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I disagree. Wanting Trump dead is political. But a line has to be drawn somewhere, and you draw it here. I feel it's arbitrary.

Line where free speech ends and crime begins had been drawn, in US, as "incitement to imminent lawless action".

"Billy Bob deserves to be hanged" - free speech.

"Here lives Billy Bob, go and hang him!" - incitement.

Not connected to any current culture war, but this dead bird thread is nevertheless interesting.

What is missing from nearly all HBDIQ discourse is how modern society is one big incomprehensible Kafkaesque prison for the left part of bell curve. Dealing with omnipresent bureaucracy and jumping through constantly changing hoops is hard for any of us here, who mostly can claim the title of elite human capital.

Now try to put yourself in the shoes of high school dropout, and imagine to deal with car or health insurance (or health care in general) or other things you need to live. And it is getting worse and worse, with no end in sight.

How the heck does "procuring a shooter" even work? Much less the coordination or the concealment, but I'm still stuck at step 1. Like, if you're going to arrange an assassination, wouldn't you be relying on someone other than someone barely out of his teens, both to be successful as well as to not tell anyone?

If you are arranging a conspiracy, the man with rifle in book depository (or on roof of the building) is a patsy, his job is to be seen and leave a corpse, the real shooter is professional on grassy knoll (or first floor of the building). Of course, successful conspiracy requires successful marksmanship.

"Practically speaking, you can’t adequately calculate the consequences of the assassination"

But you can study history. How many cases in history are there where successful hit at high value target worked as hitman intended (few) and made the world, from objective standpoint, a better place (much fewer) ?

If you are really wealthy, you do not have to care how you appear to the plebs at all. The middle classes must care about their appearance, bums and billionaires are free.

Yes, most outward marks of class vanished, but class remains. In classless society, there would be no such thing as luxury shops and luxury products.

What happened is that class is disguised. Your boss is not dressed in silks and adorned in gold any more, he does not demand you bowing and scraping before him any more. He looks equally shlubby as you, he shakes your hand and calls you by your first name, but is still your boss.

But I'm curious as to how and why we abandoned any effort to screen for class or presentation in these situations.

Clearly the lack of screening "works."

Clearly, modern capitalism works much better for the upper classes.

Remember, in trad sharply dressed society 100 years ago, lower class dissent and revolution was omnipresent threat. Massive strikes, riots and urprisings were commonplace, revolutionary parties demanding expropriation of the capitalists had mass support.

These things are unthinkable now, the rich are simultaneously richer than ever before, and more secure than ever before. No one in mainstream politics is any threat to them, and they know it.

I am not saying it is because lack of high fashion, but this can be part of the explanation of this mystery.

The population decline in Middle Earth in Third Age is explicitly due to apocalyptic conditions - constant war, orc and other monster infestation and plagues spread by Sauron (the Shire is one of few places exempt from this general shithole state).

Not what OP intended.

Classic example is planet Solaria in Asimov's universe.

This planet was underpopulated and declining not because some catastrophe, but unlimited affluence.

Originally, there were about 20,000 people living in vast estates individually or as married couples. There were thousands of robots for every Solarian. Almost all of the work and manufacturing was conducted by robots. The population was kept stable through strict birth and immigration controls. In the era of Robots and Empire, no more than five thousand Solarians were known to remain. Twenty thousand years later, the population was twelve hundred, with just one human per estate. Solarians hated physical contact with others and only communicated with each other via holograms.

Can you explain more about this?

NAZI: We must return to our noble and glorious ancestors.

SCIENCE: Our ancestors were savage beasts, we must move forward.

NAZI: We need living space to provide food for our people.

SCIENCE: We barely started to use scientific methods of plant and animal breeding and we alredy improved crop and livestock yields manyfold over limits previously thought "natural" and "unbreakable".

NAZI: The lowly mob should not rule. We need Great Leader chosen by Destiny to unify our people.

SCIENCE: The mob indeed should not rule, and neither should any man alone. Relying on one man is single point of failure (especially when the man is drug addicted failed artist with no education), the best and the brightest need to be in charge.

NAZI: The Leader must command and everyone must obey without questions. There will be no place for such treason as criticism, especially criticism of The Leader.

SCIENCE: No one and nothing should be above criticism, free exchange of ideas among smart and educated people is necessary for progress and advancement. No one's word should be trusted all alone.

