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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



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User ID: 885

Somewhere downthread, or perhaps last week, conversion therapy was described as akin to the Ludovico treatment from A Clockwork Orange. Let's say that this assessment is plausible. Why hasn't an effective version been developed for some (not necessarily gay male) sexual preferences? Surely there is no shortage of adults who would like to reprogram themselves but lack the means to do so.

Somewhere downthread, Kanye West was said to have written some of the best wordplay of the past few decades. Could anyone cite some examples? (ideally text rather than video links)

What should I include in a CV for a software engineering internship? I'm a PhD student in pure math with little relevant work experience. Some highlights:

-Teaching (including some CS-relevant classes like linear algebra and discrete math).

-Coauthorship on several publications.

-A little programming work towards one of said publications in C and Sage, some more in C for master's thesis, a bit in Python for the current dissertation.

-Project Euler, mainly in Python with occasional pen-and-paper (285 solved currently. Almost caught up to our nybbler. Not much low-hanging fruit left.)

-Grades: mediocre undergrad in an irrelevant subject. Graduate coursework is all math and much cleaner.

-Teaching and academic awards.

Meta question: are subthreads disappearing without a trace, or am I losing my mind? I could have sworn that there was a thread here on Jewish power with an eloquent effortpost by Ilforte about a day ago.

Is there a term for the joining of two phrases or expressions with the last word of the first phrase starting the second phrase? For example:

Mobius strip club

Augean stable genius

Haley is the same old establishment. Ramaswamy bugs me on some level. De Santis would be preferable if he were not a lawyer.

That’s 1400 in the 1980s, when it was considerably more difficult.

No indexed sequences, even? Was it all category theory?

How do people with long nails wipe their butts?

Zoom in a little. Muslim immigrants are not homogeneous. Persians might well be a net positive for their host countries. Pakistanis, in the aggregate, very much aren’t. Most other nationalities fall somewhere in between.

How well do communication skills transfer across languages? I have always been impressed with Ilforte’s writing, and a few days ago, saw Anatoly Vorobey (whose Russian blog I follow - I suspect Hebrew is his strongest language, but I cannot read it) post in very precise and clear English here.

(I would not be surprised if there are many other such posters here, but I can’t read their native languages. I’m not a very effective communicator in either language, though writing verse is way easier in Russian).

That’s an argument for not discriminating against groups that have a reasonable chance of producing 100x people. As stated, it requires a heavy dose of blank slatism on top.

Why not Fallout 1/2 and Arcanum as well?

What’s wrong with captions?

Maximally offensive version: StarCraft-style base trade. They capture Mecca and/or Medina.

Slightly less contentious version: they plop down in a no-man’s land somewhere between the Donbas and the Dnieper to act as a buffer between two countries that both hate them less than they do each other.

Maximally lazy version: they capture a chunk of Cyprus. It’s close by, and if Turkey can do it, why not them?

This isn’t just Harvard. It is every American university except the ones that admit anyone with a pulse (and wouldn’t turn down the living dead if someone paid their tuition), and perhaps a smattering of religious schools. Even Caltech debased their admissions not too long ago.

The girl carries the zombie fungus. There’s a second major reason that’d spoil the story. It is more than adequately justified.

How would you rate it relative to Arcane?

Edit: 3 episodes in. Excellent so far except the very jarring soundtrack.

In a very old instance of nominative determinism, apparently there is a former world champion of correspondence chess with the surname Sloth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B8rn_Sloth

Given that there are unsupervised cattle in (some subset of?) Indian cities, what measures are people allowed to take if such a bovine behaves aggressively?

Can you please translate your Latin?

Still sounds suspect. No explicit examples worked out all semester?

Given your constraints, Coeur D’Alene or its suburbs would be excellent (with international groceries, cultural stuff, and a major airport fairly close by in Spokane when you want them).

Most of said capita are either not Ashkenazi or economically unproductive Haredi.

Have you considered enlisting instead?