@Eetan's banner p




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This controversy really is a perfect embodiment for why conservatism delenda est. The mainstream Right wing is hardly more than an exhaust valve opposing all the big ideas that come from the left. In this day in age, 2023, with everything that is going on, "hands off our gas stoves" is the banner to rally the conservatives.

What is wrong with such banner? It is, for once, banner defending something regular people use, need and want. Something that resonates with normie voter more than "no abortion" or "no drag queens".

It may work the other way around too. Like Churchill has said once, «...the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews.» This is an unsubstantiated, qualitative judgement of a savvy well-connected operator, that no counting of raw beans could check – how do we know if Litvinoff truly was more powerful than Tchitcherin?

Well, we now know how it ended, we have the benefits of knowing that ZOG even at its strongest stands no chance against COG.

Lesson of history is: if you have a (((problem))) in your house, call the Caucasians

Utilitarianism in war : what are some under-explored tools of war that are effective but dismissed out of hand due to bad optics ?

Monetary incentives, as proposed both by rootless cosmopolitan Bryan Caplan and Tatar patriot Kamil Galeev.

Bribery as weapon of war - not secret offers to enemy generals as in Iraq but public offer of cash for enemy soldiers en masse is super weapon exactly tailored to strength of Western US+NATO bloc. US dollar is still the king, despite printing press going into overdrive, everyone knows what dollars are and everyone wants them. The printing press is American true superpower, why not use it?

Of course, paying enemies to surrender would be extremely unpopular among your own troops - this plan must be compounded with even more generous reward for bringing live POW's. The dirty secret of war is that most killing of POW's happens not because of sadism, hatred and revenge, but just because soldiers cannot/do not want to guard and care for the prisoners and have no incentive to keep them alive.

Had something like it been ever tried? Check Operation Moolah.

On March 20, 1953, the Joint Chiefs of Staff approved the plan. The approved operation was forwarded on April 1, 1953, to the Joint Psychological Committee at FEAF in Tokyo, Japan, where it was staffed, approved, and advanced to Clark. He dubbed the plan Operation Moolah. The plan offered $50,000 to any pilot who flew a fully mission capable MiG-15 to South Korea. The first pilot to defect would be awarded an additional $50,000. The plan also included complete political asylum, resettlement in a non-Communist country, and anonymity if desired.

What was the impact on enemy activity?

According to General Clark, immediately after the drop of the leaflets on April 26, UN aircraft did not make visual contact with any MiG aircraft for the following eight days. Though weather may have been a factor, he opines that the leaflets had a direct effect and believes that senior Communist military leaders began to screen for politically unreliable pilots.

But not everyone was happy.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower did not support Operation Moolah. He thought it unethical to offer money to a defector and was concerned about the North Korean reaction to the defection due to the uneasy armistice agreement.

As all professional ethicists will tell you, it is much more ethical to kill people than pay them.

This plan would never come to fruition, because it is as extremely dishonorable as it is extremely rational, utilitarian and effectively altruistic. No surprise - we do not live on dath-ilan, we live on planet of the apes. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Still, I would imagine that ex-special forces guys know a thing or two about coups and wouldn't plan something that's obviously doomed to fail. But maybe I'm just overestimating the jarheads.

There are more strange stories about German soldiers coming out these days.


"Christian fundamentalists" following advice of fortune teller? To join a war between Muslim factions? The whole thing as described in news makes no sense (maybe German definition of "fundamentalist" is one who visits church more frequently than twice per year?)

That said. If there's a single parsimonious theory of a motive for this psyop that I can seriously propose… It's not my «overcapacity» thesis but rather the opposite. I mean the discrediting of the authority of the USG and army and American intelligence apparatus,

Well, they are handily discrediting themselves without any outside help (or were the last 20+ years of great war on terror cabal securely in control, working as intended?)

through this very Bayesian logic, as @Hoffmeister25 demonstrates. The USG is the supreme secular power of the world, – and it's being reduced to some provincial slapstick comedy, instead of carrying itself with the dignity of the sovereign.

UFOs and ayys were big things 50 years ago, but since then, the normie citizen learned to treat aliens as something clownish and ridiculous and dismiss any alien talk without hearing. See near total public disinterest in all these bombshell UAP revelations from the last years - this attitude is hard baked now (perhaps only alien invaders destroying cities with hot plasma for real could change it).

Capable secret cabal would notice that this distraction is not discrediting and not distracting and try something else.

If this thing is about undermining public trust in world's greatest super power, sex scandals, as dirty and disgusting as possible, would do it far more efficiently than any ayy stuff. Sex always sells.

Imagine just one congressional hearing about Epstein case.

