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User ID: 572



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User ID: 572

that's giving into the leviathan, never flinch, it's what they want".

It is easy to be brave with someone else's website.

I see this a lot with the anti-woke subreddits that are still there. The mods will announce their work to stay in line with the rules, and some user who logs in once a week to get their rage fix will say "you cowards, better to die on your feet than live on your knees" and then log out for another week.

The reddit rules suck and are stupid, but the people who built the thing are the ones to make that call.

Josh is not "all free speech all the time." If there were a specific rule to follow he would likely do it. But there are no rules. A mob has no rules.

What is the tool that lets you just drop in your own CSS?

I am split on whether I should delete all my posts, because fuck reddit, or leaving them there, because the communities deserve to have archives.

Can you usefully search reddit comments using google? I try to find my own stuff and it is incredibly difficult unless it was the main post.

Is there any reason why one is called the fox and the other the hedgehog?

They did use aggressive moderation. Bad posts get found quickly.

They do not get found before they are posted. And I wouldn't necessarily mind that being the standard, but it needs to apply to the whole internet, and no one wants that.

Typing deep in a thread, each time I type the screen moves down 1 pixel.

If there were a consistent rule on what "doxxing" meant I might agree. (Even edit, my typo some of the KF defenders weasel about the definition.)

Yesterday I thought of "posting the address enough where a pizza delivery guy can find it" is the limit. I just had the idea that it was specific enough that a third-party could find your doorstep it's too much. It was entirely coincidental that this is old-school way of harassing people.

But sometimes the "doxxing" is "here is this person's criminal record." We absolutely need some place on the internet we can discuss that.

Just tell me the rule. You can even craft it right now post hoc to make sure KF violates it

I’m really just putting this quote here as a laugh line.

It is the bureaucracy waiting until after the fact to see how people have fucked themselves up trying to figure out the rules. And saying it was obvious what the rules were, you morons, you cheats, you scoundrels.

The blatantness is part of the power play. I remind myself it is a TV show, I really should just relax, but getting people to sign up for stupid lies and pretend they are not is not a bug, it is a feature.

Is there a tool for doing this? I do have a database of reddit posts, mostly as an exercise for myself, but I never ran it against my whole profile.

If we actually go with this definition, then most of the Internet is going to die. The New York Times needs to be deleted for posting Scott's PII.

Controlling the narrative is important, but is not the only thing. I can still go to Josh's Telegram and get his side of the story with receipts. (Who knows how long that will last?)

Even if a society of mass-delusion, truth still matters. Probably even more.

Null has directly countered one of the main dogmas of the modern internet, that you cannot name the previous identities and criminal records of trans people. Whatever else you call him, he has not "played the good little boy" just because he has not gone nuclear.

But the NYT continues to make the mistake to this day. Has their hosting provider terminated them until they delete the article?

And posting PII is pretty easy to do. NYT reports the names and cities of people every day. That is PII. Did they check on each one to make sure it is okay?

"Yeah but that information was already public" you will say, sensibly, but that is the typical KF response. In many cases they are just doing open-source reporting and find the account said their real name in public at some point. (This does not cover every thread. Some people there have access to PI databases, I think.)

If a real-life terrorist is captured and put in jail, even if he is the devil on earth, someone at some point should be able to name the crime he is in jail for, and not say "well if not this rule then probably some other one, who cares."

This is the problem with "you cannot post PII." I have suggested the rule being that you cannot publish the street address with enough specificity that a rando could walk up to their door. And I think that is a pretty objective and legible rule! (A lot of person-lookup websites violate the rule right now, but maybe that is not a big loss.)

But when I suggest that rule to people who want KF off the internet, they never seem happy to accept it. Perhaps because they want the rules vague.

they could opt not to cross and they'd have a lot more friends.

Sure. I do not expect any of the many people who have had threads made about them on KF to spend a single second carrying water for them.

I'd like the option for the first batch of comments from a big thread to be either be width-first or depth-first.

It is easier to keep him out when you have admin powers instead of merely mod powers.

I like this rule. Let's use this one.


the same advance notice that Scott was afforded about the article being written about him?

Well, I wasn't talking about being notified or having the chance to respond. Those are nice but I am not sure it is a good rule to say "it is not doxxing if you give them the chance to respond or advance notice it is happening."

Do they offer people a chance to tell their own story?

Yes! Absolutely yes!

If you are the subject of a thread there, you can sign up, and, well, the first thing that happens is that the mods will lock your account, because lots of fakers show up. But within an hour or two the admins will reach out and verify your identity, and announce that it is really is you. You get a special flag in the forum called "Verified Participant" or something like that.

If the site was up I could find some examples for you.

You could well say 'it's all OSINT' or 'other services host this type of information.'

Yes, and this is why I worked so hard to come up with a definition of doxxing! Everyone says "it is not doxxing when our side does it!" They come up with all sorts of bullshit reasons. "It was already public!" can apply to nearly any fact if you abuse it enough.

That is why I like "no posting the home address." We know that rule means and can ask a third-party to adjudicate that rule. We can add many more rules like that one, too, but each one needs to be understood and able to be used against anyone.

People worried for years "what happens when everyone owns index funds?" and it was considered a "lol if we should be so lucky for that to ever happen for us to worry about" scenario.

How much of the float is in index funds?

Almost feels irresponsible for a company to not raise funds off things like this, since it'd benefit the majority of their shareholders.

AMC has raised money off of the current stock price. I suspect they are nervous to try it too hard.

It's frankly a weird place for CEOs to be. I would just resign and fuck off to an island rather than be the test case for a million new shareholder lawsuits.

Telling someone to buy a stock because you will sell is market manipulation.

Telling someone to buy a stock because it would be funny is a different beast.

I'm sick of NFTs but if you think "ha ha right-click save-as" is a useful critique you have not engaged with the argument.

I may be undervaluing the clout you get in these communities for HODLing and hanging on well past when you should have sold.

Someone should suggest the concept of going on the internet and telling lies.

I think there is an easy line to see between "stop entering unfair contests of your own volition" and "society is unfair" but maybe that is me.

The $3.6M number could be broadcast the same way that cigarette deaths are.

Young people have low earning power but punch above their weight at taking care of kids.

You still need money, so this is something an extended family (or a village in Hillary Clinton terms) can do. But I would be extremely sus about a community that deliberately keeps its young women pregnant. It leads to Warren Jeffs situations very easily.