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User ID: 473



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User ID: 473

Well, I suppose the government financing public housing projects again would at least alleviate the problem.

Had Ataturk's regime not always been in a rather cordial relationship with all German governments that were in power throughout his presidency?

As a counterargument, I'd mention an incident from post-Cold War history that may not be that well-known but surely made a rather bad impression on Putin and had grave long-term consequences for American-Russian relations, namely the first time the US decided to unilaterally withdraw from a major international arms limitation treaty (the one on anti-ballistic missile systems). This happened more than twenty years ago, and due to the official explanation sounding rather flimsy at best, it's difficult to interpret it as anything but an openly hostile move.

They’re hoping that one day the orcs will eventually run out of artillery shells, tanks, planes and drones, after which Ukraine will retake all lost territories with Western wonder weapons. This will then prompt a new Gorbachev/Yeltsin to seize power in Moscow, and then agree to a Versailles-like settlement and capitulate. That is, current calls to continue the military support of Ukraine, and to increase that support, only make any sense under that assumption, as far as I can tell.

Before 2022, the plan (such as it was) was to keep arming Ukraine and to convince her government not to make any concessions, until one day, sooner or later, an advantageous day comes, due to a Russian financial collapse or Putin dying of cancer or whatever, to launch a re-run of Operation Storm in the Donbass, ending in a quick victory before the orcs even have enough time to figure out how to respond.

A strategy to bleed the enemy out would only work if Ukraine had more men and resources at her disposal than Russia, which is not the case and never will be.

That wouldn't surprise me. What would surprise me is learning that the New Atheism - Atheism+ split also happened in Germany.

Maybe I'm living under a rock, but I never got the impression that the techno/rave subculture attracts preppy rich kids in particular anywhere. It's a hobby which does not entail spending large sums of money, as far as I can tell.

Dawkinites turning their attention to Islam was a thing 10 years ago. In response feminists, LGTBQ+'s, and anti-racists decided to form Atheism+ and drive out the Dawkinsians.

How much of this was ever a thing in Germany though?

Is the techno/rave subculture still a relevant thing in Germany? I assumed it peaked sometime in the late '90s.

"Boyfriend back in their hometown" is a nonsensical category anyway. He's not your boyfriend, because in a practical sense you aren't together. If you actually had a boyfriend, you wouldn't be attending parties without him.

"men I don't already know aren't allowed to speak to me"

It's just the usual shit. Women in general want fried ice (this is supposedly an old Arab proverb, although I have my doubts about that as they likely had no concept of ice.) They want to jettison the patriarchy because it's oppressive and whatnot while at the same time preserving aspects of it that benefit women. It doesn't work.

To be fair, the level of vandalism that characterized the end of the festival was extreme and out of the ordinary. Also, MTV was huge back then, so the event received enormous publicity from the beginning.

It's the usual stuff. Your parents assumed that it will, like, just happen.

Are these women incapable of picking (understandably less attractive) simp/soyboy/nerdy men (perjorative terms used to denote an archetype succinctly) who would be flattered by any female attention and very likely take it slowly with sex?

These women are very unlikely to put themselves in social situations where such a man takes the initiative, and they themselves obviously won't take the initiative with any man.

Unfortunately, the scarce historical record that is available about him suggests that he was simply a Jesuit novice from Abyssinia. Not exactly kickass category, I'd say.

the perceived nadir of the state of music back then

I suppose this means "completely commercialized pop music marketed to angry white guys".

Corporations are greedy and bad. The concert organizers didn't think through a lot of basic logistics and pretty much just sold tickets for attendance and not much else.

They also chose a venue (a defunct air force base) completely unsuited for such an event in the July heat (concrete surfaces everywhere and no shade anywhere, pretty much no foliage at all). Security was also wholly undermanned and undertrained.

I can see that you already received multiple responses, so I'm a bit surprised that nobody mentioned the legacy of the Nu metal genre as a factor. The view that it was all basically a directionless, destructive and embarassing outburst of American suburban middle-class White male rage and toxicity was probably a view shared by hardliner feminists from the beginning, but it wasn't adopted into mainstream culture roughly until 2021.

There's zero evidence that Yasuke was either a samurai or an assassin.

The normal sedan can accommodate two car seats at the back, but not three (I remember reading a surprisingly informative post about this whole issue on the old subreddit). Also, two double-bed rooms are no longer sufficient during a family vacation with three children instead of two. So I'd argue the big change is from two to three in terms of effect on the whole family.

I imagine that yes, the answer would be different.

It's actually worse than all that.

Due to demographic implosion, families and friends' circles are smaller, so your friends and their friends have fewer or no sisters, nieces, cousins and other friends to introduce to you even if they want to help you out. Also, boys who have no sisters and no female cousins will tend to develop dumbass ideas about girls because they don't see how they actually behave normally as humans. It also happens with the sexes reversed, I assume.

Widespread use of social media abetted the decline of nightclubs in general, which the COVID lockdowns also heavily contributed to.

Strict enforcement of the 21-year drinking age means that young people over 21 and those under 21 have basically no access to social venues where they can interact.

Atomized societies normalize heightened social mobility for young singles, which means you'll pretty much lose your entire social circle if you have to move to another town after graduation to get some job.

I was effectively shunned from an entire community and industry for the crime of politely asking a girl if she wanted to get coffee sometime and I'm still mad about it - anyone saying "just ask her bro, the worst she can say is no" is full of shit.

To be fair, it's not full of shit as long as there's no overlap between your social circle and hers.

And yet quite a few of them suggested that if a random guy started talking to them in an elevator, they would be weirded out.

Well, duh. If you ask them about a RANDOM GUY, of course they'll react like that, because they don't see 'random' guys as attractive.

You're both right. At the end, this is what all this eventually boils down to.

I'd argue your father, brothers and uncles are actually supposed to provide you with a safety net if you get into a bad situation with your fiancé/husband by giving him a severe beating.

Solution isn’t simple. Countries have tried economic incentives and mostly failed or slowed the decline.

So I've heard a sort of interesting argument regarding these incentives in general. What they are mostly designed to do anywhere they are enacted is convince couples in stable marriages with one child to have a second one. That's it. It's because it's the one incentive the majority of citizens are still willing to support, because just handing out wads of cash to women for birthing babies isn't politically acceptable anywhere. So of course they won't end up doing much, because the people they're meant to help are not the majority to begin with.

I guess in the end it all boils down to the simple advice that "you should have your first child while you're still young". You can imagine how popular that is among women anywhere.