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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 23 20:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 1919

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What bothered me most about Bridgerton was the love interest storyline where Queen Charlotte at court plays matchmaker and tries to set up Daphne (daughter of a Viscount) with a Prussian royal prince (not an heir but presumably legitimate), described as the Queen's nephew. What bananas, crazy-town balderdash, nonsense. I think Daphne could be believable be a mistress or a morganatic second-wife to an older Prince, but what is portrayed in the show is nonsense. If the conventions of Royals only marry other Royals is out the window then what is point of a Regency setting? This bothered me so much I never had any interest in the later seasons at all.

Couple this scene with the one where Daphne's eldest brother tearfully gives up his actress girlfriend. As if he, a bachelor with rakish tendencies and a titled Viscount with his presumably own inherited fortune lacks the freewill to break convention here is odd coupled with my earlier gripe. The more likely scenario being that he would try and marry for money but keep the actress as a mistress and have a second family.

What is the point on reporting about the spouses of Supreme Court Justices? This headline and the previous ones I remember on Ginny Thomas seem publicized just for waging the culture and rallying voters. The court members are appointed for life and I doubt these there is political appetite to impeach a justice for their beliefs or family associations after they are already seated on the bench. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/us/politics/alito-pride-flag.html The reporting on the gifts received by the justices makes sense to me since that would speak directly to concerns of an impartial judiciary. These type of stories remind me of the reporting and reactions to the Butker speech, wrong beliefs equals condemnation no matter the context.

Taking a step back, I see the same culture war reporting from the other side; see Conservative media reporting on Biden, Pelosi, AOC or Rashida Talib but don't recall where beliefs of their family members was reported as news.