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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

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User ID: 1919

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Hard disagree. I tuned in late, but that foul that caused her to foul out in that Iowa game was was very questionable in my opinion, and I thought she handled that much more maturely than star college athletes usually do. I did tune in late though, and I'm sucker for those eyelashes.

Ineffective was not the right word, but it seems that some of the tests give a lot of false positives. If using it to screen embryos you'd delete a lot of healthy ones. If you have a limited number of embryos or a high rate of failure of embryo to pregnancy it might not be wise to use this as screening criteria.

I feel I have made my opinion known, as restrictive and irrational as it is. I don't see what benefits are of further discussion.

I'm against all of it and think adding layers of qualifiers pointless.

My comment was more in response to an earlier one of yours

"Would you deny your 14 year old daughter a life free from financial concern?"

So in your view the current model where mostly unlimited animal testing is allowed, we should instead jump to human embryos, edit them and allow them to grow as fetuses, and as humans under comparable conditions and then test the editing results through IQ tests? Or do you think that editing of embryos should be allowed for research but not allowed to progress further toward human birth?

Edit: Or do you see embryo editing as something that should be allowed as it exists in its current state that should be completely allowed with no exceptions like elective surgery totally separate from medicine entirely?

Aren't there already gene therapies being developed? Isn't it instead that testing on human subjects is subject to agreed upon international standards? I think you can do this research but you are subject to Institutional Review Boards or your country equivalent. I don't see any involvement of neo-luddites in preventing this research, unless you consider human rights to be a stumbling block.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_Helsinki

With such a damning comment, do you know any Aboriginal Australians?

I have similar experiences. I also think being the organizer is a thankless job but one people appreciate even if they never say it. I've seen first-hand that friendships are people who show up. That being said its only you who can say whether its worth the effort.

For pregnancy prescreening the effectiveness of the tests have been called into question. Embryos are different but might suffer from the same issues?


Its meaning is 'both' not 'or' social stature here is conferred by adultstatus.

The invalidating feature to me is her age. The status of being adult is what is causing these relationships to be coercive and manipulative. Taylor Swift with other adults (regardless of status of either adult) is not considered since age difference is not a factor.

I do not see the correlation between attending concerts and sexual activity with the performer. While underage fans might desire such a sexual relationship, for the reasons I spelled out before if the adult allows or facilitates such activity it's sexual coercion and manipulation by the mere fact that one party is an adult and the other is a fourteen year old.

I don't see how the 'quality' of person involved is a rebuttal to my argument. I said it was based on age. The difference in age for any adult and a fourteen year-old nullifies any idea of consent on the side of the child. Children who don't have jobs, can't drive and are subject to curfew are open to sexual coercion from any adult.

Instead of bringing up Taylor Swift you should have brought up R. Kelly he demonstrates your point better.

Its not American, but the song 'We throw parties you throw knives' by Los Campesinos mainly for the lyrics.

"We throw parties, you throw knives, its all the same if the fizzy drinks are nice"

"There's red stains all over the place, it's not blood it's cherryaid"

Mainly I feel it captures how charmed American life is and unconcerned with problems that don't immediately affect us, with a superiority complex towards outsiders.

Adidas Moves, and not very often.

One scene that stuck with me is from the book 'A Death in Holy Orders' by P.D. James where the end confession letter has the lines:" ...In this senseless age where we witness the death of culture, beauty what are we to do? ... Like a child building sand castles to stem the tide we are doomed and powerless against the rot tearing the system down... In the end I joined the barbarians...." My words and paraphrasing do not do her words justice.

The full phrase is to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

When I was younger I had a low opinion of my appearance. But then as I got older and looked back at my younger photos I realized I actually looked good (not great but much better than I had thought). The thinking then became if my earlier opinion was wrong then my current self- opinion of my appearance could also be wrong. People much uglier and less fit than me had much higher self-esteem; and I truly think anyone working toward self-improvement is eminently positive.

Right now is the youngest you'll ever be from this point forward. As I've gotten older and advanced more in my career I've cared less what other people think and gained much more self-confidence, part of that is having the self-confidence to go out to events alone (art galleries, concerts etc.), and recognizing that I want to be around people even though I don't want to necessarily befriend them.

I sometimes also view other with their own families or in relationships and can feel quite low when I feel that avenue is inaccessible to me; what has helped me is to 'accept the things I cannot change' and also to support those friends and family who have their own families.

Replace 'billionaire' or 'Taylor Swift' with gym coach, music teacher or religious leader, I still think the age and status difference between a child and an adult makes such an agreement coercive.

Keeping your facts the same, your arguments are an apology for child sexual abuse.

Children cannot give consent.

In the myriad of child sexual abuse cases that have been reported in the news, statuary rape is certainly among them.

Are you of the opinion that the morality of statutory rape is contingent on monetary compensation to the victims?

I just started Pale Fire by Nabokov. Just finished Vagabounds by Hao Jingfang, translated by Ken Liu.

Can you say more of how you experienced the other end of the class war?

Incel isn't really the word I was thinking of, I'd edit to "romantic relationship matching" if you hadn't already replied to the post.

I don't have anything to add, but love the post and the math. Makes me think of a Fermi paradox equation for incels!