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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

Which heuristic serves better across all fields at all times: trusting the establishment and the experts

or: trusting contrarians and heretics?

The rational, logical thing to do is to follow the consensus and not waste your lifespan shoveling what might be sand.

Unless you one derives pleasure from their motte adjacent activities WE are the stupid ones; wasting our lives arguing about how many angels will fit on the head of a pin.

No. Prices will never fall, wages will never grow (without changing the capitialist millue we all live in.)

If you work for wages you are a sucker; if your portfolio can be damaged by one stock falling you are a sucker.

Quit trying to make money by taking risks or making things and start renting shit as quick as you can; become the parasite before you are infested.

The counterargument to "It's slavery" is "My team will shoot you with a gun, and you can't stop me because said team is 75% of the population".

The current equilibria only exists by majority consent and already fucks labor hard in the ass without lube; I became a parasite and instantly jumped like three income brackets.

Eventually, the unwashed masses of room temperature IQ proles will get too hungry to be distracted by the shiny object (Trans bathrooms on one side and More! Women! Drone Pilots! on the other) and go back to smashing the looms and burning down the landlords house.

Fuck it, let's have a Transhuman Olympics, where PEDs, augmentation and everything you can do short of fighting the other participants is legal. As a tweet once said, let's see how high humans can really jump.

Hard agree.

Maybe it's my autism , but having gender segregated sports always struck me as dumb.

I remember competing in wrestling against dudes in my weight class but with about 6" less neck circumference than me and KNOWING they were just fucked; that I could walk up to them and let them do as much shit as they wanted and nothing would stick.

Extending this; I think the two categories I actually respect in sports are natty and enhanced.

One to appreciate the extend of human capacity; the triumph of will over flesh.

One to watch human shaped Rhinos slap dingers all day.

Coming in late, but no.

Fully automated warfare is as of right now science fiction.

A human with a gun is worth WAY more than robo-dog with a gun; the best autonomous platforms in the world are less good than a rando with 3 days training, a shovel, and a WW1 relic bolt action.

The only place where this might change soon is in the sky, where there are less obvious advantages for meat.

And even in the air anything that a drone can do, that same drone managed by a human can do it better.

If they die? Yes.

He clearly committed manslaughter, so he gets the punishment for manslaughter.

Any chokehold is the barehanded equivalent of a glock.

Theirs a reason I constantly bitch about guys who refuse to tap because they have testosterone poisoning and that refs full body throw themselves onto the ground and get within 8 inches of your face when you are getting choked, and it's because it goes from a fun sporting competition to a negligent murder in about 30 seconds.

I don't expect this dude to do a kimura or some shit, but a 15 minute choke is a bit much.

As I actually have qualification and experience somewhere near the field: Hell yes.

None of the current glorified algorithms people are doomsaying about will ever manifest that doom vis. piloting a robot dog.

The real benefit they offer is as a force multiplier for a human with training and expertise, not as fully independent platforms.

And here is my strong claim: and they never will. The age of fully autonomous drone war will inevitably come about; It could be in 5 years or 500 years, but not under the current paradigm.

Let me emphasise that I was not talking about now, but in a world where machines have caused mass unemployment! Conditional on them replacing enormous numbers of human truck drivers, miners, factory workers, oil workers... it's reasonable that they replace humans on the battlefield.

In that context, I give it to you. Once you have a single robot that can dice an onion AND mop a floor AND determine if someone has dinned afore dashing, we are fucked as a species.

I just think it is not going to happen any time soon, and will never happen under the current paradigm.

Furthermore, autonomous aircraft do better together, they can swarm, communicating with eachother over short ranges, coordinating faster and more effectively than humans can. What does the managing human bring to the table that the successors of Palantir's tactics bots can't?

Actually make tactical decisions that pan out, predict other agents consistently, handle complex situations, handle any change in surfaces, and basically do anything at all outside of the renderite test environment.

If a drone fighter gets into a turning fight with a human, of course it will win because it doesn't have any blood; just like I wouldn't win a wrestling mach with an industrial press if I stood underneath it. The solution is for the ape to simply not get into the shitty situation; and current paradigm drones don't have the capacity to consistently force opponents into losing positions.

Big caveat: because I don't know what the drones that CAN do these things look like other than "not like this"; they could be here anytime in a 5-500 year timespan, which doesn't get me any internet points for predicting.

Yeah? Unless your rotator cuff is fucked or you are weak as shit, you can hold an rnc forever. It's the easiest hold to hold, its why getting one locked in right should be an instant tap.

You can's struggle against an rnc once it is locked in because your point of leverage is your squishy trachea area, the best you can do is try to pull their hands off their own arms get a finger loose, but if it is locked in you have shitty leverage for that also.