NAZI: War is glorious, war is noble, there is nothing greater than war. War considered awesome.

SCIENCE: War is pointless destruction of capital both physical and human - the best people die first and cannot be replaced. War was beneficial for human evolution during Stone Age, but these times are long gone. Especially in industrial age there is nothing more dysgenic than war.

War considered harmful.

NAZI: We need eugenics to purify our race from sickness and degeneracy.

SCIENCE: Yes, and we must start with hereditary psychopaths like you.

an information diet

No processed information sources, only raw conspiracies? ;-)

forbidden knowledge.

This knowledge was never "forbidden" or classified, just shared (not very loudly) only among professional community that could be trusted to keep it for themselves.

Not encouraging sign for the future.

1977 oopsie: hundreds of thousands dead

2019 oopsie: tens of millions dead

2061 oopsie: ???

edit: formatting

I suppose when it comes down to it I just want a maximum punishment for the spoken word.

"Nice business you have there, friend, it would be shame if it caught fire. Fortunately, you can easy prevent it for a reasonable price"

"I found some not so nice pictures of you, friend, it would be shame if your wife saw them. Fortunately, you can easy prevent it..."

Nothing than spoken word out here, no big deal, people talking like might be socially embarrassed, but no more than for whole week.

edit: bad typing

And so I ask again: should those people support murdering him?

If they have only minimal foresight, they should not.

In situation where half of voters hate freedom and want strong man who will rule with iron fist, the democrats already screwed things as much as they could.

Redacting aspiring leader might be historically justifiable if the leader is truly great man with exceptional and irreplaceable skills. Otherwise, nothing will change, new strong man (there are always more candidates for this job) will rise up and step in the boots of his martyred precedessor.

It’s just an incoherent question

It is coherent question with coherent answer.

"What is democracy?"

"Democracy is when we win!"

The thing is, though, to get to full Nazi you need to be an anti-Zionist and a particular flavour of HBDer;

To get to full Nazi you need to believe in all sorts of superstitious mystic babble and stay away from all science, logic, facts and reason.

Real unironic hard core Hitler heiling Nazis are either barely literate tattooed thugs or deranged occultists.

Evolutionary HBDIQ science does not lead to NSDAP politics, it leads to old time Swedish social democratic politics.

AI waifus of the future will be American

If the A is really I, it will be its own thing. Thing you could comprehend as much as cavalry horse can comprehend the cause "his army" is fighting for.

I would say that being uninterested in JQ is quite a condemnation of intelligence – or maybe just social intelligence – of anyone who is so uninterested in JQ, because obviously Jews as the sample of humanity with the highest effective raw intelligence

Obviously, not "Jews" but Ashkenazi Jews.

Other kinds of Jews are as interesting and as world historically important as Alawites, Copts, Maronites, Mandeans or Yazidis but Ashkenazi are indeed sui generis group.

Descendants of few hundred Middle Eastern merchants and Italian women (presumably from merchant families too) who wandered around Europe until they found home on deadly desert planet in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, where the nobles needed managers for their estates willing to squeeze the peasants as hard as humanly possible. The rest is history.

which is abundantly claimed and demonstrated from the kids' television with that silly Einstein photo, to surnames in 20th century history textbooks and billions still affected by "Marxism", to creative products consumed every day to the grave

If billions are affected by Marxism, it is by its lingering memory, classical Marxism is as dead as Pharaoh's worship (together with Freudianism and other high IQ fads of the past), but in its heyday it was indeed world changing force.

How would world look like without Askhenazi Jews? In broad strokes, not so different. The scientific, commercial, agricultural, industrial, intellectual and political revolutions that created modernity happened with minimal Jewish influence. Old feudal and monarchic systems undid themselves, no "subversion" was necessary.

In smaller strokes, you can make any alternate timeline you wish. Maybe world of sunny smiley face Russia :-)

There are other interesting people – SMPY sample, Thiel fellowship, Jains, Parsis, Tamil Brahmins, AGP transsexuals, Furries, IMO winners etc. – but one can be forgiven for being ignorant of their properties. Nobody is ignorant of Jews, they've made that impossible.

Another interesting subgroup that recently appeared: if @KulakRevolt report is representative, Free State libertarians, who are actually doing something to promote cause of liberty, including breeding new generation of liberty lovers.

If it was about secret bioweapon research in order to DOMINATE THE WORLD, this whole ordeal would have at least some grim tragic dignity.

