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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



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User ID: 947

I don't think I opted out of the automatic nitter conversion when I created account, entirely possible I did.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of yet-born kids being added for credit purposes (I have contemplated descendant trusts at length). Dunno about authorized users requiring SSN or not.

You're absolutely correct that no credit mix = no 850, the actual perfect score.

But my understanding is that above 760 there aren't any better rates or other perks, it's just a nicer cushion.

Auto loan is certainly possible with parental cosigner.

Mortgage is kinda wacky but could be done with parental cosigner with the kid still living with parents but landlording to pay mortgage. Down payment on a house would certainly be worth more than covering tuition at most colleges/most subjects, even if housing is in a bit of a bubble and rates are ass.

Yeah, old mostly lurker, both on themotte sub but also SSC sub CWR threads before that migrated.

how does one successfully integrate the digital world into the classic murder mystery or thriller structure?

The answer is that for whatever reason, the digital world is a mountain of red herrings distorting and disrupting informed observation. The laziest way to do it would be that an influencer who has faked their death multiple times for clicks is murdered for real, and their dipshit following is muddying all possible genuine search ability with "We did it Reddit!" mass broadcasted armchair investigation. Even better if there is an "influencer detective" condensing the phenomenon.

For very tangential reasons, this question reminds me of the how to show texting/internet in film addressed by Every Frame a Painting https://youtube.com/watch?v=uFfq2zblGXw

School districts as a group resist adopting the best pedagogical practices to prevent enough improvement in student outcomes for the public/lawmakers to conclude they don't need more money.

They resist Direct Instruction at lower levels because it's very happy-clappy/scripted and the teachers hate it.
They avoid hardcore tracking and generalized testing out of subjects because of ideological reasons. This is despicable. They do not contemplate individual full tutorial because of budget, but would admit from their classroom size model that it's probably better, just not contemplating that it's hypothetically two standard deviations better.

Probably start there. I don't know Chinese and have never made an earnest attempt at learning it. Depending on how distracted you are on your computer (or mobile) over several hours, get an intro to Chinese physical book from your local library and start using that. If there are several, look online and see if one has free premade flashcards for mobile use. Perhaps also make physical flashcards, because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leitner_system is a good way to get results via spaced repetition. Since it will be a slow buildup to learning all the characters, https://www.fluentu.com/blog/chinese/pinyin-subtitles/ may be a good idea for watching Chinese language entertainment.

Responding to you and @orthoxerox It looks like, from wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_halal_and_kosher_fish#Halal Sunni regard all sea game as halal while Shia permit scaled fish and some crustaceans, but largely call other sea creatures haram. The Houthis in question are overwhelmingly a variety of Shia.

My brother and I wrecked a spacebar playing Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Pinball

I was born in 1988, one of my first memories is my dad reading out Zork on an Apple II while waiting for my suggestions around 1991. Later, I was allowed to use his 3.1/95 computers under his supervision, and with the 95 I was given a full 2 hours of encarta per day in the family den.

I was given my own pc, a Dell with Windows 98 for my 11th birthday, with the understanding that I could only use the dial-up internet service (AOL) when my mom wasn't using the phone. I made point and click games in powerpoint and played a ton of Civ II, and set up a geocities site for my friends to roleplay our favorite action cartoons- DBZ and Gundam Wing.

Boomers dying, downsizing, moving into nursing homes are one part of things working out, and the geographic preferences of homeschool/work from home families are another, and gentrification of blighted urban areas are another. The economic decline/stagnation of some older working class suburbs won't be great, but the houses will be filled.

Sure! Caveat: Previous online D&D experience is limited to 2002 NWN+Vent and more recently Roll20+Discord. I'm only really used to 5e but it's DM's choice.

Depending on mechanical skill, Kirby (star allies is easier than forgotten land), Mario Odyssey, DK Tropical Freeze. Kirby and Mario contain co-op, Mario and DK have an easy mode.

Once fairly literate, co-op on Stardew Valley is overwhelmingly fun and cheerful, but one character has inappropriate scenes (alcoholism, suicidal thoughts) after you get to know them well enough.

Virtual console has lots of classic games but many are harder.

Keep an eye out for Super Mario RPG remake in a few months.

Please elaborate on the obvious and implicit parts of your argument that I missed, past the debatable idea that generic people have chosen their job, and flatly wrong idea that they are happy to do it.

My mom did an absolute cop-out and told me that the mailman had taken my "blankie" away, so from ages 3-6 I was absolutely hostile to the postal service.

My replacement was a platypus (search for folkmanis folktails platypus for the specific one) which I semi-personified and was more fully personified by my dad in freeform bedtime stories.

I'm pretty sure it's the ~new next to new posts/replies next to timestamp, which makes desktop searching for new content very easy rather than looking for a pale blue highlight.