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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

The current War of Northern Aggression "discourse" has brought to mind the top 100 first place greatest mistake in US state craft: not letting Burnen' Sherman just march back and forth for a couple years or finishing hardcore full reconstruction.

Every degenerate tendency in US Con. politics has originated directly from the South's special position as a rebellious territory that was allowed to maintain it's cultural legitimacy, or second order effect from it. Imagine the conservatives we could have in this country if the wellspring of the tendency was John Adams and the federalists; rather than Rutherford and the lost causers.

Wrapping up the entire holographic southern cultural package with opposition to Washington eg. the North, eg the technocratic, rich part of the country has led to a situation where Technocratic Tech-billionaire Technologists are shackled to the cultural traditions of south, either Cavalier hedonistic indulgence papered over with cheap aristocratic pretension lacking any of the actual cultural roots that european aristocrats have; or hill people proud ignorance and shiftless rebellion against anyone who might have gotten any of that big city 'lernin.

You can watch these tendencies poison Republican politics live all the time; it's why even though the Democratic party is jam packed full of passionless ossified corporate aphorism chat bots, when republicans have all three wings of the government they STILL can't get anything done. There is a deep state problem, but it's not the 'unelected bureaucrats' in washington, it's the decaying corpses of Jefferson Davis and Johnny Reb clinging on to conservatism's ankles and dragging it down into the mud.

  • -24

Not to pile on to a totally unrelated thread as I do just that; but a conception that allows both views (and which I think is true in most cases) is anti-abortion as a cultural signifier.

Ie, most compelled-birthers (probably) have no real concept of what a fetus is and (probably )do not believe in their hearts that an embryo is alive (which we can observe from the prevalence of abortions among anti-abortionists being only marginally smaller than everyone else of their race and class).

It's not that they are doing it to own the libs, it's that they are doing it because they have to do it to be part of the club, style of thing.

  • -14

While I agree with you at every point and in spirt; so much so that I though the guy was room temperature IQ incompetent before he even ran; you sound drunk. I know I am mildly enhanced at the moment. Good post though, maybe just not as a top level in this particular thread.

  • -13

Sure you can. It's just called the Club. It's just based on economic class rather than race; but anyone in the club is HwHite by association. The poor whites (the trash ones, that is. Everyone with less than 10 million dollars) are supposed to act as foot soldiers for their betters and not get uppity.

If you want a group basic on your racial identity and only your racial identity, you can found one. It's be pretty incoherent though, because if you are allowed in I am also allowed in, and I am a communist and also probably not actually the same race as you. eg, the Mut category isn't a recognized breed.

  • -12

I'm coming for woodworking too, you son-of-a-bitch.

I'm already the guy who swoops in at the last second to bid one dollar more on that #8 jointer; the next step is transing you chisels and redoing you benchtop as a laminated rainbow.

(this is a joke, by the way. I can't really make an effort comment here without it being a personal attack so I'm not really sure what to do vis. conveying that I don't like it)

Wherever I want. I personally boycott nestle products on account of the slaves and the death squads; but that is vanity.

Ethical consumption is impossible under capitalism.

No, a malnourished psychotic is closer to a force of nature. No inhibitions.

Hollywood has lied to you. Inhibitions don't mean shit against 90 lbs and a full caloric load.

Meth, on the other hand...

I'm talking about Trump, although what I said could apply to either really, and speaking clearly takes all the fun out of it!

Yes, because fuck neo classical architecture. It sucks now and it sucked then.

We have a bunch of home grown styles that are better anyway; eg frank furnace and such. There is no need to make everything an austere roman larp.

At least there exists good rap; good rap is theoretical possible. The design specifications of rap allow for good.

The essential element of stadium country is that it is vapid garbage for people that hate music. It is mid 2000's R&B level worthless trash.

Here are the things that are good about pop country: You can dance to it.

It's the Mcdonald's of music. Bland, overproduced, overpriced, and super salty all the time.

Wait, hold on, I have more bitching in me! And it's deffo not all sour grapes that my guys never break into the mainstream!

A lot of antisemitism as defined is very close to just telling facts. Jews really do have a disproportionate amount of power in key institutions.

Ah, Critical race theory!

I'm glad to find another adherent on this sub, most people are super against it here.

Less snarkily, your points are all valid only through the racialized, critical framing that produced the document you are arguing against.

