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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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User ID: 626

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Is this fear of Ukranaian Nazis genuine, or just an attempt to sap anti-Russian energy in the West by associating Ukraine with one of the past century's great villains?

Yeah, I'm pretty anti-Western as far as it goes, but this is one of the lamest arguments in circulation. Like, who do you expect to voluntarily show up to face bullets, artillery fire, and drones? It's going to be the same type of guy in practically every country.

See the discussion here.

I disagree with your interpretation somewhat. He's talking about inventors and scientists, so the extreme end of intelligence. This is "tails of the bell curve coming apart" argument rather than intelligent black people not existing.

There's another sort of of-topic interesting point: I'm not really sure that "people should be treated differently based on how far back their ancestry goes in the US" is significantly different from "people should be treated differently solely because of the race they were born as".

It's fine and well if this is how you see it, but there are people who don't agree. If you treat these things as interchangeable you'll be slandering your targets in front of them.

The cardinal, anti-meritocratic sin of judging people by their descent instead of their own accomplishments appears just as strongly in in both cases.

I don't think everything should be meritocratic, though. I wouldn't let some random dude take the place of my cousin in my family, just because he's more competent, and/or more pleasant to be around, for example.

A sentiment that never made sense to me. Aren't juries prevented from independent investigation, aren't allowed to directly interrogate anyone or anything, and commonly have arguments excluded from consideration, when a judge doesn't like them?

and/or that if any "good" blacks exist, they should be treated the same as all the others (e.g., expatriated to Africa, herded into reservations, or whatever).

I am having trouble remembering anyone saying anything like that, and believe if any example is found it will already be a step or two removed from this description.

I honestly thought that most of the complaints about racism in the US were mostly caused by unconscious bias-

I'm talking less "complaints about racism in the US", and more complaints like "Trump supporters are racist". You're telling me all the post-2016 drama was about "unconscious bias"?

People maybe don't say this-

Well then I have a bit of an issue with making claims like "they honestly believe that people should be treated differently solely because of the race they were born as". I agree there are actual values disagreements here (no shortage of folks here supporting monstrous things like surrogacy), I don't even mind slapping negative valance labels on them, like "racism", anymore. But if you're going to make an elaborate descriptive statement about what people believe, you should make sure it's accurate.

The first is a factual point that can be pretty quickly refuted, but the second is a values difference.

The first is a point I haven't seen anyone make here, and the latter is already a step down from your original claim, and I still want to know who you're talking about, because it doesn't quite fit into any conversations I remember.

That's the expected outcome of an invasion. Usually one lays one's life on the line and fights back to prevent such things.

If I wasn't such a brainlet, I'd be looking into the possibility of using AI training as proof-of-work for crypto, like last year. But both of these subjects are way above my IQ level.

Reading this forum has been one of the biggest shocks I've experienced to my beliefs about the world in the last 5-10 years (...) but because they honestly believe that people should be treated differently solely because of the race they were born as.

Huh? With all the constant complaints about racism, you're shocked at the possibility of racists existing?

Who are you even talking about? We have holocaust deniers, we have HBDers, but I don't remember seeing anyone say an intelligent black people shouldn't be treated as intelligent, because they're black. It sounds like you're whipping yourself into a frenzy.

Almost no women IRL are like this. I’ve been on hundreds of dates in big liberal cities and I don’t think I ever met someone who meets this description. It’s a type of woman that exists basically only online and perhaps in some weird pockets you’ll never encounter in person anyway.

There's plenty of women like that, it's just that the "gynosupremacy" usually turns out to be pretty theoretical, and they're a lot more flexible / reasonable in their personal life.

Why should they even try?

Women just do not like being “explained” things the way men do.

Sure they do, women love knowing they're with a competent guy that they can rely on in a moment of crisis. Now, it's also true that we're under approximately 1001 reptillian psyops designed to hack our pair-bonding mechanisms, and make sure we see each other as enemies and never come together, which is how you get ideas like "mansplaining", but it's something that can be overcome.

The timing might be coincidental. I soured on porn myself whereas I used to be for it. The woke also seem to be some of the most enthusiastic coomers.

By the time we're done with them, they might indeed decide to axe those Starlink antennas, and all will be right with the world again.

Yeah, that was my reading of the whole situation as well, so it's bizarre to see them go fake news that misinterpreted us".

exaggerating some relatively tame story in the process, expecting that this will remain a minor anecdote that will do no real harm to her reputation

I feel a certain tension between deliberately making the story more salacious, and expecting it to do no real damage.

In any case "feeling bad" and making amends by blaming the mutual still seems pretty low to me.

...Blaming it all on other people who read it exactly like he wanted them to...

Kinda low, no?

No, a Remote Amazon Tribe Did Not Get Addicted to Porn

A Times story about the arrival of high-speed internet in a remote Amazon tribe spiraled into its own cautionary tale on the dark side of the web.