I believe so, and I think it might take a century or two. The future will belong to the people who "show up" genetically which means eventually the vast majority will have hardcore trad parents and or grandparents, hardcore in the sense that they resisted the current corrosive liberalism by virtue of their personality traits, cultural or religious tradition, or whatever.

Do not expect any "religious gene" or "trad gene". If there is any genetic trait that insular religious sects select for in their members, it is going to be WORM type of brain.

"In your childhood, listen carefully to authority figures and never ever in your whole life question what you have learned."

Just like insects on small islands with nowhere to fly tend to lose wings, the new type of human will lose any curiosity or "openness of mind".

One general observation, not directly connected to middle eastern affairs, but not entirely unconnected.

Big Twitter OSINT accounts watching Ukraine war are being deleted, one by one. Including the big one, the master of the lists, Oryx.

The reason given (if any is given) is that they are "too tired", that they are dirt poor and their work will not make them any money, that Pentagon and CIA keep profiting from their effort - and it is more threadbare than "dog ate my homework" excuse from your school days.

These people claimed to be hobbyists, observing wars in Syria and Ukraine just from pure interest and rejected with contempt any suspicions that they are something else, that they are somewhat connected to US/NATO military and three letter organization.

Not implausible in itself - bird watchers and train spotters dedicate their lives to their passion without being paid by Big Bird or Big Rail, and war can be nearly as interesting and fascinating.

Except that hobbyist will not destroy his life work in a fit of pique. You will not see rail fan threatening to smash his model trains and throw away his collections if railroad company does not pay him, and then following on his threat. But you will easily see paid employee closing down his office and shredding his archives when his rail branch is closed and he is reassigned to other work elsewhere.

So what to expect? If the dead bird site is true reality and material world just follows what happens there, we can expect that the whole Ukraine affair is going to wind down, all the way to (official or unofficial) cease fire, and all "happenings" will be once again happening in the Middle East.

Is pope Francis attempting to bring in gay marriage by the back door?

Welcome to absolute power unaccountable and unanswerable to anyone (on Earth at least).

The pope can do whatever he wants, and no one can do anything about it. There is no recall, no vote of no confidence, no impeachment. The pope can make any rules he wants or freely disregard his own rules with impunity, and you can just watch helplessly. Or leave and start your own church.

Well, legally at least, the popes were in the past replaced by extra legal means, but this couldn't happen in our modern age.

Is Elon smart? Let us check what people behind Oryx list think about it.

Elon is smart but doesn't know when to shut up.

(original Oryx is giving up, this Czech guy is now the boss of this project)

Well, is he right? Is it smart to pick so many fights at once, not only with ADL over free speech, but also with Pentagon and the deep state over Ukraine?

Update of some culture wars hot topics covered there lately.

1/Room temperature superconductor

Status: not looking good

Beijing Superconductor Levitation Video Author Admits Fraud, Takes it Down

Hopes Dashed As LK-99 Confirmed Not To Be A Room-Temperature Superconductor

Prediction market speaks

2/Effective altruism

Status: going strong and bringing new surprises every day.

According to unverified crucified bird speculations, mysterious man who started new effective altruist crypto project worth $100 million is nobody else than SBF himself busy in his parents basement.




If not true, it should be. SBF is the superhero of our time, superhero we need and superhero we deserve.


Status: Earth still exist, humans still not eaten and replaced with exactly identical robots.

No breaking news, except that someone leaked medical records of UFO whistleblower David Grusch.

So, where ayyys came from?

1/Case that ayyys are real and whistleblowers and leaked documents (there were many of them) are telling the truth.

2/Case that ayyys are demons, summoned in 1946 by amateur magicians Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard.

Only one little mistake happened, Aleister Crowley predicted it.


Jack Parsons’ blunder on the Seventh Aire

Liber 49 mentioned above is part of The Book of Babalon received by Jack Parsons. In line 23 Babalon instructs Parsons: “Also seek me in the Seventh Aire.” On re-reading the text I was surprised to see that Parsons had blundered in his fifth invocation by intoning in Enochian the 7th Angelic Key, which, though the 7th Call, is not “The Call of the Seventh Aire”, as he erroneously titles it.

He should have substituted deo for lil in the 19th Key, the Key of the 30 Aires, to access the 7 th Aire or AEthyr. This seems a very basic error for someone who had been “engaged in the study and practice of Magick for seven years, and in the supervision and operation of an occult lodge for four years”, as he writes of himself in the introduction to The Book of Babalon.

3/Case that ayyys are long psyop by ... church of Scientology.

It's surely nice to get a win once in a while, but don't order the champagne just yet.

It is important precedent, remember that very idea of right wing boycott was seen as joke, and rightly so.

