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joined 2022 September 05 00:24:36 UTC


User ID: 298



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User ID: 298

Then you find out that running A B C, each comes with its own A's B's, and C's and then they recurse forever. You just pray this is the last time you run random terminal commands from StackOverflow and this time it will work.

After programming for long enough, you get really good at installing software and fixing build errors.

chicken feet

I had these earlier this year at a Korean place. Mine had a kind of spicy barbecue sauce. They're not bad, just a lot of work. Something to share as an appetizer maybe. They're uncannily like miniature human hands.

Shustek: Let’s take a short diversion here. The Arpanet that you had worked on eventually becomes the Internet and the World Wide Web and is obviously something that’s changing all of our lives. I think I remember correctly reading that you politically tend toward libertarianism, the idea that small government is best. Yet all of this early networking work with ARPA was funded by the government. Do you think in retrospect that that’s a proper role for government? Should they have done that and if they didn’t would anyone else have done that?

Metcalfe: No, I think they should have. I think one of the few things government should do is finance research. I have learned, from many years, that the only companies that can afford to do research are monopolies. Real companies can’t afford to do research other than monopolies. There’s some famous ones, like the telephone monopoly, [AT&T] Bell Labs; the computer monopoly, [IBM] Watson Labs; the copier monopoly, Xerox PARC. And on it goes. In retrospect, the monopolies aren’t worth it for the research they do. It’s nauseating how much we hear about how cool Bell Labs is, or was. But other than the transistor, UNIX, and the Princess telephone, what did we get for all that money? And then for years AT&T as a monopoly sat on innovation, and IBM after that, and Xerox after that. It’s just not worth it.


That drove me nuts when I played paranoia, since the more you roll, the more 5% chances you have to have something horrible happening to you. It makes you never want to do anything, since even opening an (untrapped) door can be hazardous.

What is it with old books and these interminable beginnings? It doesn't take that long to set the scene.

Dostoevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov, which was published as a serial in The Russian Messenger from January 1879 to November 1880.

I do not believe that these are unrelated.

TF2, same as always

I want to see an oil-refinery sim. Like factorio but with capitalism. And you have to tune the control system so that nothing explodes. I know sim-refinery was prototyped, but it never got released.

The long tail of consequences from the McDonnel-Douglas merger.