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joined 2023 December 05 02:41:55 UTC


User ID: 2780



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User ID: 2780

I'm feeling rather insane right now so I'll post a screed.

Do you ever feel like there are just... too many men on this planet? Not humans. Just men, in particular.

Humans are like 1.05 males: females at birth, so there's a natural imbalance. I can only assume this was balanced in the past because males died more: from war, or hunting animals, or just generally taking more risks.

None of that happens now, in our ultra-safe modern feminized society. So we just have a bunch of surplus males sitting around.. doing nothing... simping for women. Taking up body building, or feminism, or prostitution, or onlyfans, or whatever else will give them a drop of female attention.

Everybody knows "Ender's Game," but did you ever read the sequels? It has one (Speaker for the Dead) where they find an alien race that can only reproduce through a chemical change caused by war. That's... how I feel. Like, our species basically requires war in order to sort out our psychology. Otherwise there will be this latent male aggression caused by intra-sexual competition, and it won't end until we have some stupid fucking war over nothing, just to reduce the surplus male population.

There's too many dicks on the dance floor

The vast, top-secret sinister conspiracy of... college student protesters?

CRT: Critical Race Theory.

It's important to add that this is mostly an internet slang term used by people making fun of it. It's based on something real- Critical theory - where there really are people calling themselves "critical theorists" and doing stuff like "taking a critical theory approach to sociology with an emphasis on issues of racial justice." But no one in academia officially uses the term Critical Race Theory. It sounds a bit cringe when Republicans say they want to ban CRT, because officially it doesn't exist.

I think part of what makes it so pernicious is that its fiercest advocates won't even admit they're fighting for it. It's just taken as a given- like, of course they believe in racial justice, that's just "being a good person." They can't admit that they have this belief system, because that would admit that there are other, competing belief systems which might also be valid.

edit: I guess there are a few people in Academia who use the term and embrace it, like this guy: https://law.seattleu.edu/faculty/directory/profiles/delgado-richard.html but I still think it's very rare. More often they're just teaching English or history or something and they're like "oh by the way 99% of this class will be about race."

Not to be gross, but uh... there's a lot of places where the age of consent is 16, and a lot of 25 yr olds guys wouldn't mind taking advantage of a 17 yr old who wants to experiment with an older boyfriend. But like you said, those teens are looking for privacy, so it's hard for a newcomer to come to town and meet them. Probably a good thing overall!

OK but the two philosophers you cite are both dead, who social science is really a different field. I thought we were talking about humanities and continental philosophy here? Do you just want to dismiss literally all of modern humanities as nonsense?

so, when i proposed building a literal walled city, and you say the homeless people will still get out anyway... are you imagining a gaza situation where they build elaborate underground tunnels? Or is it just the nature of homeless to manifest themselves inside of public libraries, by teleportation?

what is the right place to go to be a bum?

Normies would say "go to the homeless shelter, they'll give you the help you need." But that help usually comes at a high price, like: no alcohol, no drugs, no pets, no coed habitation, no noise, and strict hours.

Outside of the park, you can't just go and "hang out" because it's all owned by someone who will kick you out for loitering. Like I can't just go camp on some random person's lawn, even if it's otherwise empty and not being used for anything. You can maybe get away with it on a sidewalk, but you have to keep moving along constantly.

I kind of think what we need is to normalize favela's/shantytowns. Set up a space where the normal laws don't apply, and it's just a giant free-for-all. Something like Kowloon Walled City, but in every major American city. The bums get a place where they can stay for free and do whatever drugs they want. The normies can exile bums guilt free. Everybody wins.

I go back and forth. Sometimes I feel exactly the same way as you, that it's all just a gigantic tower of bullshit pseudo-intellectualism using big words to intimidate normies while not actually proving anything. Other times I think... there might something to this. I think the way it's supposed to work is like a big aggressively-growing business. They can't possibly explain the entire market/all of society, and they know there will be a lot of mistakes along the way. Still, they do their best to make a coherent plan, and muddle along through, and as long as it's more right than it is wrong it will make progress. It's a way to deal with incredibly difficult problems that are just too massive to handle in a simple, rigorous, step-by-step "scientific" way.

