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Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

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joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC

The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628


Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC


The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628

what is the name of the chap that killed Fafnir? What did he look like? What was his culture?

Seigfried killed Fafnir. He was described as tall and fair, but that is not the same as "white", plenty of Indians can be said to be fair as well. He almost certainly (if he had existed) was white though. His culture was Norse.

Fafnir was a Germanic flightless dragon, as you can probably tell, the concept came from Norse/Frankish tales.

I am not denying that Tolkien wrote LOTR to be a tale of the British Isles, however the culture he wrote it for is long dead now, modern white people are vestigial hangers on who have perverted the thing that Tolkien wanted to embellish and preserve until it became a crude mockery of itself. Modern whites can't claim that the butchering that has been going on affects them any more than it affects black people, and if they are complaining about the old culture itself being desecrated then we can safely say their own actions have caused far far more lasting and irreparable damage to it than any number of race swaps ever will.

  • -17

Sounds like the place which is willing to pay $40/hr for some hedge pruning needs people to do hedge pruning a lot more than the place which is only willing to pay $7/hr.

Even then, the casting couch is still wrong. It is akin to bribery, no different to a hiring manager being offered $10k for himself personally by candidate A to choose himself for the job over "equally good" candidate B. We should be against it for the same reason we are against bribery. In fact just like how we are against situations which even give the impression that bribery could be going on (Caesar's wife and all that), we should be against situtations which even give the impression this form of prostitution could be going on (by e.g. always mandating two people present at these interviews etc.)

The requirement is that the actress must be able to plausibly fake being interested in having sex with Weinstein et al.

Even if this is a real requirement, the producer should hire a professional from the pornographic industry to test the actress out on, at most he should get to watch the act (to judge the merits etc.), not participate in it.

Because he should only care about how good the scene looks on film, not how good it feels. You don't need to actually have the sex to decide on the merits of what is captured on screen and how it will be seen by viewers (who themselves also won't be having the sex being shown). In fact it is better to not be the person actually having the sex as then you can look at the scene from different perspectives and distances (which you'll have on the final film) that you can't if you're having sex.

That post is absolutely hilarious. I want to know the names of the other two people who upvoted it (one massive benefit of having public upvote/downvote logs) so I can ask them what were they thinking...

Replace white with "high class" and black with "low class" and I 100% agree with everything you said here.

Russia (like the rest of Europe) is slowly dying. That's fine, everything eventually comes to an end. However it made an inadvisable move to lash out one last time before the inevitable, one final death throe before the end, but this too has backfired on it and made things even worse for the country as a whole. You can't blame them for trying something, but you can blame them for picking a particularly bad thing to try. In the modern world we have reached an equilibrium where military power means less and less compared to economic and cultural staying power and many of these events are just (painful) lessons to those who weren't able or willing to follow the winds of change. Experience is the best (and most painful) teacher as they say.

Sure, it sucks for current Russians (and Europeans) but this is just the wheel of fortune, nothing more and nothing less. There are times when you're climbing up, and times when you're being kicked down. It's just what it is. Given that it's very hard to compete with the current hegemonic American culture if Russia really wanted to be successful in spreading its ideas in the modern world it would defund its military and spend the money on boosting Russian fertility to create lots of people who believe in Russian ideology instead.

LLM-tier posts

Do you mean Large Language Model or LandLord Messiah here? Although I don't suppose I really matters...

Damn that's actually a scary point. Not just for the rocket/car users themselves but also for the rest of humanity considering that he's 100% the best in those areas at the moment.

If you just start shooting them, even just with rubber bullets (but lots), or even better with paintballs that smell horrible when they break, they will stop rioting.

This is absolutely the way to stop the rioting animals, but unfortunately westerners are way too pussy to ever contemplate doing such a thing, and even if they were to do so the very next day there would be dozens of articles in newspapers deploring the "barbarity" of the state, conveniently ignoring that the rioters are the true uncivilized huns who would have run live bullets on the police without a second thought were the situations reversed.

