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Reading about the FTX dèbacle and what the founder and his friends thought (especially about their EA space) made me understand how much utterly alien is to me the entire EA movement.

Watching the videos, the blogposts, all the infos that are getting out, made me reflect on "how" they think money should be used by rich people in order to maximise happiness and saving people and in particular the entire world.

Maybe it is because of my particular illiberal upbringing (Euro-mediterranean Catholic family), but I cannot fathom how this ideology is, for my eyes, "Utterly Evil".

How can you, a rich person, focusing yourself on improving astract things as the entire world, financing no-profits and calculating metaphysical moral earning based on how much money you are investing in EA?

Why not helping your community, focusing on art, infrastructure and knowledge, instead of giving money to global moral enterprises? It utterly repulse me on a philosophical and moral level, and this is probably the reason I never bought in EA.

If this is the alternative to the woke/progressive view, I have no idea of how the Western World can remotely fix its problems. Am I the only one who feels like this?

Uncanny how these results continue to be replicated in every society and every culture and moment.

Almost if wokeness have some kind of biological factor.

I know that complaining about Reddit is an old thing here, but I am still surprised how Reddit Brain, the one that always pop up in subs like politics and news, react when there is some news about Hungary.

Apart from the total ignorance about Hungary and the fact on the ground, how is possible that posts about third-tier countries (no offense to Hungarians) are so upvoted in /r/all?

Is there is some sort of algorithm, or the average reddit man is totally on on the neocon train "whatever we do not like is a threat to democracy?"

I was reflecting on the right-wing tactics in a world where they have less and less cultural power, and the Eye of Sauron in Washington is completely fixated on destroying them whenever they are.

I, as a chronic pessimist, don't think that they will ever adapt their tactics fully against the left-wing. Because, unlike the left that moves only by using Conflict Theory, the right-wing coalition suffer often from desertion, moderatization of issues, necessity of creating coalition with more moderates party and organizations etc.

For example, how anyone can think that the right-wing can be successful when, if they are in a coalition, only the most moderate and centrist policies that they promote can pass?

In a left-wing coalition you can be sure that, in a given arc of time, the coalition will implement policies that are more centrists first, then they will pass to more radical positions, and so on and so on.

The arc of history goes left also because the right has no sense of scale and can only concede, never take something. The only place where the government and administration (But not the Culture or the youngs!) have gone right in the West is Hungary, and only because Fidesz has total control!

Meanwhile, in order to help the left, you need only a smallish more leftwing party in the coalition, who will ask for more immigration, more of something, that will be for sure accepted.

That is why I absolutely despise centrists coalitions: Because they will negotiate with the Left, receiving something inconsequential on the long run (like a lesser tax on something useless) and giving to the leftist part something that cement their coalition (immigration, genderification, more cultural egemony)

How the right can win something if, whetever party or coalition you vote, they will for sure adopt with time leftists policies?

The process is like this:

  • Right wing comes in power, they adopt more centrist policies and get attacked as nazi anyway.

  • Centrist parties come in power, the negotiate with the left and with time leftist policies get adopted as a result of this.

  • You vote moderate left, and with time they switch to some more radical leftists positions.

It is maddening how there is no escape from this spiral.

The problem here is less with journalism and medias or whatever being left wing, and more with the right-wing being completely useless at doing anything of substance.

Utterly evilness is thinking that "Human Global Welfare" is something we should strive for, instead of giving to your people. In my morality system, community and ethnos is everything, and as we consider a Father who does not prefer his Son to other people an evil person, I cannot tolerate people who believe in global constructs of human welfare.

As an European supporter or whatever can punish the left, I do not see any problem with these. A photograph exhibition was censored? No problem, being in Budapest these artsy types were probably progressives, so punishment should be inflicted before they have any chance of doing something.

Cultural war is cultural struggle, and the first policy of war is not letting your enemy be free of doing any action he desires.

Yeah, Warsaw hoped that, being the eastern vanguard and one of the biggest spenders-helpers on Ukraine they would receive something in exchange from Bruxelles-Washington

Nothing happened, and Bruxelles continued to go on

Gays are more important than NATO.

A bit of brainstorming; What will be the status of the relationship between men and women in the West? Do you see the "gender wars" losing steams, or becoming a definitive battleground as mandated by Conflict Theory?

The tension is caused exclusively by media/capital/US propaganda, or it is an inevitable consequence of women entering public life and becoming another side of another friend/enemy dichotomy?

Yes, but it also about one of the main differences between Protestants and Catholics, the division and opposition between Faith and Works.

In Catholic teachings, salvation come both by faith and work. It implies also that, if you are not a good Catholic (as everyone else, because we are all sinners) at least you can find salvation by work (helping your communities, joining the public rites etc).

