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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

Can you name ten black scientists whose discoveries are used with some frequency? Say roughly at the level of David Blackwell or higher.

This is not a gotcha. I’m open to learning something.

She’s infected but uniquely nearly asymptomatic.

Is this in a location with an extremely high cost of living?

Probably the absence of low-flow design downstream of environmental regulations.

Book 5 of McCullough’s Rome series. Still lots of fun, though I am a bit bummed about Caesar’s first five years in Gaul getting skipped over. (Ditto for Sulla’s campaign against Mithridates between books 2 and 3). I guess it’s time to pick up Caesar’s own account thereof.

“esprit de corpse” is an excellent typo. Almost up there with “locust of control.”

Apparently there is now AP precalculus. Just go with the flow and make everything AP.

Have you ever played Langrisser 2? It’s the natural companion to those TRPGs.

Vermont and Maine are ~95% white. Their state prison populations are overwhelmingly white. It's not reasonable to infer that the same political preferences follow for the nationwide prison population.

Out of curiosity, did you expect the warmup to be addressed with something like:

Compare two middlemost entries; the max lies in the half of the array containing the greater of the two. Return this half of the array. Repeat until the remaining array has length 1 (with the max entry guaranteed).

Or is there a better way? Conversely, suppose the interviewee does the obvious thing and compares consecutive pairs until a decreasing pair is found. Would they have any chance of getting hired?

Why are dandelions so prevalent in cities, in absolute terms as well as in comparison to other weeds?

Praetor Rykard, is that you?


At some point in the past, iirc in a discussion of LibsOfTiktok, I wrote that you can be counted upon to investigate only in the political direction that doesn’t threaten your daily kibble. I was wrong and you have my apology.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms in English. Sixty pages in, it’s a royal pain to keep track of the names. I wonder if something like Game of Thrones is equally daunting in Mandarin. Would the names be represented by some approximation of meaning or phonetically?

I think that in light of the existence of the judiciary branch, which is pretty much exclusively staffed by such, lawyers holding elected office in the other two branches runs contrary to the notion of checks and balances.

Is daily cetirizine use significantly hazardous?

Rule by the ones with the highest StarCraft MMR?

This is untrue - or at least was ~20 years ago. I know a former Marine who is very obviously on the spectrum.

Could you include a little more background, or at least some links, in your post?

Have you read Abercrombie’s main series?

Joe Abercrombie, starting with The Blade Itself. Phenomenal characters served with a dollop of dark British humor.

I’m holding out for Hangman.

Link is not working.

Tunic looked promising.

Why give a conversion to won, of all things? Do we even have regular posters/readers residing in South Korea?