it.

You also keep changing the groups you think deserve to die. First it's Catholics, then it's white nationalists, then it's Jews.

Maybe you're just an equal-opportunity hater, but I think you're a troll. Banned. Duration TBD, but probably permanent.

More effort please. We do not like posts that are nothing more than "I agree," and we do not like posts that are nothing more than "Your post was dumb."

You've been warned multiple times for dropping crappy low-effort hot takes and told to stop it or face suspension of posting privileges.

Since you clearly don't care to follow our requests to post in accordance with community guidelines, banned for 5 days. To be escalated if the behavior continues.

(this is a joke, by the way. I can't really make an effort comment here without it being a personal attack so I'm not really sure what to do vis. conveying that I don't like it)

Consider not commenting, then.

If you want to convey that you don't like a post without being willing to make the effort to articulate your objections in a way that is not a personal attack -- well, too bad. Don't.

And since you've been banned three times for this already, this ban will be for two weeks. Next time will likely be a permaban.

Be less antagonistic.

This is not useful, and unnecessarily antagonistic.

The alternative to fedposting here is not to see how cleverly you can imply fedposting without speaking plainly.

Besides that, this is just a low effort comment that clearly isn't providing any actual useful advice.

If you were really trying to be useful to the OP, you wouldn't put it to him as "toughen the fuck up." If you want to deliver some tough love, be less antagonistic and more sincerely helpful about it.

More effort than this.

Despite adding "like the rest of us" this reads more like an attack than a light-hearted attempt at camaraderie, and your record gives you less benefit of the doubt.

Banned for two days. You don't seem to contribute much besides sneering and antagonism.

Then there was no need to take seconds out of your day to complain about it. You could just... not read it.

You can certainly try to believe.

You can, but it won't work if you have any intellectual honesty about your own beliefs.

I can understand an atheist who has no desire to be religious deciding not to go through all that effort, but if you're an atheist who does desire to be religious then the cost-benefit ratio seems pretty good.

What about atheists who have been through all that effort?

I've seen this kind of advice before: "Believe hard enough and you will." It sounds like clapping your hands for Tinkerbell, or the New Agey "manifest your desires (by wishing real hard)."

I can see how "Give it a try, maybe it will suit you" might work for someone agnostic who's never really thought about religion before, but it's not going to work for someone who has, in fact, spent time trying it and concluded there was nothing there. And advice that amounts to "pretend you're a believer so you can score a trad wife" seems pretty unethical to me.

I'm someone who probably wouldn't have trouble living a Mormon or Catholic or Muslim lifestyle. But there is no way I could go through life pretending to actually believe what they believe.