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User ID: 1175



5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 13 13:37:36 UTC







User ID: 1175

Baller shit.

Were Gojira any good?

If the consensus position on Trump in the popular imagination (and in the mainstream press) shifts from "openly white supremacist neo-Nazi authoritarian who poses a unique threat to American democracy" to "garden-variety middle-of-the-road conservative with some unusual personality traits, deep-seated flaws and no small amount of personal charm", that seems like a vibe shift worth reporting on. Not to say that such a shift has occurred, but this video suggests that it might be commencing.

“With this little baby, I can eat McDonald's free the rest of my life!” he announces. “They say there are only nine in the world, Baby. Michael Jordan's got one, too. So I can be totally tapped out, fucking broke, living on the street, and still be able to eat!”

This is the funniest thing I've seen all week.

Given that the Warren commission established that Oswald's first shot missed the car and its occupants entirely, the most likely explanation is that Oswald's first shot struck the pavement near Teague and caused a chunk of concrete to strike him in the face. In the absence of any more persuasive evidence for a second shooter (which both the Warren commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations were unable to find), that strikes me as the null hypothesis.

One thing I found amusing is that, while filming JFK, Oliver Stone filmed scenes of people firing period-appropriate rifles over the fence on the grassy knoll - but to his dismay, they hardly produced any smoke at all, forcing him to resort to smoke machines to achieve the desired effect. This obviously undermines the credibility of witness testimony reporting rifle smoke from the grassy knoll (cue the obvious jokes about Stone "blowing smoke" at the American public).

There were at least two shooters in Dallas, and enough evidence of a coverup that I'm fairly certain who to blame (Dulles, among others).

What's the evidence for a second shooter in Dallas?

JFK assassination: the proof is that the files are still sealed 100 years later, something was off there

I'm having a hard time parsing this. If you mean "the files are still sealed 100 years after the assassination", JFK was assassinated just under 61 years ago. If you mean "the files will still be sealed 100 years after the assassination", most of the files were originally planned to remain sealed until 2029. However, most of the outstanding JFK files were unsealed in June 2023. My understanding is they contained no bombshells or anything that might significantly differ from the conclusions of the Warren report.

Dramatically less justifiable than Michael Brown, very slightly more justifiable than Daniel Shaver (but only just).

This might just be one of those 'agree to disagree' things.

Yeah I think so.

Then (interestingly seems to have starred around the time Elon took over twitter) a denial that there is such a thing as cancel culture

I think you have your timeline wrong, I vividly remember having an argument with a girl in 2021 in which she insisted that cancel culture didn't exist and it was just a right-wing phantom.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you again. Saying something sufficiently ambiguous that it could reasonably be interpreted as a veiled threat or a prelude to immediate violence is an unforced error, which cannot be chalked up to mere carelessness (failing to drive defensively when not doing so has resulted in perfectly safe outcomes 99% of the time) or muscle memory (Daniel Shaver reflexively moving to pull up his trousers at exactly the wrong moment). The police officers shouldn't have shot Massey and I won't lose any sleep if they're indicted or go to prison for a long stretch, but I'm not going to pretend that Massey's bizarre decision to make a weird and ambiguous comment like that wasn't a contributing factor to her getting shot, albeit a minor one.

Foolish in the sense that a motorcyclist who doesn't anticipate a car cutting him off is foolish, sure.

Well, no. If I was walking down the street and a weird guy approached me and said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ", that absolutely would be a red flag to me, and I would make moves to get away from him as soon as possible. It's a weird thing to say which absolutely could sound like a prelude to violence if you don't know the speaker. The difference in this case is that the cops were holding all the cards: they're armed, she's in a nightie; they're big and beefy, she's a tiny woman.

If anyone ever finds themselves in a confrontation with cops, the best advice is: move as little as possible, speak when spoken to, use small words. Treat them like an easily spooked animal.

This is very sensible advice in the US. I would greatly prefer if following this advice was unnecessary (and am very grateful to live in a country in which it is not), but that's the way it goes.

Let's just say that if I can keep calm, respectful, cooperative, and stationary with a cop while tripping balls on several psychedelic substances at once in the middle of a crime scene I am culpable in

I feel like this is an anecdote worth sharing in full.

Actually this was the first time I'd ever heard the phrase used before.

Based on the distance between Massey and the cops, I'm sceptical. Sure, in principle she could have closed the distance between them in a matter of seconds, but without splashing the contents of the pot all over herself? I very much doubt it.

Although I agree with several commenters below that I think the cops dramatically overreacted to a perceived threat which was, in the scheme of things, rather minor, and won't be losing any sleep if they're indicted for murder, I will say one thing in criticism of Massey: even if intended in jest, saying something like "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ" while holding a pot of scalding water is a very foolish thing to say to two police officers who know essentially nothing about you.

My girlfriend's immediate response was "it was staged" and refusing to elaborate further. Likewise a lefty friend of mine.

Of course, my point is that no one here thinks that someone should lose their job because of tweeting something like that, even though it violates the "condoning violence" clause outlined above.

If you're interested, the duo also had a sketch comedy TV series called That Mitchell and Webb Look which is often diverting, and starred in a sitcom called Peep Show which is on a whole other level of cringe comedy.

No man with a nasal voice like that will ever be a Chad in my eyes. Slow down and drop an octave, then we can talk.

In October, Ireland was aflame with the story of a photogenic tech employee who incautiously criticised Israel on her personal account and expressed support for the Palestinian cause - seemingly unaware that her employer, Wix, is an Israeli company. They promptly decided to part ways with her. I was curious what had come of the story since and it's currently going through the Workplace Relations Commission - if her complaint is upheld, she stands to make up to €80k in lost earnings.

This article provides two examples of public figures or bodies implicitly promoting violence against Trump during his first term. It also touches on the rather creepy social media trend that developed after the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade, in which the justices' home addresses were shared on social media with the obvious purpose of prompting some crazy person with nothing to lose to go there and murder them (which one guy indeed tried to do). So yeah, I think promoting violence against Trump and people allied with him was a totally normal thing in American left-liberal circles throughout his first term.

Having said all that “too bad the shooter missed” isn’t political, it’s condoning violence.

Seems like this principle could be stretched arbitrarily far. "I support Israel and hope they are able to achieve their military objectives in Gaza in a timely fashion" is also condoning violence.

People said the same thing about Mike Pence's appointment.