I don't know what to say, dude.

Simply do not hold a choke for 15 minutes.

By all means, institutionalize mentally ill vagrants.

Also by all means, punish extrajudicial killings. We can do both, NYC police got 10.3 BILLION this year.

The amount of energy, computation, and engineering you need to make a thing walk on the ground with legs as compared to conscripting a wagie simply makes no sense.

You can do it, but you could also do counterbattery fire by dropping big rocks from a galaxy.

Drone platforms become more viable as they get larger and get further from areas that are cluttered with bullshit, which is why drone aerial platforms were flying around the stratosphere in the 70's and currently are zooming around at sea level +30m; but self driving cars still can't make a reliable 45 deg. left.

I'd say yes.

The execution is good, the content is totally absent. It is teir 2 wizard van shit, not truth and beauty.

That said, it is Really good as a wizard van panel generator, hot damn.

Contrary to what most people think, rich people work more.

This is not true, both in anecdote and data.

Data says they work about 3 hours per weak on average, but other data says that as much as 70% of their total work is business travel, lunches, seminars, trade shows, "meetings", etc.

EG: Not actually work at all.

This lines up with my one wagie experience where I got to know exactly what a couple suits were doing with their day, and it was mostly facebook and porn, except for the days where it was mostly spending company money on entertainment

I don't have to have been their to know that doing the thing that always kills people would kill someone.

It's a simple application of physics and understanding of biology: when you deprive someone's brain of oxygen for 15 minutes, it stops working. You can tell when this happens because it's when they stop moving and they stop breathing and they shit their pants.

What am I doing at the time?

If I'm drunk, or running a stop sign, or driving in the shoulder, or driving above the speed limit, or lane splitting, or making a disallowed turn: yes, I am fine with that.

If you don't want to do the time, simply do not do the crime.

Hell yeah brother.

The greatest casualty of the 80's wasn't free love, it was the wizard van.

It's iffy shit; there is no way to actually get rock hard data on this because of the obvious reasons.

We do have their self reported hours several places (such as: https://executivetimeuse.org/ ; the Harvard BS survey, etc. ), which generally claim 55-60ish hours but include lunches, dinners, exercise, personal enrichment, golf, and etc. as hours worked.

You can find the breakdowns if you google around; the more financial elite vs cultural elite friendly the given institution is the less they actually publish about what 'hours worked' means.

Given that the dude was found fully a corpse on the scene, I find that hard to believe.

Once one side picks up a weapon, the other side HAS to pick up that weapon also; and once everyone has weapons in hand being the first one to put them down is hard.

For every Benghazi there will be a Mueller report.

(although, to be fair, those buttery males were indeed buttery and there were some confessions and arrests connected to the Russia gate investigation; it wasn't all flimflamery)

No, a malnourished psychotic is closer to a force of nature. No inhibitions.

Hollywood has lied to you. Inhibitions don't mean shit against 90 lbs and a full caloric load.

Meth, on the other hand...

Strangling is continuous, choking isn't (from a wrestling perspective).

A choke has a defined end; which is a tap, unconsciousness, or death. A choke leads to unconsciousness somewhere between 5 and 15 seconds (shit is faster than you think; once it is locked in.) and brain damage/ death in 1 - 5 mins. Assuming that this was a shitty armature choke as from a guy that had a couple months of light combatives once; it is still pretty murder-y.

Any choke that is held for more than 10 minutes is as excessive as shooting a dude 7 times that reloading and giving him another 7.

Given that he surrendered himself and doesn't seem to have intended to kill the dude, manslaughter seems about right.

'cause he was getting strangled, which is impossible to do safely. Even a short strangulation routinely fucks your neck up such that you die without medical care.

So, either he was choking him in such a way he would certainly die, or he was strangling the dude (which is also bad, and also ends in death if you hold it for 10+ mins.)

No, I mean that a choke physiologically CANNOT last longer than about 5-15 seconds. If you have a choke on someone and they are still struggling after that long, it is either autonomic flailing and their brain is about to die or you are actually strangling them.

Basically, there are two levels here. One is there is no safe way to squeeze someone's throat; which is fine. It's not supposed to be safe, it's supposed to be effective.

Two is if you squeeze someone's throat for more than the x amount of time (which is quite short actually), it is +/- equivalent to shooting them in the chest or stabbing them.

This is actually why I think that if anyone puts their hands on you in the street you are fully justified in killing them instantly: the human animal can live through ridiculous punishment then die because throat squeeze ouch.

All this is going waaaaaaaaaaaaay off track from what I started reeeeeing about though; that being that manslaughter charges are appropriate for someone that does something that commonly results in death without premediating or intending to kill the other dude.