Now it is important to do not give up, do not be bought and appeased by patriotic veteran beer, it is important to continue until Anheuser-Busch is driven to bankruptcy.

It is not about some shitty beer, it is about making an example and sending a message.

All of this puts the non-Jewish White percent at 28.5%, counting the Turkish and Arab names as White (and ignoring the probably ~2% Native American that Joe slipped in there). And so, among White House staffers, Whites are quite under-represented and Jews are enormously over-represented.

This is problematic


Do you feel "represented" by White Christian White House staffers?

Do you feel that Biden's WCWHS are "your people", do you think that they see you as "one of them", do you think that they are protecting your interests, do you think that they look at you with more kindness and gentleness than their Jewish colleagues?

Bugs are repulsive because they are tiny, munching on bugs feels like you are living in most desperate famine time.

Genetically engineer bugs to be size of cattle and everyone would love bugsteak and bugburger, everyone would admire tough and manly bugboys driving bug herds across endless grassy plains ;-)

The underlying cause is that the zeitgeist in the United States held that de facto white rule over a black majority (even if legally blacks were allowed to vote if they had enough property) was inherently immoral and illegitimate and that the United States as a moral force for democracy and goodness in the world should use whatever tools and powers it has to end white-rule around the world.

Exactly. This was the basic point of little thing going at the time called the "Cold War".

"Who are we and what are we fighting for? We are Free World (TM), we fight for freedom and democracy. We are good guys, because we have freedom and democracy. Commies are bad guys, because they have no freedom and no democracy."

All sorts of dictatorships and colonial regimes on the Western side were obvious contradiction to the foundation premise of Cold War, source of nothing else than massive embarrassment and fodder for enemy propaganda.

Of course, we can imagine alternate worlds where the Cold War is justified differently.

"Who are we and what are we fighting for? We are White World (TM), we fight for White supremacy over colored races forever and ever. We are good guys, because we are White. Commies are bad guys, because they are mongoloid Slavs and Chinks who refuse to understand that their duty is to submit to White Man."

"Who are we and what are we fighting for? We are Christian World (TM), we fight for Jesus. We are good guys, because we love Jesus and Jesus loves us. Commies are bad guys, because they hate Jesus and Jesus hates them.

"Who are we and what are we fighting for? We are Scientific World (TM), we fight for Science, Order, Efficiency and Progress. We are good guys because we are the best and the brightest, the greatest scientists, engineers and organizers. Commies are bad guys, because they are ignorant vodka swilling party hacks bringing nothing than chaos and squalor."

Iran has a TFR of 1.7, is regularly roiled by massive anti-regime protests, and religious affiliation is sharply declining among the nation's youth. Not much of a start.

Okay. And? That's unrelated to what you originally asked for. I don't know what this response is supposed to make me think in light of what I quoted.

This response is supposed to make you grasp that the most thorough effort in current times to force tradition and religion at gun point failed as thoroughly as it could fail.

Where did ayatollahs go wrong? Were they too soft, were they too concerned about human rights, should they imprison, torture and kill more?


You need to turn off your feelings because you are a mother bird feeding a cuckoo.

and then proceeds with the usual long and convoluted verbal diarrhea. As if Moldbug cared, as is Moldbug had some feelings about current happenings in the land of Canaan. I do not remember him commenting at length about recent events in, for example, Ethiopia, Sudan, Sahel or Myanmar, formerly Burma.

Why is Moldbug allowed to have feelings while we should stay completely calm and disinterested?

Is it because some of Moldbug's ancestors came from this place and some relatives of his do live there now? If this should be the standard, then only people with Eastern Slavic descent should be allowed to care about Ukraine. Somehow, Moldbug despite his lack of Slavic blood, is very interested in this place and writes about it at length.

Is is because Moldbug disregards his own law or is it because there is no law except "Moldbug does what Moldbug wants?"

I've heard proposals like yours before, that you can "go through the motions" of being religious because it's good for you. I've even seen Christians argue that you should go to church and do that, even if you don't really believe, because it will lead you to belief. I don't see it. I can't make myself believe something I don't, and LARPing as a religious believer just seems like a waste of time to me.

It is sign that Great Atheist War of the noughties is over, sign of complete intellectual defeat of Christianity.

If you remember, you would remember that Christians emboldened by Bush victory went to evangelical offensive, with lots of arguments about first cause, fine tuning of the universe, intelligent design, irreducible complexity, literal truth of the Bible, literal resurrection of Jesus etc...

Since all these arguments were demolished by reason and logic, no one talks about these things any more. This greatest internet flame war in history is over.

Now it is "Just believe, bro. Just go to church."