But that does allow for a lot of bullshit to get through too... it's hard to tell!

Probably not (i didnt know he was an Antifa activist) but i think the basic gist is true. Huge inequality between the big accounts with tons of followers, and the "common folk" who follow but are not followed.

There's still room for doubt, since most of our radio telescopes aren't really looking for Alien signals. They look for more "mundane" astronomical data, and radio signals fall off rapidly with the inverse square law, so unless an alien signal was beamed right at us, we could have easily missed it. This is starting to change now, but this is a recent change from billionaires like Paul Allen and Yuri Millner funding SETI-type projects that couldn't get much government funding before.

we could use selective abortions and IVF sex-selection to produce larger ratios of girl babies. Most parents seem to prefer girl children these days, anyway, if they have a preferance.

opportunity cost is a thing. also, was hoping for some more specific tips or advice instead of bland platitudes of encouragement. thanks though.

Has anyone here started a substack? I've been thinking of doing one, but having trouble getting started. I have a lot of ideas, but they're all over the place- I have no real niche where I can call myself an expert. And I don't have any following from twitter or whatever, this would be starting from scratch. I don't care about making money, but I would like people to actually read it and take me seriously.

Also my opinions are um... all over the place- both liberals and and alt-right would find something to get mad about. Is this even worth it? Or should I just write a diary?

So someone can be both hispanic and white, or hispanic and black, or even hispanic and Asian American Pacific Islander!

So? You can also be white, black, and Asian all at once. They're not mutually exclusive categories.

man this sounds weird out of context. I had to double check that that's a real place.

Tons of people are influential in their day, but that doesnt mean we have to keep worshipping them forever. Rasputin, for example.

"operators" being more like telephone switchboard operators ?

Itll be interesting to see if the f16s coming soon can change that.

True, that adds to the political calculus and would certainly provoke a big public outrage. But still... when you're comparing against a potential nuclear war, I don't know if the loss of a few thousand troops would be enough.

yeah I've heard of them and I greatly enjoyed most of those. But looking back at them now as an adult, I don't see them as great writing. It seems more like stage directions to tell you what's going on in the game and keep you on track. Not to mention: it's all fantasy tropes that have been done a million times. Eg:

https://www.lemonamiga.com/games/media/screens/full/ultima_iv_-quest_of_the_avatar/ultima_iv-_quest_of_the_avatar_04.png Thanks for telling me it's a gypsy caravan, in case I couldn't have guessed just from the picture

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/YJC1C8Tm3S0s8JptmC0V3k01K35JRIp5r0j8buUXOi3Gih97ggYLbBGSVMOkbDOZf8CcTg7jcJAmOxknvnTghy2jak0XMPQkn7XnQoJMvEEHEJ4qojGOGmtCybaJ1xPhUw: Explaining that we're on the edge of the map and can't move any further

https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/baldur_s_gate_retro_4.jpg.jpg?width=1920&height=1920&fit=bounds&quality=80&format=jpg&auto=webp Is this dialogue? Or just random character lines to narrate the battle?

https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Fallout-Harold-Dialogue-Cropped.jpg Infodumping the backstory

I shouldn't pick on these because the genre forces the writing to go a certain way. But still... you can see why none of this is exactly prizewinning literature, right?


Yeah, i have absolutely no idea how many people really believe in it vs just having fun. It would probably be more obvious if you spent more time in the community or went to conventions.

I'm American but I feel the same way... it's much less fun if I have to wear a helmet, since that makes my head sweat like crazy, and then once I'm done I have to carry the helmet around with me everywhere. But that's just me as an adult, riding on very easy bike routes, I might feel differently about small kids

You dont notice your mood and thinking change over the course of the day? Youre able to switch instantly from something like writing code to writing fiction? If you can, great, its just not easy for most people.

My feeling is that those are all the sort of analytical, logical questions that get in the way of fiction writing, which is why I recommend doing it early or late. Or at least, when you're feeling more free and creative. But I don't know man, do whatever works for you.