It is not. It is science working as intended, scientists working on their publications, grinding up their citation scores and metrics.

All in the open and still going on. Few thousands at most are playing Russian roulette with the whole human race, for some shitty papers no one will ever read.


Yes, I share your blackpill.

On the other hand, this situation had been going for a long time. Remember 1977 flu when 20 year old virus strain suddenly appeared somewhere in Northern China, spread all over the world and carried away few hundred thousands nobodies?

It was clear to the professional virologist community what was going on, but they kept ther silence in proper spirit of omerta both in West and East. Admirable devotion.

E Michael Jones is Catholic who believes that all problems caused by Jews (and anyone else) result from rejection of Jesus. Squishy by hard racist and antisemitic standards.

For academic, scientific HBD case for antisemitism, Kevin MacDonald is the author to check out.

Of course, this theory of Jewish "revolutionary subversion" as "evolutionary strategy" is easily disproven by pointing that this strategy clearly failed, that the revolutionary Jews are going extinct both by low birth rate (revolutionary needs to be focused all the time and cannot be distracted by babies yelling and screaming), high death rate (revolution is rather dangerous business) and free mixing with gentiles, while the Jews who stay exclusive and are breeding in large numbers are as unrevolutionary as possible.

Imagine we are in alternate world, where anyone who is someone says that South Africa is our greatest ally, that "our values" came from Pretoria, that United States would not exist without South Africa, where every American politician travels to South Africa to honor the Voortrekker memorial and swears to support South Africa to the end, supply it with unlimited money and weapons, and send US armed force to defend South Africa if necessary.

And when someone objects,people are asking: Why are you so obssessed with Afrikaners? Why you hate them so much? Do you want to send them to concentration camps again?

We may be seeing the GOP becoming pro-China in real time.

We may be seeing the US becoming Brezhnev time Soviet Union in real time.

Remember when American culture ruled supreme, when other countries banned American movies, music and other cultural artefacts, including blue jeans? Remember when other countries tried at enormous expense stop American cultural influence?

And remember when the bans were not respected by anyone and widely disobeyed?

Now the shoe is on the other foot.


What you want is immaterial. Young people want their TikTok and will do what it takes to get it, including installing and configuring VPN. Yes, only minority is going to do it, but active minority is what always mattered.

I can scarcely put into words my profound disappointment and heartbreak learning that the CHIPs act was killed by DEI bullshit.

@DaseindustriesLtd disproven again, there are no traces of any secret cabal keeping things under control. "Von Neumanns" are not in politics (and if they are, they are busy maneuvering to climb as high as possible and divert as much money and resources for themselves as possible).

As said Dominic Mckenzie Cummings, someone with extensive experience in government:

You might think somewhere there must be a quiet calm centre like in a James Bond movie where you open the door and that is where the ninjas are who actually know what they are doing.

There are no ninjas. There is no door.

No God, no Caesar, no hero is going to save us, we are on our own.

They wouldn't have suffered the cultural decay that comes with Stalinism

Cultural decay? Stalinism was well known for pushing classical art, music, literature, theatre and ballet to the masses, whether the masses appreciated it or not.

and bland American consumerism.

LOL. Whatever pure Aryan kulchur would victorious Reich produce, it would be as helpless in face of American art and music as Soviet culture was.

As long as you have the will to send to concentration camp anyone caught with unauthorized radio or bootleg negro music records, you can stop the tide with brute force. As long.

doesn't that make US the bad guys?

Wrong question. Ask: Were US good or bad players of the great game?

Look at the game board. At the beginning of session, there were seven players. At the end, only two were left.

The Red player who held one sixth of the board at the start, succesfully defended himself and was able to snatch few more squares.

While the Blue player beat and outmaneuevered all others and owned or controlled everything else.

Some people who are never satisfied might bitch that Blue victory should be even more lopsided, that if Blue optimized his play to perfection he might prevent the Red from taking the few squares he gained.

Shame that Christianity that sees Jews as "Christkillers" is dead and Christianity that sees Jews as "beloved elder brothers" and "forever Chosen people" is growing by leaps and bounds world wide.

Eh, I wouldn't blame all the Jews

Well, you might not, but Christians for 1900 years nearly unanimously interpreted this biblical passage that way.

Until Scofield Bible and Nostra Aetate, but this is another story.