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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

I think that in light of the existence of the judiciary branch, which is pretty much exclusively staffed by such, lawyers holding elected office in the other two branches runs contrary to the notion of checks and balances.

From personal observations: a humongous portion of 3, with a greater opportunity cost bringing men down (comparative attractiveness of a runner’s physique between the sexes and the sheer suck of running with extra muscle mass if you also lift).

For comparison, look at high level chess.

The goats that people fuck live after them; the math is oft interred with their bones.

Most of said capita are either not Ashkenazi or economically unproductive Haredi.

The Zulu were a faction in 3.

Trivial Tuesday?

Valhallleluja. Consumerism always wins.

I’m holding out for Hangman.

You won’t know until you put in the work.

Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs were very good. Hannibal - not so much.

Edit: physical books specifically.

Was his friend also a bovine by any chance?

Gym cardio - random Antti Martikainen album

Cardio outdoors - Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden.”

Gym lifting - Iron Maiden from 82-93, Black Sabbath, Dio, Sabaton

Where do you live?

To gorge? :p

You’d be surprised at how much recruiters are happy to overlook if you don’t announce it and your ASVAB is nearly maxed.

Replied at the wrong level, sorry.

I have fond memories of the SNES emulator version. There’s a recentish remake on Steam, but I heard it’s heavy on fan service. The core gameplay and soundtrack should be great regardless.

Have you ever played Langrisser 2? It’s the natural companion to those TRPGs.

Says so right in the last name.

Pest Threads is pretty much that.

Praetor Rykard, is that you?

This is great! Thanks for sharing.

You’re smuggling in the assumption that it’s symmetric in the first place. Model as a directed graph imo.

Having read all but Whirlwind - it’s all pretty good at least, though the posthumously published Gaijin suffers from awful proofreading.