Hitler to some extent got at least some of what he wanted in Europe, at least for a time; in the Europe that came out of World War 2, there was generally much more ethnic coherence in nations than there had been before World War 2, largely because of mass population displacement and ethnic cleansing. The role of that shift in the general (all things considered) European peace that followed and the rise of solidarity-based welfare states

And this is yet another reason to hate mustache man (not like we needed any more).

Make sure you read the Screwtape letters too, they are excellent!

An anything goes category that allows anything from cybernetics, PEDs, external instructions and bodily modifications.

This just devolves into a meta where everyone is claiming their motorbike is part of their body.

Hand not making it to the supreme court was a pretty big injustice in my book. That dude deserved it far more than some of the people who did manage to get appointed at the time.

This is another piece of evidence that if you're going to IQ test your applicants (a very good idea) you should just use Pearson or Wonderlic or another big company that specializes in these things rather than making your own homebrew test. It's like the advice to not implement cryptography primitives yourself: due to how US civil rights law works you really want to use something that already has a ton on background research done to preemptively counter any bogus lawsuit that might come your way and ensure that even if this somehow does happen you have a big company like Wonderlic on your side which is very interested in seeing that lawsuit fail (or else their hard earned reputation is destroyed).

I don't even consider this event to be an example of racial spoils. It was black and hispanic people who brought the lawsuit, had white people who failed the test also been part of the class action they too would have gotten a share of the bounty.

And this here is yet another example of strife caused by the crude mockery that Westerners have made of marriage by treating it as a contract between two individuals instead of as a bond between two families. What your future in-laws will be like makes up a big part of what your married life will be like unless you jettison those links, but even doing that has a cost on you and your spouse. Hence you need to select on this axis too when deciding on your long term life partner and your failure to do that here has meant unnecessary pain.

Now you might well say that you and your wife got married knowing about this fundamental difference and you accepted this as a negative but still believed the combined package of everything meant marriage was still worth it for you two, in which case fair enough but equally then you can hardly claim to be surprised when your in laws behave in ways concordant with the beliefs you knew they held. If you didn't take this into account and just thought that what extended family are like should have zero bearing on whether you and your wife should get married then you just got burned by having false beliefs about human relationships, no different to a dullard who entered a lion's den at the zoo getting ripped to shreds because he thought they were vegetarian.

And before you say that I have no idea about your relationship dynamic with your wife and thus am unqualified to comment about it know that I am not talking to you at all here. You are irrelevant, it is too late for you, you have already married into this household and now have to live with the consequences. My advice can do nothing for you. I am talking to the other readers here who are yet to make the plunge, they can easily save themselves from a lot of future anguish by just making sure the beliefs of their fiance's family are not too wildly divergent from their own instead of following the modern Western mantra of "you're marrying them, not their family".

In the medium term wiping out better stock hurts the worse stock more than letting them rule over you.

Good in the short term as the worse stock gets to expropriate the creations of the better stock, even worse in the long term compared to the medium term as your country falls behind the rest of the world due to your lower human capital and lack of rule of law leading to nobody external with any sense investing even a single cent into you.

And the kinds of people who prioritize the short term over the medium/long term are basically almost definitionally the ones you want nowhere near the levers of power.

Better stock humans are God's gift to worse stock humans (as a class, not individually, no single person should think of themselves as "God's gift to humanity" because they are not, but as a class of human beings it's absolutely true), without them the low quality stock would be living in even worse conditions than they do at the moment (compare American blacks vs Liberian blacks). Shooting them with bullets is like killing the golden goose and the lower classes need this simple fact repeated to them multiple times until they finally get it.

There is no defection going on here from the superior stock, upper classes don't benefit at the expense of lower classes at the moment, instead in the west it is lower classes that benefit at the expense of the upper classes (regardless of whatever trivially false jeremiads they like to tell themselves) and what you are proposing is basically blackmail: "give us even more of the surplus you generate or we will hurt you".

