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joined 2022 September 13 13:37:36 UTC



User ID: 1175



5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 13 13:37:36 UTC







User ID: 1175

Agreed on both counts.

To be fair, he could well have changed his mind in the intervening two years.

the stronger one gets the backlash because they are the ones committing the attrocities.

I find the use of the definite article here fascinating.

Speaking as a guy who's had sex with my fair share of women who were pleasantly tipsy at the time, I can assure you and Tyre_Inflator that I'm not advocating for a situation in which any man who's had sex with a woman who's had so much as a mouthful of sherry can be hauled off to jail at the drop of a hat. But I think it's intuitively obvious to essentially any sensible person when a woman is too drunk to give meaningful consent. If a woman is so drunk you have to practically carry her home from the bar, you know damn well you shouldn't be having sex with her - don't play dumb.

And if a girl is so drunk that she's drifting in and out of consciousness, how can she consent?

God damn, those boys do not miss.


DNI disagrees with you

Is it possible this website is out of date? I note that its list of "Notable Attacks" committed by Hamas stops at April 2022 and doesn't mention October 7th.

Thanks for the shout out, it's 1 L FYI.

I've been playing Resident Evil 7 on and off for a few weeks. I like it and think it lives up to the hype.

As a child, my favourite video game was Oni, an unofficial Western adaptation of Ghost in the Shell from the studio behind Halo. I played it from start to finish numerous times, and periodically I think to myself "you know, I should play Oni again and see if it's as good as I remember". Last night I had such an inkling, and it only took me until the end of the first mission before I was like "man, this controls like shit." I don't know if it's some kind of compatibility issue caused by playing it on Windows 11, but some of the control scheme decisions seem frankly baffling in retrospect. Whoever's idea it was to sprint by tapping W twice should have been fired on the spot. At least the soundtrack holds up, as memorably sampled in this breakbeat track.

In the interests of stirring the pot, I'll link to this person's attempt at a fisking of the WPATH files, pointing out examples of factual inaccuracies, things taken out of context or similar. Without having read the WPATH files I can't speak as to whether their characterisation is accurate.

This seems like a conversation where the correct course of action is very heavily dependent on jurisdiction. I'm under the impression that legal protections for doctor-patient confidentiality are much more robust where I live than you.

I was only talking about doctors, not mechanics or lawyers. I appreciate that there are good reasons not to be perfectly candid to a mechanic or lawyer, even though I think actively lying to them is generally not in one's best interests.

In general, I think the advantages of being candid with a doctor (candid in the sense of providing the whole truth to all questions asked, not in the sense of volunteering information of one's own accord) outweigh the risks. How many patients' medical records are subpoenaed, leaked etc. in a typical calendar year? How does that compare to the number of people who die every year because they knowingly gave their doctor an inaccurate impression of their health and/or lifestyle, and as a result their cancer went untreated for months longer than it could have been had they been forthcoming?


Mind my asking what it was about? Or DM me if you don't feel comfortable saying it for an audience.

See also my comment about changes to the legal status of weed since 2019.

I think I played Consulting Detective once. I was playing it with a group of non-native English speakers of vastly varying levels of spoken English, which made it rather confusing.

Is Hanania a Red or a Blue?

Almost positive he's a Red. He unabashedly endorses HBD, he's an outspoken critic of wokeness, wants to repeal the civil rights act of 1964, he recently published an article arguing that average female intelligence is lower than average male intelligence, has little sympathy for the Palestinian cause and thinks Israel should crush any hope of Palestinian independence, was outed as having routinely used ethnic slurs before writing under his own name etc.

Lol fair

Correct, thanks.

At one time our office was looking for a motto that defined our philosophy. Someone joked that it should be: “Doesn’t everyone deserve an eleventh chance?”


That's the one, thanks so much!

High Fidelity is an entire novel dedicated to navigating this specific male insecurity. It's absolutely hilarious and you'll have the whole thing read in a day or two.

Haven't seen it, but Freddie deBoer wrote an article on it https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/the-curse-as-nathan-fielders-penance

I agreed with the general thrust of your original post.