If you are a white nationalist or black hebrew isrialite or some other flavor of such you are acting 100% consistent, otherwise I think you should do some intellectual hygiene regarding prevailing theories accepted without critical analysis.

Given that about 1,600,000 people in the US are trans and there are various legal standards that rely on gender rather than sex; we do need to define this shit.

If a support only fails under load greater than X where X is a possible load 1/250 times; that shit needs to be fixed.

No. Prices will never fall, wages will never grow (without changing the capitialist millue we all live in.)

If you work for wages you are a sucker; if your portfolio can be damaged by one stock falling you are a sucker.

Quit trying to make money by taking risks or making things and start renting shit as quick as you can; become the parasite before you are infested.

I think you believe this because of the people around you and the bubble you are in; but it just isn't true. Historically when money is tight, SJW's make even faster, harder, more permanent progress. Prosperity produces empty gestures because everybody can get by well enough, hardship produces actual clicks of the ratchet because people have enough potential energy to be actualized into political will.

But even if that doesn't happen, nothing ever happens for you. Even if nobody believes in DEI (which they don't because it's dumb); the gesture is all that is required. If DEI goes away, it will be replaced with something you hate equally because, again, you can't win permanent victories, just like you can't make water flow up hill.

You can expend cultural capital; you can burn that shit as fuel and pump that shit back up; but eventually water finds it's way to the sea.

Because we live under capitalist realism, because even with two (do I hear three!) wars going on right now, History has Ended. Nothing Ever Happens. If you want to actually see the changes you desire in your heart, you are going to need to take a risk; to smash the system just like I will to see the economic changes I want to see.

Once one side picks up a weapon, the other side HAS to pick up that weapon also; and once everyone has weapons in hand being the first one to put them down is hard.

For every Benghazi there will be a Mueller report.

(although, to be fair, those buttery males were indeed buttery and there were some confessions and arrests connected to the Russia gate investigation; it wasn't all flimflamery)

Contrary to what most people think, rich people work more.

This is not true, both in anecdote and data.

Data says they work about 3 hours per weak on average, but other data says that as much as 70% of their total work is business travel, lunches, seminars, trade shows, "meetings", etc.

EG: Not actually work at all.

This lines up with my one wagie experience where I got to know exactly what a couple suits were doing with their day, and it was mostly facebook and porn, except for the days where it was mostly spending company money on entertainment

I don't know what to say, dude.

Simply do not hold a choke for 15 minutes.

In that case, carry on and thank you very much.

Why though? Why not attraction as identity, instead of race as identity or job as identity or cult as identity or gender as identity?

They are all equally valid and equally worthless way to construct yourself; I don't see why we should say "This cultural hallucination is good but this one is bad" without reference to either outcomes or principles. Those can be argued, at least.

They do have the right to vote: They can rock up to their polling place, place their vote, and then loose because their policies are unpopular (or win on merits, but given the polls on that particular issue it sure seems unlikely).

The right to compete doesn't mean the right to win.

Eh. Pre covid MY life was at least a decade in to getting "ruined" just by society functioning as intended.

I can sympathize with people that got fucked by covid, and I would happily live in a society where people didn't get fucked by covid; but that's not what we got. The majority of everyone is getting fucked every day, and I've finally managed to ascend high enough in the crab bucket that I get to stand on the little people while my bosses stand on me.

It's shit, but it is what it is, right?

'cause he was getting strangled, which is impossible to do safely. Even a short strangulation routinely fucks your neck up such that you die without medical care.

So, either he was choking him in such a way he would certainly die, or he was strangling the dude (which is also bad, and also ends in death if you hold it for 10+ mins.)

Strangling is continuous, choking isn't (from a wrestling perspective).

A choke has a defined end; which is a tap, unconsciousness, or death. A choke leads to unconsciousness somewhere between 5 and 15 seconds (shit is faster than you think; once it is locked in.) and brain damage/ death in 1 - 5 mins. Assuming that this was a shitty armature choke as from a guy that had a couple months of light combatives once; it is still pretty murder-y.

Any choke that is held for more than 10 minutes is as excessive as shooting a dude 7 times that reloading and giving him another 7.

Given that he surrendered himself and doesn't seem to have intended to kill the dude, manslaughter seems about right.

Given that the dude was found fully a corpse on the scene, I find that hard to believe.

By all means, institutionalize mentally ill vagrants.

Also by all means, punish extrajudicial killings. We can do both, NYC police got 10.3 BILLION this year.