The solution to blackmail is, as you said, punishment, and I absolutely agree that western lower classes are in dire need of some serious punishment to set them straight, and I would be open to burning some our our surplus value to get them to see straight (you could argue cultural change due to mass immigration is indeed this, the higher classes do have to pay a cost to avoid the consequences, but it is indeed a very effective method of punishment for the lower classes who can't afford that), however I would say that wasn't what you were talking about.

Expect that in the real world the better stock guy is not keeping you in chains, he is helping you to build a better life than you would be able to without him. That changes the calculus very dramatically. All you are doing at the moment is complaining is that not enough of the surplus generated by the better stock is finding its way down to you, and threatening to revolt against your betters.

In Dante's Divine Comedy down at the very centre of the 9th circle of hell was Judeca, an icy wasteland where the worst of all crimes, worse than murder, rape, torture etc. was punished along with Satan himself. It was the abode of those who in life were traitors to their lords and benefactors. The people who benefited from their betters and then struck out against those very same people.

Treachery against your superiors/biting the hand that feeds you is the worst of all sins, rendering you suitable for punishment in the deepest bowels of hell.

There is still time to repent!

The upper classes can import people who are willing to do all of those things for much much cheaper than locals are, and even better, the new citizens will actually be thankful for it, unlike the lower class ingrates that populate the west at the moment.

The lower classes benefit from having upper class people able and willing to pay $5 for a sandwich instead of 30 cents. The beneficial relationship goes both ways but it's far harder to replace people willing to overpay for sandwiches compared to replacing people who're willing to be overpaid making sandwiches.

(I'm defining upper classes as everything from low PMC upwards here).

Yes, they are still your betters. What you are saying is like asking if gold is really worth more than iron if you dissolve it in aqua regia and then pour it down the drain. We all die to bullets, just like how we are all smaller than Mount Everest.

They failed to come out on top in the one area that really matters.

At a personal level yes, but I'm not talking about personally, I'm talking about as a class (plus even at a personal level they may well have had children who they sent overseas where you can't get your hands on them who'll continue the family legacy, this is pretty common among the higher classes). Better stock has a way of better evading genocide etc. and some portion of the class will survive unless you do a very thorough job that pretty much nobody has managed to do, some portion always survive. And then this portion will flourish elsewhere while your suffer, and in a few generations's time end up back on top. See even now how in China a highly disproportionate portion of ruling elites have ancestors who were brutally suppressed by Mao but as a class managed to recover very strongly (and this fraction only keeps going up the higher up in government you go).

Plus as technology and drones etc. develop it's getting harder and harder to destroy upper classes at a personal level too, so you can forget about doing it as a class of people. Some will survive, they will return over the course of decades to their rightful place, and then because they are better than the lower classes, forgive it all instead of exacting their rightful revenge.

So you agree that the upper class does benefit from the lower classes, it's just that they might benefit more from replacing the existing lower classes with new ones?

Of course, society is a positive sum game, I never disputed that, I said that the lower classes at the moment are capturing more of the economic surplus society generates than they are due if you just look at supply demand etc. If they were being "exploited" they would be capturing less of it.

In order to have a functional modern society in this scenario, so many of the upper classes would have to start doing lower class type jobs that the overall ability of the upper classes to innovate would decrease by a lot.

All true. And even now the upper classes pay for not having to do these jobs, and they pay more than the global market determined fair value for these jobs because of immigration controls which shield the lower classes from competition while upper class jobs have to deal with competition at a global level. In a fair world they would be paying less for these jobs, hence the lower class western people who're getting the jobs at the moment are overpaid and yet they have the gall to complain!

The one thing that everyone in the Musk-Twitter discourse seems to agree on is that Twitter has significant value in its brand. Now, it might not even have that.

His actions over the past few months have been convincing me more and more that he is that foretold Moshiach who will come and deliver humanity from the Twitter menace. Long may he continue!