Online Christian triumphalist message is not anymore "We will convert you" but "We will outbreed you", admitting that Christian arguments will fail to persuade any grown up person and work only on captive audience of their children.

How this has typically worked throughout history is that the lay people do believe unironically, and a more intellectually refined elite theologize quite a bit amongst themselves, come up with rationalizations, and basically act out a Noble Lie.

Throughout history, religion worked that lay people followed the rituals of their village, knew nothing about high theological claims of their religion and cared even less. The tiny intellectually refined elite was actually reading their holy books and trying to make sense of them.

I'm sympathetic to the idea that my gut instincts have evolved over millions of years of pressure, and wouldn't have done so for no reason.

Check what were instinctive "gut reactions" of "the people" to wearing glasses, autopsy of the dead, vaccination, anesthesia, open body surgery, blood transfusion, organ transplants and other medical treatments we now take for granted when they were first introduced.

ANCESTOR: Grandson? Are you mad? You let a Jew to poison you till you are unconscious, cut you open with knife, and then suck blood from someone else and pump it into your body? And you even pay the Christkiller for this satanic black magic? Are you even good Christian?

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said

Ouch, this dreary poem again, the poem everyone loves and no one knows what is it about.

This poem was written in 1920, and it was not meant as timeless wisdom for all times and places, but as a commentary about current events.

What were the current events?

If you lived in UK 102 years ago, there were three major issues that split the country, issues that everyone politically aware had to take a stand on.

1/ Military. Should UK negotiate with other great powers to limit armaments, or should it strive to be greatest power ever at any cost?

This is what "the Cambrian measures" of the poem mean.

If you thought that what the country needs right now are more battleships, the bigger and shinier the better, congrats, you are Kipling.

2/ Social question, especially eight hour working day.

"the Carboniferous Epoch"

If you thought that workers and miners already live high on the hog and do not need any handouts, congrats, you are Kipling.

3/ Votes for women.

"the Feminian Sandstones"

If you thought that the country has already too much democracy, congrats, you are Kipling.

Now, what happened? Did the country followed Kipling's advice?

No, it did not.

The British establishment negotiated Washington Naval Treaty, let women over age 30 vote and even gave some concessions to the working class.

Were it good choices? If instead they engaged in massive military buildup and crushed the uppity mob with iron fist, would it make Britain great again, greater than ever?

Classical Greece, Rome, India, Persia, were all spawned from Indo-European cultural, genetic, and linguistic legacy after the Bronze Age invasions.

Millenia later, time enough for psychopathic genes of original Indo-Europeans to be selected out and more pro-civilization traits emerge. Before it happened, Indo-Europeans achieved exactly zilch. Nothing "vague" about it, straight HBDIQ materialist science.

Razib is right, there is absolutely nothing to respect about continent size psycho killing spree, nothing to admire about people so stupid that cannot grok even idea of slavery.

Friends, stop the killing for a moment! Maybe if we leave the peasants alive and make them work for us, we can live well in big houses instead of huts and dugouts?



I.E studies is going to likely remain a growing area of interest in the DR. It combines genetics, history, and mythmaking in a way that fosters a positive sense of identity and aspiration

Perhaps if you aspire to be school shooter or serial killer. If you have higher ambitions, the IE "legacy" has nothing to offer you.

Their methods and their numbers are good enough for Pentagon, the unfortunate leaks showed that Pentagon uses Oryx data.

Belllingcat and Oryx are anything but "random internet people".

Yes, this - this was only and sufficient point given on Less Wrong (or other rationalist space, do not remember after such long time) as reason for supporting Trump.

From rationalist perspective, avoiding raising the probability of escalation all the way into Global Thermonuclear War even by few decimal points beats any bad things Trump ever did or was expected to do at the time.

For more context, the Florida law is reaction to charming antics of group called "Goyim Defense League".



(we all know most such groups in the past were found to be thick with feds, but this is not a reason to look suspiciously at these brave patriots)

The vast majority of 'dating advice' young men are given (by the mainstream liberal feminist zeitgeist) is absoluting terrible and only land them in situations like this if they follow through with it.

What "dating advice" outside of porn movies tells young men to introduce themselves: "Hello sweetie. Wanna fuck?"

doesn't that make US the bad guys?

Wrong question. Ask: Were US good or bad players of the great game?

Look at the game board. At the beginning of session, there were seven players. At the end, only two were left.

The Red player who held one sixth of the board at the start, succesfully defended himself and was able to snatch few more squares.

While the Blue player beat and outmaneuevered all others and owned or controlled everything else.

Some people who are never satisfied might bitch that Blue victory should be even more lopsided, that if Blue optimized his play to perfection he might prevent the Red from taking the few squares he gained.