That is why you encounter two peculiar phenomena here that I do not see in protestant countries;

  • Atheist youngsters, often females and feminists, helping with public rites (celebration of the Saints, community and city-based religious and folk festivals etc), mantaining churches and other location of cult, or simply art-posting on Instagram how amazing all of this is.
  • Absolutely debauched public figures, often divorcees, people with illegitimate sons or multiple partners, cheaters and partygoers, all of them publicy sustaining the Church and the rites that I said before, and nobody batting an eye.

That is why it is absolutely hilarious when someone try to import protestant behavior here, like intersectional feminists trying to persuade ours that we need to burn churches, or local politicians (often left-wing) yelling at the population that drinking or partying or whoring is immoral, and being systematically ignored.

Yours is a good post.

But probably my message and what I wanted to say was not so clear; I am not condemning the logic behind the capital gender reasoning, because it is perfectly fine.

As always terms are muddied in the polls. It is true that Italians are pretty liberal (and also pretty tolerant). But at the same time they would for surely back off if they saw the consequences of inserting gender ideology in the Law. But the right cannot explain it (because they are lazy and stupid).

I know that both faith and works are necessary. But the facto... That is why I used "implies"

Reading your open society link, I understood that I never despised so much a single organization, beside ISIS

Advocating for socialism and planned economy while being heralded as a fighter against "authoritarianism" is what made me think that really our élites were hijacked by Soviets agents, and the fall of the URSS was only a setback

As an European coming from the outside, I had no idea how much power is in the hands of Jewish and pro-Zionist donors in the matters of american academia. And, reasoning about it, I think that for European-Americans it should be a clear bell of alarm; the Jewish donors will tolerate whatever anti-European, child mauling or intersectional feminism, but will never falter at Jewish interests.

It is simply pure Conflict Theory.

The transgender movement is, at heart, a radical leftist ideology, and so they work to identify enemies, isolate and smear them, promising to be tolerant, and then smashing them.

Braverman out for having said that the police is way harder on right-wing groups than on pro-palestinians David Cameron in as a Foreign Minister

I really would like to understand how leftists can think that the tories are a right-wing party. I think it is clear which direction they are taking. The point is, do they have any strategy or it is a reflection of what the upper-cadrè of the tories think?

The surge of normie family women and Moral Foundation Theory

A lot has been written on how marriage and long term relationships, at least in the Anglo-saxon contest, move women right from the left. While I think this assessment is generally correct, anecdotic evidence that I gathered around tell me that is not exactly right.

Context: Every month I begin to see some of my female friends and acquaintances, generally middle-upper class women, getting married and having children (age=27 - 32). After the birth their social profiles become typical of a mother with a child; continuous social media posts of their children, mom's initiatives, kindergardens, lovely picture with their newly wed husbands etc But it was very curious to see that this sudden change of social media posting have not changed their past habit of "left-wing posting" about Palestine, gay marriage, feminism etc. Instead, it accelerated a lot.

Sometimes ago, someone here was talking about Moral Foundation Theory and how left and right (and men and women) are different from each other, and how mainstream marriage culture follows more the conservative moral framework than the leftists framework.

But I would like to add that, in my opinion, we are seeing a shift of moral mainstream and normie society going from following the Authority/Sanctity/Loyalty to the Care/Fairness framework. If this happen, the consequence is that people following the rightists moral framework will never find refuge in mainstream family-making society, because this society is becoming morally Leftists. I do not think that we have ever seen, in the history of humanity, a shift like this.

My judgement of "radical leftists position" is not made by my personal thought about it. I am talking about the leftist spectrum represented in Western Parliaments, where you have a more leftist and a more centrist wing inside the left-wing coalition.

The centrist part of the coalition can be unsure or unwilling of adopting the issues of the most leftwing policies (because they are not popular!), but they will do in 3 years!

I will make a concrete example to explain myself, in the Italian Parliament.

DDL Zan, a law presented by left-wing elements of the left-wing coalition, is about hardening sentences against aggressions against LGBT people, and inserting the notion of gender identity inside the Italian Corpus of Law.

When it was proposed, almost three years ago, there was an uproar inside the left coalition, because it is composed also by Left Catholics, Radical Feminists and more Blairite-like people, all of them wary of DDL Zan for different reasons.

After some years, DDL Zan appeared again in the Parliament (Same legislature, so exactly the same people as parlamentarians!), but this time was supported not only by the entire Left coalition, but also by the centrists and liberal parties. The law did not pass only because all the right wing went against it.

Withouth any change of popular support or coming from the change of the actual politicians, a fringe policy was completely adopted by the entire left-wing spectrum without problems.

