@Bernd's banner p
BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Has your friend posted anything about his battery setup? Building one now, can always use more info about things that did or didn't work. Especially grid and generator charging.

If I spend an hour collecting articles, will you reply or do the Darwin ghosting thing?

I've honestly never understood squirrel. They're so fiddly and the meat's not even worth a round of 22. At least rabbits have most of a meal on them. Is it mostly just bragging rights?

Have you read Miyazaki's Tigers In The Mud?

Whole thing(?) Not the best image quality I'm afraid, but enough to give you the idea. He's an absolute model tank and rifle collector who reads Nazi tank ace autobiographies. Really great stuff done in his style.

Pahoittelut. Hakemaasi sivua ei löydy

Not to mention certain groups get a much higher payoff than others, depending entirely on lifespan. Statistically a black man paying into social security will only collect for a few years before death, while Asian and Jewish women will get a return many times greater by living to their late 80s.

Small differences in life expectancy turn out to be huge in terms of "years lived after age 65", and the inevitable raising of SS collection age will only make that worse.

Thanks! I searched .is for the tweet URLs, but nothing came up. Guess the archived one was the top tweet.

What evil image? I'm really confused about all this. He posted a random out of context meme pic that people downvoted because it was a random out of context meme pic, even though it was mildly funny.

It would have been way funnier mixed in with an actual post, tbf.

Liking hate, what are you on about?

Guess I just don't get it.

Anyone ever run an upright fridge with a broken condenser fan? I can't get a replacement shipped for a few days. In theory it should still work, just with much higher deltaT?

I'm not sure how much of that cost difference is due to animation vs live action, and how much is paying guild prices for an American product which was seen as a billionaire's bribe money to the Hollywood set. vs a tiny French animation company who from what I can tell farms out work to Korea and Indonesia the same way anime studios do now.

There's been some domestic American animations with stupidly high budgets for abysmal quality recently, but would have to check my notes for numbers.

That's really useful info, and something I was totally unaware of living in an area without gas boilers or really cold weather, thank you!

Of course whoever installed a water system would assume the heat would be on in cold weather. Were the pipes outside the insulation layer or something? That's really strange--seems like it would be very lossy in normal use.

I have some piping running through my crawlspace under the insulation, and should really improve it on principle despite it never getting cold enough down there to freeze them.

Ngl I'm really just working on the stereotype that Americans sue whenever anything bad happens to them, so if there's no lawsuits nothing bad must be happening. See the class action suit against chipotle for making people shit themselves.

get a bank account before getting hired, since "just cut me a check" signals low class.

Wait, is that backwards?

What do you think of "red dot plus flip magnifier" for mostly-short-range shooting? Worth thinking about, or too messy?

Trying to decide if it's worth getting a variable optic or just buying the matching magnifier for my current dot.

Wow, nice project. Yeah, I'm starved on 120v amps in the kitchen just for a big kettle and toaster. A 20a circuit dedicated to the big stuff would be awesome, but fuck working with GFCI...

Would love to hear about the swamp cooler sometime. Was thinking of getting one until the mini split went in, and it could still be useful for an office outbuilding.

Isn't that more for designing circuit boards than house wiring circuits?

Yeah, that's basically what I'm asking.

When you're doing stuff at scale, avoiding constant checks is pretty important. Factorio saves a ton of update time by putting unused entities to sleep and not having them periodically check if it's time to wake up; they go completely inactive in updates until an active entity connected to them pings them to do something.

When you have 55,000 robot arms not checking if they need to move every tick, the performance savings are measurable.

I think you could get away without barge shipping for a non-industrial city, given that it seems to be used mostly for coal, ore, and other bulk stuff these days, but water supply would be a huge limiting factor.

Yeah, I remember seeing a thermodynamic analysis of them and being devastated that such a cool idea didn't really work.

I only started appreciating this after switching to the heat pump. Airing out the house daily is now mandatory, and it really needs a ventilator fan.

And yeah, I wonder about what it'll do to the wall lifespan. I don't want to have to buy plywood at these prices!

Btw, I would love to see a pic of your stove model. I've been frustrated by my new one being unusable for anything more than warming pots of water, because the top is basically an aluminum duct for hot air flow.

You could cook a steak on my old one if it wasn't so disgustingly coated in soot lol.

Wow, from Karl's video you'd think the G36 had slept with his wife. Or something else that made him love it.

Thanks. Apparently I'm very out of fashion as well as out of the loop! Hadn't even heard of the new micros.