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joined 2022 September 20 23:32:06 UTC


User ID: 1277



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User ID: 1277

At small rural schools, there's often not much else more interesting to do than athletics and AP classes, and classes are small enough for teachers to actually teach the material. Unless there's a "real" ambient culture of thinking learning is dumb and for poofters (seeing a black guy on TV occasionally doesn't count), so you don't see as much segregation of academic performance, athletics, and popularity.

Way back in the day, when I was first trying to date as a young adult in my college town, I ran into a woman who was nominally part of the "geek/nerd/gamer" subculture of the early 2010s (read: she preyed on geek/nerd/gamer men). She was abusive, manipulative, and a pathological liar. She also used all the progressive feminist lingo of the time. At me. A lot. Because she knew enough about my subculture to know the words that would particularly hurt me and isolate me. The same language that I saw wielded by other women with slightly less-conscious malice, but I still saw as them shitting on their captive audience, because most of their friends were geeky/nerdy/gamer men who would tolerate being shat on. I remember a few months where every woman I tried striking up a conversation with would immediately start talking about rape on college campuses at frat parties, despite our college not having frats, extravagant house parties, or whatever the fuck "greek life" is, and both of us being introverted shut-ins who watched anime.

When I was designated-driver-ing and dropping off the gang at the end of the night, the last person in my car for me to drive home was a short, pear-shaped girl with dark hair who I had wanted to talk to more, but apparently one of my male friends had invited her out for his own reasons, AND she turned out to still be hung up on some third dude, so neither of us got anywhere with her. But I didn't want to drive silently, I remembered she was Supernatural fangirl, I knew OF it, I tried asking her favorite episode.

Her response:

"Please don't rape me."

I had minimal interest in politics way back when beyond "Republicans=Religion, Me=Fedora-tipping Atheist," but I kept noticing that ever since I managed to get out of having to go to CDC, the people who were getting pissy and censorious and kept "won't someone please think of the children"ing me were always Liberal Feminists, and then moved on to being Anti-Racists, and later NB-Queer/Trans-Allies. Noticing that every day I was being entreated to have more and more empathy for whatever group at the time was demanding something (and less and less for myself); Women who wanted to work in "tech" but didn't like computers, women who had transitioned to being (homosexual) men whom actual homosexual men wouldn't date, women and black people and genderqueers who wanted to play Magic the Gathering but didn't feel represented despite the game having all of those things featuring prominently in it since 2002. I remember the first time I was actually called a Straight White Male, in real life. I chortled, and said "Go back to the dumb part of the internet, and take your lingo with you."

Almost ten years later, I'm watching The Imitation Game with a woman I've been casually seeing for a few weeks. I make the mistake of saying "Ah, and here we see Kiera Knightly, yet again reprising her role as a Modern Woman trapped in a Period Piece."

(Which isn't even much of a crack against Miss Swan herself, more gentle ribbing. She was a bounty hunter that one time, after all. It's a similar joke to how DiCaprio's roles have progressed from Ambitious Young Man Torn Between Loyalty and Ambition, to Ambitious Man Undone By His Ambition, to Ambitious no-longer-young-Man Living In The Ruins Of His Life [That His Own Ambitions Ruined].)

This got me a talking-to, about how it was less than a hundred years ago that women were finally allowed to vote, how dare I make light of such an important historical figure. I responded with "And less than 50 years ago, black people couldn't vote. And before 1776, no one could vote, no matter what genitals they had or what color they were. History was shit for everyone until very, very recently."

It eventually devolved into her blaming me for her younger sister not being allowed to wear bellyshirts at school, at which point I said "I should go" and Shep'd out.

What's onerous/dangerous in relationships are people who are infected with an ideological memeplex, or people who have sold out to an ideology; the first type will constantly be mentally coughing on you, the 2nd type will walk on you without a second thought if it advances them up the ranks. It's not about getting along despite having "different politics," it's about having enough self-awareness to notice there's a person across from you instead of a collection of labels, some of which you're allowed (encouraged, actually) to shit on.

When I've expressed my own equivalent frustrations about politics to women I'm intimate with or want to be intimate with,

  1. I typically don't.

  2. I phrase it in the context of concrete events that happened to me, so I'm telling personal anecdotes that inform the person I am today.

  3. I use my own fucking words, and typically it's mildly entertaining so long as I'm brief.

Also, an addendum regarding Wokefishing: No, the guy who pretended to be feminist wasn't secretly an alt-right fascist the whole time. He was secretly a NOTHING the whole time, you tard. The only people who can so perfectly comport themselves on-demand into what you want in a partner are empty, predatory husks looking to briefly fill themselves (by filling you).

Could I ask you to name some names regarding what's popular with the woke?

In my last brush with the New Orthodox Woke during the start of the pandemic, the stuff being pushed was Infinite Jest, Waiting for Godot, Blue Velvet, and anything Southern if it was to do with a black person, ideally a black person who had been lynched. Also, they keep saying they love D&D, but then refuse to play because the setting contains racial prejudice.

haven't seen the Buffalo shooting posts you're talking about but Kiwi Farms routinely mocks mass shooters. One of their own users (and also Encyclopedia Dramatica admin) was William Atchison, a person obsessed with mass shooters his whole life to the point where he decided to shoot up a school himself - only for it to get unceremoniously stopped by a teacher blocking a classroom door with a couch, before he killed himself. He is forevermore known as "couch cuck" and ever since his death, his user page on the Farms ("FuckYou") is frequently posted on by users mocking and ridiculing him. He is memorialized in one of the comics of the site's background, which depicts him in less than flattering terms (he is stopped in the bathroom by a couch with arms and is dunked into the toilet). Obviously that's an exception because he was one of their own, but in general mass shootings (and fedposting activities in general) are treated as not cool and something only braindead idiots do.

You know, that'd be a really, really good story to be plastered all over the MSM for discouraging school shooters.

I'm increasingly in favor of KiwiFarms. It's like an endangered species, but one of those that's kind of ugly and annoying, like a Yodeling SkunkSnail. Just because something's annoying doesn't mean you can pave over it's swamp to make a strip mall parking lot.

I used to hear it a lot, enough to consider it a symptom of profound memetic infection, and to distance myself from the people who say it.

KF isn't so much Red as a holdout of the old, irreverent internet culture. While I don't actually LIKE KF, I was glad that things like it exist. I didn't hate Tumblr, I thought it was funny until I saw the same stuff in my Facebook feed from real people I knew in real life.

If we're going to talk about Red vs Blue, In a sense the entire Blue Checkmark Cancellation Machine is just KF, but distributed among a mob that gets to feel On The Right Side Of History, and that actually does make an effort to hurt people in real life.

I mean, corporations are generally not in the business of making frivolous expenditures.

Corporations are big enough that they have a heavy parasite load.