Ok, which one of you chuds posted harmful misinformation?

During a weeklong visit, I saw how they used the internet to communicate between villages, chat with faraway loved ones and call for help in emergencies. Many Marubo also told me they were deeply concerned that the connection with the outside world would upend their culture, which they had preserved for generations by living deep in the forest. Some elders complained of teenagers glued to phones, group chats full of gossip and minors who watched pornography

As a result, the story we published June 2 was in part about the Marubo people’s introduction to the ills of the internet.

But after publication, that angle took on a whole different dimension.

Over the past week, more than 100 websites around the world have published headlines that falsely claim the Marubo have become addicted to porn. Alongside those headlines, the sites published images of the Marubo people in their villages.

The New York Post was among the first, saying last week that the Marubo people was “hooked on porn.” Dozens quickly followed that take. TMZ’s headline was perhaps the most blunt: “TRIBE’S STARLINK HOOKUP RESULTS IN PORN ADDICTION!!!”

Ok, what am I missing? This is a paragraph from the original article:

After only nine months with Starlink, the Marubo are already grappling with the same challenges that have racked American households for years: teenagers glued to phones; group chats full of gossip; addictive social networks; online strangers; violent video games; scams; misinformation; and minors watching pornography

There is no "some elders complained" here, it's a straightforward portrayal of the Marubo as a collective being afflicted with, among other things, minors watching porn. "Amazon tribe hooked on porn" is a decently accurate headline-length summary. Sure, shit got sensationalized, but that's a far cry from "falsely claim".

I've had a longstanding gripe with the NYT, Vox, and other supposedly higher-quality outlets, where they essentially prime their audience to read their content a certain way, while maintaining plausible deniability if anyone calls them out, but this is the first time I saw them go after someone for going with the intended reading.

What happened here, did the wrong people agree with them, so the story has to be called off?

I think you're misreading me. I'm saying "journalists" (if they even deserve that title) write stories to get clicks. That doesn't mean every outlet will cover every story, there's subgenres and market segments.

The subgenre theory makes no sense though, they did end up covering the story, did they suddenly change genres?

But if there's clicks to be had, someone will write the story.

And I'm saying this is false. We can look at several counterexamples, but in response you seem to retreat to making the theory unfalsifiable.

I rather suspect the answer is that it only attracted interest from a niche audience.

Yes, if a spicy click-attracting story gets buried, it won't generate clicks, thus contradicting your theory.

I'm asking why no one except for conspiracy theorists covered him until about 2018, IIRC. You're the one that's making it about left vs. right, and it's not making any sense. Like, you're literally saying they didn't cover it because that's somehow a right wing story, even as you're telling me left wing outlets are actually covering it.

I think losing weight is harder effort wise than running a business. Plenty of successful fat business owners.

And plenty of fit people (I know you Yanks are all are fat, but there has to be more than 400K of you in decent shape) who can't run a business.

I'd actually say running a business is one of the few ways that someone with an insane work ethic and not many highly paid skills can earn good take home pay.

On one hand - sure, I've seen that happen too. But it seems like black magic to me, and I was able to lose weight.

More to the point - from what I can tell media people (mainstream news anchors, successful journalists, etc) have to have a pretty insane work ethic too, and they're the ones that were impressed with Jones' operation when they rubbed shoulders with him. Wish I could name names, but it's something I heard like 10 years ago.

But to pretend the whole idea doesn't have a basis in real relationship dynamics is coming in a little hot.

I mean, it takes two to tango. I'm guilty of never dating one, but the few I met gave off the impression they'd call in an airstrike if I even thought of approaching them this way. Maybe it's just me though.

I've known people who can do all these things, and they are still total cranks

Yeah, but I'm arguing cranks are not (necessarily) dumb / incompetent. You're making it sound like having a business like that is like losing weight (easy, but requires constant effort, which is why most people flake out), I'm saying it's the exact opposite. Most people won't pull it off regardless of the effort they put in.

That just gets you over the first hump, you still have to make people want to stay together long-term. I don't even think it's a question of being very online, the culture is full of weird ideas that encourage people to hit reset and try their luck again, over working out their issues with the person they're with.

I'm not saying it's hopeless. Like I said there are things working to our advantage, but I think it's a terrible idea to let these ideas float around the culture uncontested.

As for the last question—get him or her to go outside. Log off. Dating is fun and so is the rest. Who will they trust? Twitter, or their lying endocrine system?

Both. Hormones wear off, pop-psychology / red-pill psy-ops about why your significant other is an abusive narcissist / gold-digging hypergamist do not. We do have our natural instincts on our side, but there's a whole bunch of stuff working against us as well.

And why are you framing it as a left vs. right thing? Are left wingers inherently protective of Epstein's prostitution ring?