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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

TIL that Goatse killed Gandhi, and we know all too well that Marat was slain by Tubgirl.

I don’t know who assassinated Pupienus, but there’s probably a fitting meme somewhere…

He’s a solid 300 years before anything discussed in detail by Gibbon.

English is much less conducive to good lyrics in the first place. Weird Al Yankovic is the only example that comes to mind (but he sometimes does a fantastic job): https://youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg&pp=ygUOYW1pc2ggcGFyYWRpc2U%3D


At some point in the past, iirc in a discussion of LibsOfTiktok, I wrote that you can be counted upon to investigate only in the political direction that doesn’t threaten your daily kibble. I was wrong and you have my apology.

Why are dandelions so prevalent in cities, in absolute terms as well as in comparison to other weeds?

They’re the surest way to save the bipolar bears.

This would be the literal manifestation of “If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.” Human descendants who develop such technology would have changed enough in the intermediate steps to no longer be the same species.

In a very old instance of nominative determinism, apparently there is a former world champion of correspondence chess with the surname Sloth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B8rn_Sloth

Given your constraints, Coeur D’Alene or its suburbs would be excellent (with international groceries, cultural stuff, and a major airport fairly close by in Spokane when you want them).

Lesbos, obviously.

Zoom in a little. Muslim immigrants are not homogeneous. Persians might well be a net positive for their host countries. Pakistanis, in the aggregate, very much aren’t. Most other nationalities fall somewhere in between.

Solzhenitsyn made it, somehow.

Dragons. Smaug napping on his heap of gold comes to mind.

Praetor Rykard, is that you?

But can you be trusted on this subject in light of your heritage?

According to Wiki, he lost his legs while serving in the US military in Afghanistan in 2010, and then volunteered in Israel (presumably not in a combat capacity) several years later. It’s not a good look, but he at least has dual loyalty!

Shape the patty into a calf (bonus points if it contains veal) and color it golden with turmeric, then worship it.

Pest Threads is pretty much that.

Fantastic nature, small enough to avoid soul-crushing traffic, comparatively sane government, and freedom to homeschool with decent private options if you’re not into that.

If I could tolerate remote work, it would be my top choice in the US.

Is there a term for the joining of two phrases or expressions with the last word of the first phrase starting the second phrase? For example:

Mobius strip club

Augean stable genius

“esprit de corpse” is an excellent typo. Almost up there with “locust of control.”

Probably the absence of low-flow design downstream of environmental regulations.

Haley is the same old establishment. Ramaswamy bugs me on some level. De Santis would be preferable if he were not a lawyer.

Most of said capita are either not Ashkenazi or economically unproductive Haredi.

What’s wrong with captions?