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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

It's all fun and games until someone decides they're a Baneling instead.

Are there even enough Asian prisoners to form a prison gang outside Hawaii?


(The bleeped version is way better, but this one is mine)

Out of curiosity, did you expect the warmup to be addressed with something like:

Compare two middlemost entries; the max lies in the half of the array containing the greater of the two. Return this half of the array. Repeat until the remaining array has length 1 (with the max entry guaranteed).

Or is there a better way? Conversely, suppose the interviewee does the obvious thing and compares consecutive pairs until a decreasing pair is found. Would they have any chance of getting hired?

From the pro-HBD side: Please clarify where you want the historical starting point for this uniformity. If it's far enough back, I'd expect that such differences would gradually evolve.

Japan culturally appropriated it as Vinland Saga.

Somewhere downthread, Kanye West was said to have written some of the best wordplay of the past few decades. Could anyone cite some examples? (ideally text rather than video links)

Vermont and Maine are ~95% white. Their state prison populations are overwhelmingly white. It's not reasonable to infer that the same political preferences follow for the nationwide prison population.

Then at least one of three possibilities must hold true:

  1. The interviewed population was far broader than Vermont and Maine state prisoners.

  2. Serious cherry-picking of interviewees took place.

  3. Vermont and/or Maine have diversity quotas for their prisoner population; gangs of New England slavers roam the country to fill said quotas.

Seriously, I have a hard time picturing any state except maybe Alaska with that kind of minority breakdown in its prison population.

Crazy Train or Rainbow in the Dark, or are these too far into metal territory?

If you go by awards, start with NK Jemisin; I can’t speak for the content, but the style is an unhappy marriage of a spellchecked Eye of Argon and concatenated Bulwer-Lytton contest entries.

That said, there is plenty of good fiction out there. It’s just not pulling awards anymore.

How would you rate it relative to Arcane?

Edit: 3 episodes in. Excellent so far except the very jarring soundtrack.

The girl carries the zombie fungus. There’s a second major reason that’d spoil the story. It is more than adequately justified.

Take some kind of meds for sleep and play something mellow in the background (Bach solo keyboard stuff is ideal imo).

She’s infected but uniquely nearly asymptomatic.

Yep. It’s actually well written, as zombie stories go. Probably worth playing if you have the right console.

You must be able to squat (barbell, set of five, with good form) the weight of your salary in single dollar bills.

Meta question: are subthreads disappearing without a trace, or am I losing my mind? I could have sworn that there was a thread here on Jewish power with an eloquent effortpost by Ilforte about a day ago.

Exosquad, which was western animation.

The crisis of the third century, featuring Pupienus, would like to have a word with you.

If all of your neighbors are tolerable, stay.

Seconding homeschooling. If you can teach them the Art of Problem Solving curriculum, awesome. If not, you might get some mileage out of it yourself.

If the school is not huge, there is minimal coordination above Calc 2 so it’s mostly run to the instructor’s taste. Instructors vary a lot.

Japan, literally.

Somewhere downthread, or perhaps last week, conversion therapy was described as akin to the Ludovico treatment from A Clockwork Orange. Let's say that this assessment is plausible. Why hasn't an effective version been developed for some (not necessarily gay male) sexual preferences? Surely there is no shortage of adults who would like to reprogram themselves but lack the means to do so.