Noteworthy, and useless, to say that now the same people that created Zan are beginning to create now proposal that goes hard towards transgender education and representation. They will propose them, be rejected, and propose them again in two years only to be completely accepted.

I am curious, because I saw it written many times here, but had no chance to investigate more.

What happened to the Alt-Right movement, and what makes it very different from the dissident right of now?

Spot on The greatest problem of high IQ people in a fully democratic system is that they cannot understood how low IQ people are incapable of some basic reasoning that they have access to. Maybe in another eras, where there was no ideology of equality and refusal of biology, this factor was still tolerable and they understood well what they were talking about. Not anymore

Maybe it is because I am European and I come from a different political culture, but a lot of these actions make no sense to me.

It is NPR public and at the same time insanely left wing? It is simple, you are the government! You decide who staff the NPR and PBS and whatever! Are the journalists there unsatisfacted? They will leave or bow. Is the problem classical music or traditional western music or whatever? Fund another national public broadcast who will do these things!

I understand the libertarian political culture, but leaving these things at the force of the market will help only the left, not the right.

Knowing a bit of the Hungarian Right-Wing Intellighenzia, I really hoped that they would have worked hard to not attract the Eye of Sauron (the US)

It is one thing to cultivate relationship with the American right-wing, another one to become the focus of the attention of the global liberal commentariat. At this point Hungary is receiving an enormous and not proportional to her size attention by Bruxelles, and I would not like to see also attention from Washington.

Better to have a lot of abortion and to have more space to cultivate pro-family and anti-immigration sentiments than fighting a stupid CW on a topic that in Europe is almost settled.

I am Catholic from a Catholic culture. Damn, I would be very surprised if the conservatives did not engaged in drinking games and threesomes!

I always found hilarious how, in Protestants and Anglo-saxon countries, you are expected to behave in private as you behave with your public persona. I understand that the accusation of hypocrisy are easy to do in these cases and are a fruit too sweet to not pick it, but still it does not registers in my brain.

I mean, in a world where socialism realism is dead and planned economy is deader then ever and a failure, we can expect to see an infusion of leftism with capitalist values.

I mentioned here many times that I consider the gender (sex) divide the greatest factor in our model of understanding modern political thought and action.

Background; middle-class male, young, Catholic family, Mediterranean, living in a big, poor city. Moved to Central Europe to work in a big èlite public institution with many young people, especially females. History of belonging to Marxist organisations in the past btw.

As a passionate about history, I normally talk about it, especially in a highly-educated environment where discussions about complex topics are the norm.

What I noticed in the past year it is astounding and moulded a lot of my thought. Every time I talk with women about history, and the topics fall on some past event/political regime/ideology/whatever, there is a lot of disinterest towards it from the women's side. Not disinterest in the sense of "I do not care", because as I said it is a highly-educated environment where being uncaring about this kind of thing is uncool, but disinterest in the sense of:

"I understand that in the past things worked a certain way, but the past is always worse than now because women had it worse".

From there, after it happened dozens of times with dozens of different women, I elaborated:

Women are the true accelerationist.

I could not elaborate or argue about past political or moral issues or ideologies or sovrastructures, because, from the other side, the argument is always that every behaviour or ideology of the past is ontologically evil because it discriminated against women.

I will never forget how when I was arguing about how 19th-century European states had probably a higher state-capacity than contemporary European states, I was accused of sexism because I expressed a preference for a non-contemporary political structure. The same happened when I mentioned how I admire Charles De Gaulle (because Macron, while being bad, is better than him because he is more feminist).

The most amazing moment was when I said to a group of women (yes, a lot of weird moments this year) that the loss of Church participation alienated a lot of people and diminished the sense of belonging and social participation of the community in the public thing. They agreed with me (!) but still for them, it is better now because they prefer a more isolated society but with more feminism.

Women are true accelerationist because the consequence of feminism has been a weirdo para-futurism philosophy but without fascism. Everything that can be conducted to the past is suspected as part of a reactionary plot to be judged on moral grounds. No detached interests in History per se, but only moral condemnation of everything that is not the "current year".

For me, it was fascinating to discover how males and females consider history, especially when the topic of "in which historical epoch would you like to live?" and every woman answer "now".

The biggest consequence of this sex divide is, imho, that a feminist liberal society has a huge gap in understanding the context when society begins to decline after drifting from some past ideology or structure. It is not possible for them that something contemporary can be worse than something present in the past.

I would like to receive some input on my "theory" from the residents of the motte, expressed in the English language which is better than mine.

PS: for people who are curious, I never received any sort of cancellation or consequence for my brazen rhetorical behaviour. Europe is not as woke as the US, and I am a kinda of "high-status male" for several reason, so I noticed that women tolerate way more whatever I say.